Emmy Noether's doctoral students
We list below doctoral students advised by Emmy Noether. For each we give a title and date for their Ph.D. and, where we have been able to find information, a brief biography.
Student: Hans Falckenberg.
Life span: 1885-1946.
Thesis title: Verzweigungen von Lösungen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen
(Ramifications of solutions of nonlinear differential equations).
Date of thesis: 16 December 1911.
University: Erlangen.
Thesis published: Leipzig, 1912.
Brief biography: Hans Falckenberg's official supervisor was Max Noether but Emmy Noether served as his advisor. Born in Jena, he was the son of the philosopher Richard Falckenberg (1851-1920) and his wife Else Pielke. His brother Karl Franz Falckenberg became a famous lawyer. Otto Richard Hans Falckenberg married Hildegard (born 1891). He had appointments at Braunschweig and Königsberg before becoming an Extraordinary Professor of Mathematics at the University of Giessen in 1922 and a full professor in 1931.
Student: Fritz Seidelmann.
Life span: (1890-?).
Thesis title: Die Gesamtheit der kubischen und biquadratischen Gleichungen mit Affekt bei beliebigem Rationalitätsbereich (Complete set of cubic and biquadratic equations with affect in an arbitrary rationality domain).
Date of thesis: 4 March 1916.
University: Erlangen.
Thesis published: Erlangen, 1916.
Brief biography: Fritz Seidelmann's official supervisor was Max Noether but Emmy Noether served as his advisor. Fritz Seidelmann was from Rosenheim. He taught at the Lehrerinnenbildungsanstalt at Erlangen from 1914. This college trained women school teachers. By the time that he was working on his thesis, Emmy was in Göttingen but she returned to her parents' home in Erlangen in the vacations to advise Seidelmann. He dedicated his thesis to Emmy Noether and was awarded the degree with distinction. He became a professor in Munich.
Student: Grete Hermann.
Life span: 1901-1984.
Thesis title: Die Frage der endlich vielen Schritte in der Theorie der Polynomideale unter Benutzung nachgelassener Sätze von Kurt Hentzelt (The question of the finite number of steps in the theory of ideals of polynomials using theorems of the late Kurt Hentzelt).
Date of thesis: 25 February 1925.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1926.
Brief biography: After the award of her doctorate, she worked at the University of Göttingen as an assistant to Leonard Nelson from 1925 to 1927. Leaving Göttingen she went to went to the University of Leipzig where she undertook important work, making significant contributions to the philosophical basis of quantum mechanics. A strong opponent of the Nazis, she was forced to leave Germany during the war and she spent time in Denmark, France and England. She returned to Germany in 1946 when she was appointed professor of philosophy and physics at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Bremen.
Student: Heinrich Grell.
Life span: 1903-1974.
Thesis title: Beziehungen zwischen den Idealen verschiedener Ringe (Relationships between the ideals of various rings).
Date of thesis: 14 July 1926.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1927.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he worked first at the University of Jena and then at the University of Halle. However, he lost his teaching licence in 1935 after being accused of acts of homosexuality. After undertaking war work, he was reinstated and appointed as a professor at the Humboldt University in 1948.
Student: Rudolf Hölzer.
Life span: 1903-1926.
Thesis title: Zur Theorie der primären Ringe (On the theory of primary rings).
Date of thesis: He died before the thesis was examined.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1927.
Brief biography: He was born on 30 September 1903, died on 2 July 1926 of tuberculosis. He wrote the paper Zur Theorie der primären Ringe which appeared in Mathematische Annalen and contains the results which would have been the main part of his thesis.
Student: Wilhelm Doräte.
Life span: Not known.
Thesis title: Über einem verallgemeinerten Gruppenbegriff (On a generalised conceptions of groups).
Date of thesis: 1927.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin 1927.
Brief biography: No information.
Student: Werner Weber.
Life span: 1906-1975.
Thesis title: .
Date of thesis: Idealtheoretische Deutung der Darstellbarkeit beliebiger natürlicher Zahlen durch quadratische Formen (Ideal-theoretic interpretation of the representability of arbitrary natural numbers by quadratic forms).
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1930.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he was an assistant to Edmund Landau but was persuaded by Oswald Teichmüller to join the Nazi Party. He was made acting director of the Mathematical Institute at Göttingen in 1930 but, in 1934, after trying to remove Helmut Hasse from the Institute he was himself forced to leave. He was then an associate professor at Heidelberg until the end of the war. After the war he was in some difficulties because of his membership of the Nazi party but he was able to obtain a position working for a publisher in Hamburg.
Student: Jakob Levitski.
Life span: 1904-1956.
Thesis title: Über vollständig reduzible Ringe und Unterringe (On completely reducible rings and subrings).
