Meeting of Friday 1 May 1931

Location: Mathematical Institute, Edinburgh University

Chair: Copson, Edward Thomas

Etherington, I M H: "On errors in determinants", [Proceedings, Vol. III, Series 2]
McCrea, W H: "Operational proofs of some identities", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Kermack, W O; McCrea, W H: "On Whittaker's method of solution of differential equations by definite integrals, Part II", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}

Bell, Archibald

The proposed new rules were discussed and voted upon.

The following changes were made:
Rule 3: "Candidates for admission as Ordinary or as Honorary Members" was altered to "Candidates for admission as Ordinary Members, and persons proposed for election as Honorary Members, ...", at the suggestion of W J Sheppard.

Rule 4: The word "normally" was inserted, making it read "Ordinary meetings shall normally be held..."

Rule 15: The words "being given" were inserted, making it read "... without notice being given at the preceding ordinary meeting".

The following proposed changes were rejected:

Rule 4: The first sentence should be substituted by "There shall be at least five ordinary meetings in the academical year: the arrangement for these meetings shall be made by the Committee", suggested by Dr W J Sheppard

Rule 9: "It shall be the duty of the Librarian to compile a catalogue, which may be printed or typewritten, and a supplement when necessary. Copies shall be issued free to members or offered for sale according to the state of the Society's funds", suggested by Mr James Mitchell

The remaining rules, with the exception of rules 10-14, were agreed to. The president announced that the consideration of these should be deferred to a later date.

The meeting closed at 7.50 p.m.

Go to the facsimile version of this meeting

Index of summaries for meetings in 1930-31