Bernard Bolzano's publications

We list below the main publications of Bolzano's work which appeared after his death.
  1. Bernard Bolzano, Spisy Bernarda Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 1, Functionenlehre, Edited and with notes by K Rychlik. Foreword by K Petr (Královská Ceská Spolecnost Nauk, Prague, 1930).

    First publication of the Bolzano Committee. Bolzano intended Functionenlehre, written before 1834, to be part of Grössenlehre. It contains the famous Bolzano function which is continuous on an interval [a,b][a, b] but not monotonic on any subinterval. Given two points in the interval at which no derivative exists, Bolzano showed there was an point lying between them at which no derivative exists.

  2. Bernard Bolzano, Spisy Bernarda Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 2, Zahlentheorie, Edited and with notes by K Rychlik (Královská Ceská Spolecnost Nauk, Prague, 1931).

    Second publication of the Bolzano Committee. It contains part of Bolzano's manuscript entitled Zahlentheorie intended by Bolzano to be part of Grössenlehre. The part given here is Bolzano's presentation of the integers and their elementary properties.

  3. Bernard Bolzano, Spisy Bernarda Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 3, Von dem besten Staate (About the ideal state), Edited and Einführende Betrachtungen by A Kowalewski (Královská Ceská Spolecnost Nauk, Prague, 1932).

    Third publication of the Bolzano Committee. Bolzano, in this work, argues for an ideal human society based on the absolute equality of all people in the society. He argues that owning large amounts of property does not merit respect but should be viewed as possibly having been acquired through immoral and/or illegal means. Even if legally acquired, he believes, such wealth is merely the "quest of riches blessed by law". He regrets that many people have to work so hard to earn enough to feed their families that they damage their health.

  4. Bernard Bolzano, Spisy Bernarda Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 4, Der Briefwechsel B Bolzano's mit F Exner, Edited with notes and introduction by E Winter (Královská Ceská Spolecnost Nauk, Prague, 1935).

    Fourth publication of the Bolzano Committee. This contains letters between Bolzano and the philosopher Franz Exner (1802-1853).

  5. Bernard Bolzano, Spisy Bernarda Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 5, Memoires géométriques, Edited and with notes by J Vojtech (Královská Ceská Spolecnost Nauk, Prague, 1948).

    Fifth and final publication of the Bolzano Committee. The volume contains four of Bolzano's memoirs on geometry: Betrachtungen über einige Gegenstände der Elementargeometrie; Versuch einer objectiven Begründung der Lehre von den drei Dimensionen des Raumes; Die drey Probleme der Rectification, der Complanation und der Cubirung; and Über Haltung, Richtung, Krümmung und Schnörkelung bei Linien. Coxeter writes:-
    Their chief merit lies in the clear presentation of definitions, theorems, proofs, and remarks. Evidently Bolzano had no inkling of the work of his great contemporaries: Gauss, Bolyai and Lobachevsky. For him parallelism presented no problem; he regarded direction as a primitive concept.
  6. Bernard Bolzano, Paradoxes of the Infinite, Translated from the German of the posthumous edition by Dr Fr Prihonsk'y and furnished with a historical introduction by Donald A Steele (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1950).

    English translation of Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851), the original being edited by Franz Prihonsky.

  7. Bernard Bolzano, I paradossi dell'infinito (Italian), Traduzione dal tedesco di Carla Sborgi. Prefazione e appendice di F Volaggio. Biblioteca Scientifica Feltrinelli, No. 12 (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milan 1965).

    Italian translation of Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851), the original being edited by Franz Prihonsky. Also contains a preface and appendix entitled La problematica logico-filosofica di Bolzano by F Voltaggio.

  8. Bernhard Bolzano, Anti-Euklid (Czech), Edited by Kazimír Večerka, Acta Hist. Rerum Natur. Nec Non Tech. 11 (1967), 203-216.