Date of thesis: 26 June 1929.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1931.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he went to the United States where he was at Yale University from 1929 to 1931. He returned to Palestine where he became a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He made important contributions to ring theory and he is remembered today for his important work. He won the Israel Prize in 1953 for his contributions to non-commuatative rings. Ring theorists today remember Levitski from terms such as the 'Levitski radical', 'Levitski's theorem' (which states that in a Noetherian ring every nil one-sided ideal is nilpotent), and the 'Hopkins-Levitski theorem' named after Charles Hopkins and Jakob Levitski both of whose papers appeared in 1939.
Student: Max Deuring.
Life span: 1907-1984.
Thesis title: Zur arithmetischen Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen (On the arithmetic theory of algebraic functions).
Date of thesis: 18 June 1930.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1932.
Brief biography: Max Deuring is an important mathematician and has a full biography in this archive.
Student: Hans Fitting.
Life span: 1906-1938.
Thesis title: Zur Theorie der Automorphismenringe Abelscher Gruppen und ihr Analogon bei nichtkommutativen Gruppen (On the theory of automorphism-rings of abelian groups and their analogs in non-commutative groups).
Date of thesis: 29 July 1931.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1933.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he worked at Göttingen, Leipzig and Königsberg where he habilitated in 1936. He made important contributions to group theory and is remembered for the 'Fitting subgroup' and 'Fitting's Lemma'. He died of bone caner at the age of 31.
Student: Ernst Witt.
Life span: 1911-1991.
Thesis title: .
Date of thesis: Riemann-Rochscher Satz und Zeta-Funktion im Hyperkomplexen (The Riemann-Roch Theorem and zeta function in hypercomplex numbers).
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1934.
Brief biography: Ernst Witt is an important mathematician and has a full biography in this archive.
Student: Chiung-chih Tsen.
Life span: 1889-1940.
Thesis title: Algebren über Funktionenkörpern (Algebras over function fields).
Date of thesis: 6 December 1933.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Göttingen, 1934.
Brief biography: When in Göttingen he was a friend of Ernst Witt and at the forefront of modern algebra. After his doctorate he went to Hamburg where he worked with Emil Artin. He was a patriot who repaid his debt to his country, accepting fellowships to go overseas and then teaching under the appalling conditions in China in 1935-1940 during the civil and world wars. He became a professor at Tianjin University, then at the Institute of Technology in Chenggu and finally at the Institute of Technology in Xichang. He is remembered for the 'Tsen-Lang theorem' which states that every finite-dimensional central division algebra over an algebraic function field in one variable over an algebraically closed field is commutative. He died of a stomach ulcer living in very bad conditions.
Student: Otto Schilling.
Life span: 1911-1973.
Thesis title: Über gewisse Beziehungen zwischen der Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlsysteme und algebraischer Zahlkörper (On certain relationships between the arithmetic of hypercomplex number systems and algebraic number fields).
Date of thesis: 1934.
University: Marburg.
Thesis published: Braunschweig, 1935.
Brief biography: After studying with Emmy Noether at Göttingen he went to Marburg and completed his thesis advised by Helmut Hasse. After postdoctoral work at Trinity College, Cambridge he went to the United States. He was at the Institute for Advanced Study, Johns Hopkins University before moving to Chicago where he eventually became a full professor. He spent the last years of his career at Purdue University. His most important work was on the theory of valuations..
Student: Werner Vorbeck.
Life span: 1909-?.
Thesis title: Nichtgaloissche Zerfällungskörper einfacher Systeme (Non-Galois splitting fields of simple systems).
Date of thesis: 1935.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: .
Brief biography: No information.
Student: Ruth Stauffer.
Life span: 1910-1993.
Thesis title: The construction of a normal basis in a separable extension field.
Date of thesis: 1935.
University: Bryn Mawr.
Thesis published: Baltimore, 1936.
Brief biography: Emmy Noether died before Stauffer's thesis was examined. Richard Brauer was the examiner. After the award of her doctorate, Stauffer taught at Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore and undertook postdoctoral work with Oscar Zariski. She taught at Miss Fine's School in Princeton before marrying George W McKee in 1937. After her children grew up she worked as an analyst for the Joint State Government Commission in Harrison.
Student: Wolfgang Wichmann.
Life span: 1912-1944.
Thesis title: Anwendungen der p-adischen Theorie im Nichtkommutativen (Applications of the p-adic theory in non-commutative algebras).
Date of thesis: 1936.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 1936.
Brief biography: In 1933, Wichmann supported a students' initiative which in vain tried to revoke Emmy Noether's dismissal by the Nazis. His thesis, his only publication, was on division algebras and was important in the work of John Tate. He died as a soldier at the Russian front in 1944.
