Meeting of Friday 7 December 1928

Location: Mathematical Classroom, Glasgow University

Chair: Arthur, William

Robb, R A: "Lecture on the mathematics of business statistics", [Not printed in an EMS publication]

Kerrich, J E

In his lecture, Mr Robb discussed the application of the methods of the calculus of observations to the problem of predicting the rise or fall of the prices of stocks and shares and various other articles of considerable importance to the business man. He pointed out that, in U.S.A., from which he had just returned, considerable importance is attached to work of this type.
A short discussion followed, in which A C Aitken, W Arthur and E T Copson took part.

The meeting began at 6.30 p.m. and adjourned at 7.45 pm.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1928-29