Charles A Noble attends the 1907 meeting of the DMV

In 1907, Charles A Noble attended the Dresden meeting of the German Mathematical Society. He reported on this meeting in the paper The Dresden meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung published in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society in 1907. We give a short extract below:

The 1907 meeting of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung was held in Dresden, September 15-21, in conjunction with the 79th convention of the Naturforscher und Aerzte. The meeting took place in room 80 of the Technische Hochschule. In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Euler's birth a considerable number of the papers were devoted to an exposition of his services to science.

[List and description of 17 papers omitted.]

At the business meeting of the Vereinigung a committee, consisting of Professors Pringsheim, Stäckel, and Krazer, was appointed to consider ways and means looking toward the publication of Euler's works. It was hoped that a report of progress could be made at the meeting in Rome next April. Professor Klein was elected to succeed Professor Pringsheim in the Vorstand and will be chairman for the current year. Professor Krazer was continued as Secretary.

During their stay in Dresden the visiting scientists did not lack for entertainment. The evenings were socially filled as follows: Sunday, September 15th, there was an informal initial gathering in the main hall of the permanent exposition building for the purpose of renewing old acquaintanceships and forming new ones. On Monday evening the Belvedere was elaborately decorated with coloured lights in honor of the visitors. By reason of inclement weather the open air concert had to be abandoned, however, in favor of indoor entertainment. Tuesday evening the Naturforscher were the guests of the King of Saxony at a superb presentation of La Bohême at the royal opera house. Wednesday evening the visitors banqueted themselves, Thursday evening they were received at supper by the mayor of Dresden, in the main hall of the exposition building. During the entire week the city of Dresden, with its wealth of attractions, was hospitably open to the visitors, while abundant opportunity was offered to those who desired to make excursions, at reduced rates, to neighboring points of interest.

Last Updated April 2016