Meeting of Friday 4 November 1927

Location: Mathematical Institute, Edinburgh University

Chair: Turnbull, Herbert Westren

Wolff, C E: "Note on numerical integration", [Proceedings, Vol. I, Series 2]
Ferrar, W L: "A critical study of generalised derivatives and integrals", [Not printed in an EMS publication] {Communicated by Edward Thomas Copson}
Weatherburn, C E: "Some properties of a family of curves on a surface", [Proceedings, Vol. I, Series 2] {Read by title}
Mitra, S C: "On the zeros of the confluent hypergeometric function", [Not printed in an EMS publication, but a handwritten copy exists in the EMS archives (Correspondende 1927-32)] {Read by title}
Copson, Edward Thomson: "On Hardy's theory of m-functions", [Proceedings, Vol. I, Series 2] {Read by title}

Financial report:
Capital account: £7/17/1
Cash account: £2/14/1
Invested Capital: £400 in 5% Government War Stock

President: Saddler, William
Vice-President: Arthur, William
Honorary Secretary: Copson, Edward Thomas
Honorary Treasurer: Lockhart, J B

Editor of Proceedings: Turnbull, Herbert Westren

Editor of Notes: Aitken, Alexander Craig

Miss L McGregor
Eastwood, George Samuel
Hyslop, James
MacRobert, Thomas M
Milne, Archibald
Weatherhead, K K
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

Auditors for the Treasurer's accounts:
Aitken, Alexander Craig
Whittaker, John Macnaughten

On behalf of the society, Professor Turnbull congratulated Dr MacRobert on his election to the chair of mathematics in Glasgow University.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1927-28