Student: Hans Falckenberg.
Life span: 1885-1946.
Thesis title: Verzweigungen von Lösungen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen
(Ramifications of solutions of nonlinear differential equations).
Date of thesis: 16 December 1911.
University: Erlangen.
Thesis published: Leipzig, 1912.
Brief biography: Hans Falckenberg's official supervisor was Max Noether but Emmy Noether served as his advisor. Born in Jena, he was the son of the philosopher Richard Falckenberg (1851-1920) and his wife Else Pielke. His brother Karl Franz Falckenberg became a famous lawyer. Otto Richard Hans Falckenberg married Hildegard (born 1891). He had appointments at Braunschweig and Königsberg before becoming an Extraordinary Professor of Mathematics at the University of Giessen in 1922 and a full professor in 1931.
Student: Fritz Seidelmann.
Life span: (1890-?).
Thesis title: Die Gesamtheit der kubischen und biquadratischen Gleichungen mit Affekt bei beliebigem Rationalitätsbereich (Complete set of cubic and biquadratic equations with affect in an arbitrary rationality domain).
Date of thesis: 4 March 1916.
University: Erlangen.
Thesis published: Erlangen, 1916.
Brief biography: Fritz Seidelmann's official supervisor was Max Noether but Emmy Noether served as his advisor. Fritz Seidelmann was from Rosenheim. He taught at the Lehrerinnenbildungsanstalt at Erlangen from 1914. This college trained women school teachers. By the time that he was working on his thesis, Emmy was in Göttingen but she returned to her parents' home in Erlangen in the vacations to advise Seidelmann. He dedicated his thesis to Emmy Noether and was awarded the degree with distinction. He became a professor in Munich.
Student: Grete Hermann.
Life span: 1901-1984.
Thesis title: Die Frage der endlich vielen Schritte in der Theorie der Polynomideale unter Benutzung nachgelassener Sätze von Kurt Hentzelt (The question of the finite number of steps in the theory of ideals of polynomials using theorems of the late Kurt Hentzelt).
Date of thesis: 25 February 1925.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1926.
Brief biography: After the award of her doctorate, she worked at the University of Göttingen as an assistant to Leonard Nelson from 1925 to 1927. Leaving Göttingen she went to went to the University of Leipzig where she undertook important work, making significant contributions to the philosophical basis of quantum mechanics. A strong opponent of the Nazis, she was forced to leave Germany during the war and she spent time in Denmark, France and England. She returned to Germany in 1946 when she was appointed professor of philosophy and physics at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Bremen.
Student: Heinrich Grell.
Life span: 1903-1974.
Thesis title: Beziehungen zwischen den Idealen verschiedener Ringe (Relationships between the ideals of various rings).
Date of thesis: 14 July 1926.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1927.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he worked first at the University of Jena and then at the University of Halle. However, he lost his teaching licence in 1935 after being accused of acts of homosexuality. After undertaking war work, he was reinstated and appointed as a professor at the Humboldt University in 1948.
Student: Rudolf Hölzer.
Life span: 1903-1926.
Thesis title: Zur Theorie der primären Ringe (On the theory of primary rings).
Date of thesis: He died before the thesis was examined.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1927.
Brief biography: He was born on 30 September 1903, died on 2 July 1926 of tuberculosis. He wrote the paper Zur Theorie der primären Ringe which appeared in Mathematische Annalen and contains the results which would have been the main part of his thesis.
Student: Wilhelm Doräte.
Life span: Not known.
Thesis title: Über einem verallgemeinerten Gruppenbegriff (On a generalised conceptions of groups).
Date of thesis: 1927.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin 1927.
Brief biography: No information.
Student: Werner Weber.
Life span: 1906-1975.
Thesis title: .
Date of thesis: Idealtheoretische Deutung der Darstellbarkeit beliebiger natürlicher Zahlen durch quadratische Formen (Ideal-theoretic interpretation of the representability of arbitrary natural numbers by quadratic forms).
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1930.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he was an assistant to Edmund Landau but was persuaded by Oswald Teichmüller to join the Nazi Party. He was made acting director of the Mathematical Institute at Göttingen in 1930 but, in 1934, after trying to remove Helmut Hasse from the Institute he was himself forced to leave. He was then an associate professor at Heidelberg until the end of the war. After the war he was in some difficulties because of his membership of the Nazi party but he was able to obtain a position working for a publisher in Hamburg.
Student: Jakob Levitski.
Life span: 1904-1956.
Thesis title: Über vollständig reduzible Ringe und Unterringe (On completely reducible rings and subrings).
