Meeting of Friday 6 March 1931

Location: Mathematical Classroom, Glasgow University

Chair: Copson, Edward Thomas

MacRobert, Thomas Murray: "Notes on Fourier Integrals", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Robb, R A: "Note on Charlier's Type A curve", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Hyslop, James: "Notes on the Stieltjes integral", [Not printed in an EMS publication] {Read by title}
Rutter, Dryden: "The polar properties of the trinodal quartic curve", [Not printed in an EMS publication] {Read by title}

Rutter, Dryden

The president gave notice on behalf of the committee that the proposed new set of rules would be discussed at the next meeting, with the exception of rules 10-14. Consideration of the latter (or rules substituted for them) would be deferred until a later date.

The meeting began at 6.30 p.m. and closed at 7.45 p.m.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1930-31