    Vecerka writes:-
    In the national library in Vienna there are nine folios ... written by Bolzano himself; the first of these has the title 'Anti-Euclid'. The text is published here for the first time. E Winter conjectured (in 1933) - without proof - that these folios constitute meagre fragments of Bolzano's work 'Anti-Euclid' which - according to Bolzano's own report - was lost (it is perhaps possible that the lost 'Anti-Euclid' was written "according to such a detailed plan"), and that this work contained the concept of non-Euclidean geometry. The available text contains only ideas concerning the reform and improvement of Euclidean geometry.
  9. Bernard Bolzano, Ein Lebensbild (German), Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe, Herausgegeben von Eduard Winter, Jan Berg, Friedrich Kambartel, Bob van Rootselaar. Einleitungsband. Erster Teil: Biographie (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1969).

    This is the first volume of the new series (which is still being produced) of Bernard Bolzano- Gesamtausgabe. This volume contains a biography of Bolzano together with details of the topics on which he worked: mathematics, logic, theology, philosophy and aesthetics.

  10. Bernard Bolzano, Bolzano's corrections to his Functionenlehre, Edited by Bob van Rootselaar, Janus 56 (1969), 1-21.

    This manuscript by Bolzano attempts to correct certain errors in Functionenlehre of which Bolzano had become aware.

  11. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe: Einleitung. Band 2 Abteilung I (German), Bolzano-Bibliographie und Editionsprinzipien der Gesamtausgabe. Herausgegeben von Eduard Winter, Jan Berg, Friedrich Kambartel, Jaromir Louzil, Bob van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1972).

    Second volume of Bernard Bolzano- Gesamtausgabe. Contains a catalogue of Bolzano's manuscripts together with a bibliography of all works by Bolzano published in any language up to March 1971 and literature on Bolzano.

  12. Bernard Bolzano, Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik (German), Erste Lieferung. Unveränderter reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1810. Mit einer Einleitung zum Neudruck von Hans Wussing (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1974).

    This is Bolzano's second published book of 1810. The title can be translated as Contributions to a more well-founded presentation of mathematics.

  13. Bernard Bolzano, Paradoxien des Unendlichen (German), Text herausgegeben aus dem Schriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers von Fr Prihonsk'y. Zweite Auflage (mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Register und Bibliographie neu herausgegeben von Bob von Rootselaar) des Neudrucks von 1921 (durch Alois Höfler herausgegeben mit Anmerkungen von Hans Hahn) der Auflage von 1851. Philosophische Bibliothek, Band 99 (Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1975).

    Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851) was edited by Franz Prihonsky.

  14. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II: Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften, Band 7 (German), Grössenlehre. Einleitung zur Grössenlehre und erste Begriffe der allgemeinen Grössenlehre. Herausgegeben von Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1975).

    Contains Bolzano's introduction to Grössenlehre. In this work Bolzano strives to set out the foundations and basic characteristics of mathematics. The second part of the volume contains Bolzano's manuscript Erste Begriffe der allgemeinen Grössenlehre and gives a list of definitions of mathematical concepts.

  15. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II: Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften, Band 8 (German), Grössenlehre. II. Reine Zahlenlehre. Herausgegeben von Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1976).

    Contains Bolzano's Reine Zahlenlehre (Theory of Numbers) which was written between 1820 and 1825. It concerns natural numbers and elementary properties of integers and rational numbers. The volume also contains Bolzano's theory of the real numbers. Although earlier versions of Bolzano's work on real numbers was incorrect, Berg shows here for the first time that Bolzano had realised this himself and proposed a modification which could lead to his work being correct.

  16. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher, Band 2: Miscellanea Mathematica, 1 und 2 (German), Herausgegeben von Bob van Rootselaar und Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1977).

    This volume marks the start of the publication of Bolzano's mathematical diaries. The material covered here starts in 1802 and most of it relates to Betrachtungen über einege Gegenstande der Elementargeometrie which Bolzano published in 1804. This attempts an axiomatisation of geometry. There are also entries relating to Bolzano's ideas on mechanics.

  17. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II: Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften, Band 5 (German), Mathematische und philosophische Schriften, 1810-1816. Herausgegeben von Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1977).