Date of thesis: 26 June 1929.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1931.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he went to the United States where he was at Yale University from 1929 to 1931. He returned to Palestine where he became a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He made important contributions to ring theory and he is remembered today for his important work. He won the Israel Prize in 1953 for his contributions to non-commuatative rings. Ring theorists today remember Levitski from terms such as the 'Levitski radical', 'Levitski's theorem' (which states that in a Noetherian ring every nil one-sided ideal is nilpotent), and the 'Hopkins-Levitski theorem' named after Charles Hopkins and Jakob Levitski both of whose papers appeared in 1939.
Student: Max Deuring.
Life span: 1907-1984.
Thesis title: Zur arithmetischen Theorie der algebraischen Funktionen (On the arithmetic theory of algebraic functions).
Date of thesis: 18 June 1930.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1932.
Brief biography: Max Deuring is an important mathematician and has a full biography in this archive.
Student: Hans Fitting.
Life span: 1906-1938.
Thesis title: Zur Theorie der Automorphismenringe Abelscher Gruppen und ihr Analogon bei nichtkommutativen Gruppen (On the theory of automorphism-rings of abelian groups and their analogs in non-commutative groups).
Date of thesis: 29 July 1931.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1933.
Brief biography: After the award of his doctorate, he worked at Göttingen, Leipzig and Königsberg where he habilitated in 1936. He made important contributions to group theory and is remembered for the 'Fitting subgroup' and 'Fitting's Lemma'. He died of bone caner at the age of 31.
Student: Ernst Witt.
Life span: 1911-1991.
Thesis title: .
Date of thesis: Riemann-Rochscher Satz und Zeta-Funktion im Hyperkomplexen (The Riemann-Roch Theorem and zeta function in hypercomplex numbers).
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Berlin, 1934.
Brief biography: Ernst Witt is an important mathematician and has a full biography in this archive.
Student: Chiung-chih Tsen.
Life span: 1889-1940.
Thesis title: Algebren über Funktionenkörpern (Algebras over function fields).
Date of thesis: 6 December 1933.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Göttingen, 1934.
Brief biography: When in Göttingen he was a friend of Ernst Witt and at the forefront of modern algebra. After his doctorate he went to Hamburg where he worked with Emil Artin. He was a patriot who repaid his debt to his country, accepting fellowships to go overseas and then teaching under the appalling conditions in China in 1935-1940 during the civil and world wars. He became a professor at Tianjin University, then at the Institute of Technology in Chenggu and finally at the Institute of Technology in Xichang. He is remembered for the 'Tsen-Lang theorem' which states that every finite-dimensional central division algebra over an algebraic function field in one variable over an algebraically closed field is commutative. He died of a stomach ulcer living in very bad conditions.
Student: Otto Schilling.
Life span: 1911-1973.
Thesis title: Über gewisse Beziehungen zwischen der Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlsysteme und algebraischer Zahlkörper (On certain relationships between the arithmetic of hypercomplex number systems and algebraic number fields).
Date of thesis: 1934.
University: Marburg.
Thesis published: Braunschweig, 1935.
Brief biography: After studying with Emmy Noether at Göttingen he went to Marburg and completed his thesis advised by Helmut Hasse. After postdoctoral work at Trinity College, Cambridge he went to the United States. He was at the Institute for Advanced Study, Johns Hopkins University before moving to Chicago where he eventually became a full professor. He spent the last years of his career at Purdue University. His most important work was on the theory of valuations..
Student: Werner Vorbeck.
Life span: 1909-?.
Thesis title: Nichtgaloissche Zerfällungskörper einfacher Systeme (Non-Galois splitting fields of simple systems).
Date of thesis: 1935.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: .
Brief biography: No information.
Student: Ruth Stauffer.
Life span: 1910-1993.
Thesis title: The construction of a normal basis in a separable extension field.
Date of thesis: 1935.
University: Bryn Mawr.
Thesis published: Baltimore, 1936.
Brief biography: Emmy Noether died before Stauffer's thesis was examined. Richard Brauer was the examiner. After the award of her doctorate, Stauffer taught at Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore and undertook postdoctoral work with Oscar Zariski. She taught at Miss Fine's School in Princeton before marrying George W McKee in 1937. After her children grew up she worked as an analyst for the Joint State Government Commission in Harrison.
Student: Wolfgang Wichmann.
Life span: 1912-1944.
Thesis title: Anwendungen der p-adischen Theorie im Nichtkommutativen (Applications of the p-adic theory in non-commutative algebras).
Date of thesis: 1936.
University: Göttingen.
Thesis published: Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 1936.
Brief biography: In 1933, Wichmann supported a students' initiative which in vain tried to revoke Emmy Noether's dismissal by the Nazis. His thesis, his only publication, was on division algebras and was important in the work of John Tate. He died as a soldier at the Russian front in 1944.
Last Updated November 2014