Courses taken by Franciszek Leja at the University of Lwów
Franciszek Leja attended the University of Lwów from 1904 to 1909. He kept a credit book in which courses he had completed are recorded. The book was in the possession of Józef Karol Siciak from the Jagiellonian University who wrote the article J Siciak, Franciszek Leja (1885-1979), Wiadomości Matematyczne 24 (1) (1982), 65-90.
Courses completed by Franciszek Leja at the University of Lwów.
Mathematics Courses:
Introduction to the Higher Analysis, New Geometry, Analytic Geometry, Lower Mathematical Seminar, Higher Mathematical Seminar, Selected Chapters of Number Theory, Number Theory, Theory of Errors, Theory of Algebraic Functions, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Linear Integral Equations, Exercise in Solving School Equations, Logic.
Physics and Chemistry Courses:
Experimental Physics, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Optics and the Theory of Electricity, Electricity and Magnetism, Mechanics of Elastic Bodies, Celestial Mechanics, Chapters in Physical Chemistry, Principles of Eectrochemistry, General Chemistry, General Introduction to Astronomy, Electrochemistry, Practical Exercises in the Physical Laboratory, Practical Exercises in the Chemical Laboratory.
Pedagogical, Philosophical, Philological, and Health-Related Courses:
The History of Pedagogy in the XVII century, Metaphysics, The History of Philosophy to Aristotle, The Outline of the History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Aristotle and Plato, The History of Recent Philosophy to Kant, Psychology of Education, Outline of Psychology, On Teaching Methods, Outline of Somatology and Hygiene, Infectious Diseases, Main Directions of Scientific Ethics, Issues of Free Will, On the National Education, Problems of Free Will, History of Polish Literature in the Era of the Renaissance, Methodological Introduction to the Study of Polish Literature, Geschichte Deutsche Literaturen XVIII, French Language Course.
Last Updated November 2024