    Jan Berg's own summary of the contents:-
    This volume in the series of posthumous writings of the Collected works of Bernard Bolzano contains transcriptions of some early manuscripts which present his views in the 1810's on the foundations of logic, mathematics and physics. Bolzano's second book, Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik in 1810, is a general introduction to the classification and methodology of mathematics. Most manuscripts of the present volume constitute steps toward the realization of a planned sequel to that book; their contents range from an exposition of General Mathesis, supplemented by an extensive analysis of the notion of quantity, through a theory of cause and consequence, called 'aetiology', to essays on geometry and mechanics. Among the other contributions, a manuscript on the basic concepts of logic adumbrates fundamental themes in Bolzano's major work, the Wissenschaftslehre of 1837.
  18. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 12 (German), Vermischte philosophische und physikalische Schriften, 1832-1848. Teil I [Miscellaneous philosophical and physical writings, 1832-1848. Part I], Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1977).

    Items on philosophy and physics written by Bolzano between 1832 and 1848. Most of the items on philosophy relate to logic.

  19. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 12 (German), Vermischte philosophische und physikalische Schriften, 1832-1848. Teil II [Miscellaneous philosophical and physical writings, 1832-1848. Part II], Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1978).

    Mostly contains manuscripts relating to Wissenschaftslehre (1837).

  20. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 12 (German), Vermischte philosophische und physikalische Schriften, 1832-1848. Teil III [Miscellaneous philosophical and physical writings, 1832-1848. Part III], Edited by Jan Berg and Jaromír Louzil (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1978).

    Contains editions of works which were published between 1849 and 1853, after Bolzano's death, by his friends. There are two essays on philosophical questions, one on physics, and one on optical aberration.

  21. Bernard Bolzano, Grundlegung der Logik (German), [Foundations of logic] Selected paragraphs from Wissenschaftslehre, Band I und II. Second edition, Edited and with an introduction by Friedrich Kambartel. Philosophische Bibliothek [Philosophical Library] 259 (Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1978).

    The first two volumes of Bolzano's Wissenschaftslehre published in 1837 are concerned with logic. This volume publishes selected paragraphs from these original two 1837 volumes.

  22. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. (German) Miscellanea mathematica 1+2. Band 2: Part II, Edited and with a forward by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1979).

    Second volume publishing material from Bolzano's mathematical diaries. Contains his thoughts on Euclidean geometry, manipulations of series, functions and foundations of calculus, and topics in mechanics.

  23. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 17 (German), Philosophische Tagebücher, 1817-1827. [Philosophical journals, 1817-1827] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1979).

    Contains material from Bolzano's philosophical diaries written between 1817 and 1827.

  24. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 18 (German), Philosophische Tagebücher, 1827-1844. Teil II. [Philosophical journals, 1827-1844. Part II] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1979).

    Contains material from Bolzano's philosophical diaries written between 1827 and 1844. There is interesting material relating to Bolzano's Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851).

  25. Bernard Bolzano, Von der mathematischen Lehrart (German) [On the mathematical method], Als Einleitung in Bolzanos Wissenschaftslehre. [As an introduction to Bolzano's Wissenschaftslehre] Edited and with introductory material by Jan Berg, Frommanns Studientexte [Frommann's Textbooks] 1 (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1981).

    Bolzano's manuscript giving his ideas on logic and semantics which became the basis of his major publication Wissenschaftslehre which appeared in 1837.

  26. Bernard Bolzano, Bicentenary: Early mathematical works, With an introduction by Lubos Nov'y and Jaroslav Folta, Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium necnon Technicarum Special Issue 12, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 78 (Ceskoslovenské Akademie Ved (CSAV), Prague, 1981).

    Contains reprints of the following papers by Bolzano: Considerations on some points in elementary geometry (1804), Contributions to a better founded exposition of mathematics (1810), The binomial theorem (1816), Pure analytical proof of the intermediate value theorem (1817), and The three problems of curve length, surface area and volume (1817).

  27. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 16 (German), Philosophische Tagebücher, 1811-1817. Erster Teil. [Philosophical journals, 1811-1817. Part I] Edited and with a foreword by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1981).

