Meeting of Friday 3 December 1926

Location: Glasgow

Chair: Gibson, George Alexander

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor: "On the concept of frequency of light", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Dougall, John: "Difference equations and asymptotic expansions", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Miller, A H: "Two models for teaching solid geometry in schools (with demonstrations), [Not printed in an EMS publication]
MacRobert, Thomas Murray: "On some Legendre function formulae", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}

Arneil, I R
Brown, George
Carmichael, J
Goldie, A H R
Guthrie, W G
Inglis, Alex
Macdonald, G E
McColl, M C
McGregor, L
Meiklejohn, E J
Merrill, A S
Sheppard, W F
Thomson, George
Younger, J M

Baker, Henry Frederick (Honorary)
Birkhoff, George David (Honorary)

The treasurer's report for the session 1925-1926 was presented at this meeting by the secretary.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1925-26