Anon. 1976 - The Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus) quincentennial. [Old] Math. Intell. 10 (Sep 1975) 5.
Anon. Ancient China's Technology and Science. Compiled by the Institute of the History of the Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1983. (Selected and revised from: Achievements in Science and Technology in Ancient China [in Chinese], China Youth Publishing House, Beijing, 1978.)
Anon. 'Archimedes Tomb' found. The Times (London) (19 Oct 1965) 9.
Anon. Athens and Attica - A Phaidon Cultural Guide. Phaidon, 1986, pp. 126-127.
Anon. Ausstellung im Leibniz-Haus Hannover. Historischen Museum am Hohen Ufer, Hannover, 1983.
Anon. The Boole plaque. Cork Examiner (14 Nov 1984).
Anon. Bust of Ramanujan unveiled. The Hindu (Madras) (12 May 1984) 9.
Anon. City of London - Monuments and Statues. City of London Information Centre, July 1975, 7pp.
Anon. The Clerk Maxwell Route. One page sent by Hartwick.
Anon. Commemoration of the death of Giuseppe Peano. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 458.
Anon. Commemorative Plaques [in the City of London]. 9pp copy of typed list. Available from Public Relations Officer of the City. Dated 1968, with additions.
Anon. Countries of the World. Waverley Book Co., London, nd [1920s?], vol. 3, p. 1973.
Anon. Eloge de Monsieur Cassini. Originally in: Histoire de l'Academie Royal des Sciences, unknown date [c1712]. Reprinted in: Eloges des Academiciens, ...; ed. by de Fontenelle; Isaac vander Kloot, The Hague, vol. I, (1740), pp. 273-312; facsimile by Editions Culture et Civilisation, Brussels, 1969.
Anon. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Macmillan. Vol. 14, p. 618. (Not seen by me.)
Anon. The Heritage of Richmond upon Thames in the Year of Her Majesty's Jubilee 1977. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, London, 1977.
Anon. Investigations in the Laboratories. Produced by Heads of Departments, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, 1955.
Anon. James Joseph Sylvester. Math. Gaz. 32 (No. 301) (Oct 1948) 225 & facing plate.
Anon. Kowloon Park back in business. The Hongkong Standard (2 Feb 1989) 3.
Anon. Les Délices de Leide - une des célébres villes de l'Europe, Qui contiennent une description exacte de son Antiquité, de ses divers Aggrandissements, de son Académie, de ses Manufactures, de ses Curiositiés, & généralement de tout ce qu'il y a de plus digne à voir. Le tout enrichi de Tailles Douces. Pierre van der Aa, Leiden, 1712. P. 67. [Cited by Bierens de Haan. Not seen by me.]
Anon. Memoir of the late Dr. Hutton. Gentlemen's Magazine and Historical Chronicle 93 (Mar 1823) 228-232.
Anon. The Record of the Royal Society. 4th ed., The Royal Society, London, 1940. [This is the most recent edition. There is a Supplement for 1940-1989.]
Anon. [Obituary.] Sir George Stokes. Knowledge 26:3 (Mar 1903) 61-62.
Anon. Thomas Simpson. Mathematics Review 1:2 (Nov 1990) 28-29.
Anon. Vinci. Ente Provinciale per il Turismo, Florence, nd [c1970].
Ackermann, Alfred S. E. Popular Fallacies. 4th ed., Old Westminster Press, London, 1950.
Ahrens, Wilhelm. Mathematiker-Anecdoten. 2nd ed., Teubner, Leipzig, 1920.
Ahrens, Wilhelm (2). Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele. 2 vols., 2nd ed., Teubner, 1910 & 1918. [There is a 3rd ed. of vol. 1, 1921, but it differs only slightly from the 1910 2nd ed.]
Albers, Donald J.; Alexanderson, Gerald L. & Reid, Constance. International Mathematical Congresses - An Illustrated History 1893-1986. Revised ed., Springer-Verlag, NY, 1987.
Alberti, Leon Battista. On Painting. Translated from De Pictura of 1435 by Cecil Grayson. With Introduction and Notes by Martin Kemp. Penguin Classics, Harmondsworth, 1991.
Alexanderson, Gerald L. On Mathematical Monuments, or the Mathematician's Baedeker. California Mathematics 7:1 (Apr 1982) 3-11.