    This contains the contents of one of Bolzano's philosophical journals written between 1811 and 1817. Among the many items are the first draft of Wissenschaftslehre, a discussion of the concept of 'definition', some ideas about space, and discussions of duty, ability, satisfaction of desires, and freedom of the human will.

  28. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Einleitungsband. Teil II. Bibliographie. Abteilung I. Supplement I (German), Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur Bolzano-Bibliographie (Stand: Ende 1981). [Addenda and corrigenda to the Bolzano bibliography (as of the end of 1981)] Edited by Jan Berg and Edgar Morscher. álgebra y Análysis, Vectorial y Tensorial [Vector and Tensor Algebra and Analysis] 4 (Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), Stuttgart, 1982).

    Additions and corrections to [11].

  29. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass. B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 3 (German), Erster Teil. Miscellanea mathematica 3, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1983).

    Notes on mathematics made by Bolzano between 1812 and 1813. Covers topics such as geometry, calculus, and mechanics frequently making philosophical commnts.

  30. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 11 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 11 Part 1] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 1-45. [Theory of science. Sections 1-45] Edited and with an introduction and a foreword by Jan Berg, With a preface by J C A Heinroth (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1985).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 1 to 45 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes to the firts draft presented here before it was eventually published seven years later.

  31. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 11 Teil 3 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 11 Part 3] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 91-120. [Theory of science. Sections 91-120] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1987).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 91 to 120 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This covers the third and fourth parts of Bolzano's theory of "ideas in themselves".

  32. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 12 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 12 Part 1] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 121-163. [Theory of science. Sections 121-163] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1987).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 121 to 163 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This covers parts one to three of Bolzano's theory of "sentences in themselves".

  33. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 11 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 11 Part 2] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 46-90. [Theory of science. Sections 46-90] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1987).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 46 to 90 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This covers the first and second parts of Bolzano's theory of "ideas in themselves".

  34. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Einleitungsband. Teil II. Bibliographie. Abteilung I. Supplement II (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Introductory volume. Part II. Bibliography. Section I. Supplement II], Ergänzungen zur Bolzano-Bibliographie (Stand: Anfang 1987) [Addenda to the Bolzano bibliography (as of the beginning of 1987)], Edited and with a preface by Jan Berg and Edgar Morscher (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1988).

    Additions and corrections to [28] which in turn added to and corrected [11]

  35. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 12 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 12 Part 2] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 164-222. [Theory of science. Sections 164-222] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1988).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 164 to 222 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This covers parts four and five on "sentences in themselves"

  36. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 12 Teil 3 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 12 Part 3], Wissenschaftslehre. 66 223-268. [Theory of science. Sections 223-268] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1988).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 223 to 268 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This volume contains the part "On inferences".

    Below are the main publications of Bolzano's work which appeared after his death.

  37. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 18 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series 1. Papers. Volume 18] Mathematisch-physikalische und philosophische Schriften 1842-1843. [Mathematical-physical and philosophical papers 1842-1843] Edited by Gottfried Gabriel, Matthias Gatzemeier and Friedrich Kambartel (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1989).

    Contains Bolzano's writings on mathematical physics and philosophy during 1842-1843. Contains Essay on an objective foundation of the theory of the composition of forces (1842); Article in which a logical question raised by Exner in his treatise 'On Nominalism and Realism' is answered (1843); A pair of comments on the new theory in Doppler's 'On colored light of double stars and some other stars of the heavens (1843); On the concept of beauty. A philosophical treatise (1843); and Essay on an objective foundation of the theory of the three dimensions of space (1843).

  38. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 3 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano. Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 3 Part 2] Miscellanea mathematica 4, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt, With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1989).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from October 1813 to May 1814. In these entries Bolzano considers geometry at both an elementary and advanced level, mechanics, and the foundation of mathematics.

  39. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 13 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano. Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 13 Part 1] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 269-306. [Theory of science. Sections 269-306] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1989).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 269 to 306 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. Included is the beginning of the third major part of Bolzano's "theory of knowledge".

  40. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 16 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 16 Part 1] Vermischte Schriften. 1839-1840 [Miscellanea. 1839-1840] Edited and with an introduction by Jaromír Louzil (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1989).

