Meeting of Friday 2 November 1928

Location: Mathematical Institute, Edinburgh University

Chair: MacRobert, Thomas M

Whittaker, Edmund Taylor: "Recurrence formulae in the theory of the equations of mathematical physics", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Aitken, Alexander Craig: "The numerical solution of algebraic equations" , [Not printed in an EMS publication]

Risdon, G W

Financial report:
Cash account: £4/12/8

The treasurer remarked that he had only been able to produce such a credit balance by reason of the exceptionally large income from sale of publications.

President: Arthur, William
Vice-President: Copson, Edward Thomas
Honorary Secretary: Copson, Edward Thomas
Honorary Treasurer: Lockhart, J B
Honorary Librarian: Gibb, David

Editors of Proceedings:
Turnbull, Herbert Westren
Saddler, William

Editor of Mathematical Notes:
Arthur, William

McGregor, L
Aitken, Alexander Craig
Black, T P
Eastwood, George Samuel
Hyslop, James
MacRobert, Thomas Murray
Weatherhead, K K
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

Auditors of the Treasurer's accounts:
Ruse, H S
Whittaker, John Macnaughten

The meeting began at 7.5 p.m. and adjourned at 8.40 pm.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1928-29