Alexanderson, Gerald L. & Lange, Lester H. Obituary - George Pólya. Bull. London Math. Soc. 19 (1987) 559-608.
Allen, Bernard M. William Garnett. A Memoir. Heffer, Cambridge, 1933.
Allen, David J. Sussex. Shire County Guide 4. Shire, (1984), 3rd ed, 1995.
Andrade, Eric Neville da Costa. Robert Hooke, F.R.S. (1635-1703). Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 15 (1960) 137-145.
Andrade, Eric Neville da Costa (2). Galileo. IN: Celebration of the quater-centenary of the birth of Galileo. 9 Jul 1964. 18pp + frontispiece colour photo from RS copy of Sustermans portrait of Galileo + covers. Pp. 1-10. The Royal Society, 1964.
Arago, François. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. First Series. Translated by Admiral W. H. Smyth, the Rev. Baden Powell and Robert Grant. Original publisher not given, 1859; facsimile reprint by Books for Libraries Press, Freeport, NY, 1972.
Archibald, Raymond Clare. [Biography.] Scripta Math. 2 (1933-1934) 291.
Archibald, Raymond Clare (2). Outline of the History of Mathematics. Slaught Memorial Paper 2 = Amer. Math. Monthly 56:1, Part II (Jan 1949).
Archibald, Raymond Clare (3). Mathematical Table Makers. Portraits, Paintings, Busts, Monuments. Bio-Bibliographical Notes. Scripta Mathematica, New York, 1948.
Archibald, Raymond Clare (4). Bibliographia de mathematicis - III. Scripta Math. 1:4 (Jun 1933) 346-362.
Armitage, Angus. (As: Sun, Stand Thou Still; Henry Schuman, NY, 1947); The World of Copernicus. Mentor (New American Library), NY, 1951.
Arrighi, Gino, ed. Paolo dell'Abbaco: Trattato d'Aritmetica. Domus Galilaeana, Pisa, 1964.
Arrighi, Gino, ed. (2). Leonardo Fibonacci: La Practica di Geometria - Volgarizzata da Cristofano di Gherardo di Dino, cittadino pisano. Domus Galilaeana, Pisa, 1966.
Ash, Russell. The Londoner's Almanac. Century, London, 1985.
Atiyah, Michael. Obituary: John Arthur Todd. Bull. London Math. Soc. 30 (1998) 305-316. (Reprint from Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 42 (1996) 483-494.)
Augarten, Stan. Bit by Bit. An Illustrated History of Computers. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1984.
Ayer, Alfred J. Voltaire. Random House, NY, 1986. Quoted in New York Times Book Review (7 Dec 1986).
Babbage, Charles. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, London, 1864; reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley, NY, 1969. Pp. 129-136. Reproduced in: Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engines, ed. by P. & E. Morrison; Dover, New York, 1961; pp. 63-68 (see also p. xxi).
Baedeker, Karl. Italy: First Part - Northern Italy. Baedeker, Leipsic, 1906.
Bailey, Bernadine. American Shrines in England. A. S. Barnes, South Brunswick and New York & Thomas Yoseloff, London, 1977.
Bailey, C. Harrap's Guide to Famous London Graves. Harrap, London, 1975.
Bailey, Kenneth C. A History of Trinity College Dublin 1892-1945. Dublin Univ. Press & Hodges, Figgis, Dublin, 1947.
Bainbridge, Cyril. North Yorkshire and North Humberside. Shire County Guide 3. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1984. P. 27.
Baker, Anne C. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. Math. Spectrum 29:2 (1996/7) 25-29.
Baker, Margaret. Discovering London's Statues and Monuments. 2nd ed., Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1980.
Ball, Walter William Rouse. Mathematical Recreations and Problems. Macmillan, London, 1892. (From the 4th ed. (1905), this was retitled 'Mathematical Recreations and Essays'.)
Ball, Walter William Rouse (2). A Short Account of the History of Mathematics. 4th ed., (1908), Dover, NY, 1960, p. 287.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (3). Trinity College Cambridge. J. M. Dent & Co., London, 1906.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (4). The Cambridge school of mathematics. Math. Gaz. 6 (No. 99) (Jul 1912) 311-323.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (5). A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1889.