    The first of two volumes containing Bolzano's replies to criticism of his work which had appeared in various reviews. The replies were published anonymously and purported to come from Bolzano's friends although all were written by Bolzano himself.

  41. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 16 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 16 Part 2] Vermischte Schriften. 1839-1840. [Miscellanea. 1839-1840] Edited and with an introduction by Jaromír Louzil (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1989).

    The second of two volumes containing Bolzano's replies to criticism of his work which had appeared in various reviews. The replies were published anonymously and purported to come from Bolzano's friends although all were written by Bolzano himself.

  42. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 13 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 13 Part 2] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 307-348. [Theory of science. Sections 307-348] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1990).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 307 to 348 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. Included is the conclusion of the third major part of Bolzano's "theory of knowledge".

  43. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 4 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 4 Part 1] Miscellanea mathematica 5, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1990).

    This volume covers the first part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 4 March 1814 to 14 September 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre.

  44. Bernard Bolzano, Las paradojas del infinito (Spanish) [Paradoxes of the infinite], Edited and with a prologue by Fr Prihonsk'y. Translated from the German by Luis Felipe Segura. With an introduction by Jan Sebestik. Mathema (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, México, 1991).

    Spanish translation of Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851), the original being edited by Franz Prihonsky.

  45. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 4 Teil 2. (German) [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 4 Part 2] Miscellanea mathematica 6, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1991).

    This volume covers the second part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 4 March 1814 to 14 September 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre.

  46. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 13 Teil 3 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 13 Part 3] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 349-391. [Theory of science. Sections 349-391] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1992).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 349 to 391 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. This part deals with the art of discovery or invention, Bolzano's "special rules".

  47. Bernard Bolzano, Les paradoxes de l'infini (French) [Paradoxes of the infinite], Translated from the 1975 German edition and with an introduction and notes by Hourya Sinaceur (éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1993).

    French translation of Paradoxien des Unendlichen (1851), the original being edited by Franz Prihonsky.

  48. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 5 Teil 1. (German) [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 5 Part 1] Miscellanea mathematica 7, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1993).

    This volume covers the third part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 4 March 1814 to 14 September 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre.

  49. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 5 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 5 Part 2] Miscellanea mathematica 8, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1993).

    This volume covers the fourth part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 4 March 1814 to 14 September 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre.

  50. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 14 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 14 Part 1] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 392-481. [Theory of science. Sections 392-481] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1994).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 392 to 481 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. Here he considers how to write scientific textbooks.

  51. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 6 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 6 Part 1] Miscellanea mathematica 9, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1994).

    This volume covers the fifth part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 4 March 1814 to 14 September 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre.

  52. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 19, Zur Physik. I. 1827-1840 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 19, On physics. I. 1827-1840] With the collaboration of Peter Michael Schenkel. Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1995).

    This is part of Bolzano's physics diaries written between 1827 and 1847. They include a wide variety of topics (outside what we would describe as physics) including notes on plants, chemistry, and discriminants of polynomials.

  53. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 6 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 6 Part 2] Miscellanea mathematica 10, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1995).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 14 September 1814 to 29 October 1814. In these entries Bolzano comments on various mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre. In particular he has read works by Klügel, Bohnenberger, Buzengeiger, Carnot, Cavalleri, and Nürnberger.

  54. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 7 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 7 Part 1] Miscellanea mathematica 11, With an introduction by Bob van Rootselaar. Edited and with a foreword by van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1996).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 29 October 1814 to 3 January 1815. In these entries Bolzano comments on mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his Grössenlehre particularly Legendre's Eléments de géométrie.

  55. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 7 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 7 Part 2] Miscellanea Mathematica 12, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1997).

    This volume covers part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 3 January 1815 to 23 May 1815. In these entries Bolzano comments on mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his work on the binomial theorem, Der binomische Lehrsatz (1816). In particular he was reading works by Lacroix, Pfaff, and Newton.

  56. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 8 Teil 1 (German) [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 8 Part 1] Miscellanea Mathematica 13, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1998).

