Meeting of Friday 7 November 1930

Location: Mathematical Institute, Edinburgh University

Chair: Aitken, Alexander Craig

Horsburgh, Ellice Martin: "Early instruments in navigation and surveying", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Wilson, R: "Quadratic equations in a cyclic number system", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}
McCrea, W H: "A 'cubical' universe", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}
McVittie, G C: "Solution with axial symmetry of Einstein's equations of teleparallelism", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}
Sen, R N: "On the connexion between Levi-Civita's parallelism and Einstein's parallelism", [Proceedings, Vol. II, Series 2] {Read by title}

Financial report:
There had been an increase in the sales of the Proceedings, not so great as in the previous year, but much greater than normal. There was an outstanding printer's bill of about £30, so there had been a loss of this amount on the year's working.

President: Copson, Edward Thomas
Vice-President: Aitken, Alexander Craig
Honorary Secretary: Ruse, H S
Honorary Treasurer: Lockhart, J B
Honorary Librarian: Gibb, David

Editors of Proceedings:
Turnbull, Herbert Westren
Copson, Edward Thomas

Editor of Notes:
Arthur, William

Black, T P
Eastwood, George Samuel
Hyslop, James
Lidstone, G J
MacRobert, Thomas Murray
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor

Auditors of the treasurer's accounts:
McCrea, W H
Oppenheim, A

Horsburgh illustrated his lecture with an exhibition of instruments and of lanternslides.

E T Copson, the president, referred to the loss sustained by the society during the past session by the death of one of its oldest members, Professor George Gibson.

The meeting began at 6.15 p.m. and closed at 8.15 p.m.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1930-31