Meeting of Friday 4 December 1931

Location: Mathematical Institute, Edinburgh University

Chair: Aitken, Alexander Craig

McCrea, W H: "James Clerk Maxwell and Peter Guthrie Tait", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Tait, J G: "Extracts from letters and other documents which passed between Maxwell and Tait", [Not printed in an EMS publication]
Walker, A G: "On small deformation of sub-spaces of a flat space", [Proceedings, Vol. III, Series 2] {Read by title}
Sheppard, W F: "Interpolation given by means of differences (Central difference notation)", [Proceedings, Vol. III, Series 2] {Read by title}
Richmond, H W: "The tritangent circles of a circular quartic curve", [Proceedings, Vol. III, Series 2] {Read by title}

Kermack, W O
Walker, A G

The secretary gave notice of a motion on behalf of the committee that the rules 10-14 (see appendix) should be added to the Constitution as revised in May 1931.

A C Aitken, the president, welcomed the guests who had honoured the society by their presence that evening, namely the Bishop of Edinburgh, Mrs Reid, Mr J G Tait and Miss Tait.
Mr McCrea gave a short account of the lives and work of Maxwell and Tait, the centenary of whose births the society was celebrating. He went on to show how the problems studied by them and the solutions they obtained were of vital importance in modern cosmical physics.

The meeting began at 6.15 p.m. and ended at 8 p.m.

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Index of summaries for meetings in 1931-32