    This volume covers part of Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 3 January 1815 to 24 May 1815. In these entries Bolzano comments on mathematical texts he has read in preparation for writing his work on the binomial theorem, Die drey Probleme der Rectification, der Complanation und der Cubirung (1817). In particular he was reading Lagrange's Leçons sur le calcul des fonctions as well as works by Crelle, Buquoy, and Rösling.

  57. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 8 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 8 Part 2] Miscellanea Mathematica 14, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1999).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 24 May 1815 to 8 February 1816. In these entries Bolzano comments on mathematical texts he was reading, particularly works by Hobbes, Barrow, Sturm, Clairaut.

  58. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 14 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 14 Part 2] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 482-578. [Theory of science. Sections 482-578] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1999).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 482 to 578 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. In these writings he considers rules of reasoning as applied to the various sciences and the concept of mathematical proof.

  59. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 9 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 9 Part 1] Miscellanea Mathematica 15, With an introduction by Bob van Rootselaar. Edited and with a foreword by van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2000).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 8 February 1816 to 8 June 1817. Bolzano has copied out book reviews and added comments of his own. He also jots down his ongoing ideas on trigonometric series, the binomial theorem, Taylor's theorem, the mean-value theorem, and convergence of infinite series.

  60. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe I. Schriften. Band 14 Teil 3 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - collected works: Series I. Writings. Vol. 14 Part 3] Wissenschaftslehre. 66 579-718. [Theory of science. Sections 579-718] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2000).

    This is Bolzano's first draft of sections 579 to 718 of Wissenschaftslehre written in 1830 (there are over 700 sections in the whole text). He worked further making many changes before it was eventually published seven years later. Here Bolzano considers how science should be taught to students, and how it should be presented in textbooks.

  61. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass A. Nachgelassene Schriften. Band 10 Teil 1, Grössenlehre IV (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass A. Unpublished works. Vol. 10 Part 1. Theory of quantities IV] Functionenlehre. [Theory of functions] Edited, with a foreword and an introduction by Bob van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2000).

    Here Functionenlehre is published again (Karel Rychlik first published this in 1930, see [1]) together with Bolzano's additions and corrections. The editors point out that there are still errors in Bolzano's corrections.

  62. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 9 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 9 Part 2] Miscellanea Mathematica 16, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt, and an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2001).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 8 June 1817 to 7 November 1818. Bolzano has copied out book reviews and added comments of his own. In particular he makes comments on texts he was reading such as Euler's Opuscula analytic.

  63. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 10 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 10 Part 1] Miscellanea Mathematica 17, With an introduction by Bob van Rootselaar. Edited and with a foreword by van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2002).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from 7 November 1818 to October 1819. Bolzano has copied out book reviews and added comments of his own. Bolzano is investigating curves at this time and there are his calculations with the ellipse, hyperbolas conchoid, quadratrix, conic spiral, and logarithmic spiral.

  64. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 20, Zur Physik. II. 1841-1847 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 20, On physics. II. 1841-1847] Edited and with an introduction by Jan Berg (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2003).

    This is part of Bolzano's physics diaries written between 1841 and 1847. In this volume there are various studies by Bolzano on whether matter consists of atoms or whether it is infinitely divisible.

  65. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 10 Teil 2 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 10 Part 2] Miscellanea Mathematica 18, With a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 2004).

    This volume covers Bolzano's mathematical diaries from October 1819 to July 1820. Bolzano has copied out book reviews and added comments of his own. He is collecting material for his future mathematical texts and also shows a particular interest in trigonometric series.

  66. Bernard Bolzano, Bernard Bolzano - Gesamtausgabe: Reihe II. Nachlass B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher. Band 11 Teil 1 (German), [Bernard Bolzano - Collected works: Series II. Nachlass B. Scientific diaries. Vol. 11 Part 1] Miscellanea Mathematica 19, Edited and with a foreword by Bob van Rootselaar and Anna van der Lugt. With an introduction by van Rootselaar (Friedrich Frommann Verlag Günther Holzboog, Bad Cannstatt, 2005).

Last Updated May 2017