Meeting of Friday 6 December 1929

Location: Mathematical Classroom, Glasgow University

Chair: Steggall, John Edward Aloysius

MacRobert, Thomas Murray: "A formula for the product of two hypergeometric functions", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Aitken, Alexander Craig: "On Charlier's new form of the frequency function", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Stokes, George D C: "Note on Hero's formula", [Could possibly be his paper "A geometrical proof for Hero's formula", printed in the Mathematical Notes no 25, January 1930]
Dougall, John: "An extension of Clifford's chain of circles", [Mathematical Notes no 26, October 1930]

Mursi-Ahmed, M
Prasad, B N
Wilson, R

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1929-30