Barker, Felix & Gay, John. Highgate Cemetery - Victorian Valhalla. John Murray, London, 1984.
Barlow, Fred. Mental Prodigies. Hutchinson, (1951); amended, 1952.
Bartholomew, Charles. Mechanical Toys. Hamlyn, London, 1979.
Barton, Stuart. Monumental Follies An exposition on the eccentric edifices of Britain. Lyle Publications, Worthing, Sussex, 1972.
Batey, Mavis. Alice's Adventures in Oxford. Pitkin Pictorials, London, 1980.
Baverstock, Keith. Discovering Walks in Oxford and Cambridge. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks., 1973.
Beazley, Elisabeth & Howell, Peter. Companion Guide to North Wales. Collins, London, 1975.
Beckert, Herbert & Schumann, Horst. 100 Jahre Mathematisches Seminar der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, DDR, 1981.
Beer, A. & Strand, K. A., ed. Copernicus, Yesterday and Today. Vistas in Astronomy 17 (1975). Pergamon Press.
Behnke, Heinrich. Carathéodory's Leben und Werken. IN: A. Panayotopoulos, ed; Proceedings of the C. Carathéodory International Symposium, Athens, Sep 1973. Greek Mathematical Society, Athens, 1974, pp. 17-33. With portrait on p. 5 and English Introduction by A. Pallas on pp. 15-16.
Bell, Eric Temple. Men of Mathematics. Simon & Schuster, NY, (1937), PB ed., 1961.
Beltrami, E. Riemann's Italian tomb. Math. Intell. 9:3 (1987) 54-55.
Berggren, J. Lennart. Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam. Springer, NY, 1986.
Berlet, Bruno. Zur Feier des vierhundertsten Geburtsjahres von Adam Riese. 1892. [The copy provided by Interlibrary Loans is either lacking a title page or may have been a separately printed booklet. The author's name is only shown on the library binding and no other details are given. It consists of two main sections.
Adam Riese, sein Leben, seine Rechenbücher und seine Art zu rechen (reprinted from the Programm der Progymnasial- und Realschulanstalt zu Annaberg 1855).
Die Coss von Adam Riese (reprinted from the same Programm for 1860).
The copy I saw might have been the Programm for 1892. My reference is [Lehmann, p. 13] where he gives Berlet's name, a slight variation of the title and says it was published in Leipzig and Frankfurt in 1892.]
Berman, Morris. Social Change and Scientific Organization - The Royal Institution 1799-1844. Heinemann Educational Books, 1978.
Bernoulli, James (I). Linae Cycloidales ..., 1692 = Opera Omnia I (1744) 502. (Not seen - cited by Pearson.)
Berry, A. J. Henry Cavendish His Life and Scientific Work. Hutchinson, 1960.
Besant, Walter & Mitton, G. E. The Strand District. Fascination of London Series. Adam & Charles Black, 1902. (Despite the title, this also covers much of the West End, including St James's, Piccadilly and Charing Cross.)
Bierens de Haan, D. On Ludolff van Ceulen's 35-decimal value of pi and on some of his works. Messenger of Mathematics 3 (1875) 24-26.
Biggs, Norman L. T. P. Kirkman, mathematician. Bull. London Math. Soc. 13 (1981) 97-120.
Biggs, Norman L.; Lloyd, E. Keith & Wilson, Robin J. Graph Theory 1736-1936. Oxford Univ. Press, 1976.
Blackwood, John. London's Immortals. The Complete Outdoor Commemorative Statues. Savoy Press, London & Oxford, 1989.
Boll, Walter. Kepler-Gedächtnishaus. Sammlungen der Stadt Regensburg, No. 10, 4th ptg, 1975. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Bonaini, F. Memoria unica sincrona di Leonardo Fibonacci novamente scoperta. Giornale Storico degli Archivi Toscani 1:4 (Oct-Dec 1857) 239-246.
Bonelli, Maria Luisa. Le abitazioni fiorentine di Galileo. L'Universo (Revista bimestrale dell'Istituto Geografico Militare) 37:4 & 38:1 (1957-1958) 1-27. (My version is a reprint which may be the entire double issue?)
Bowers, Brian. X-Rays. HMSO for the Science Museum, London, 1970.
Boyle, J. A. Omar Khayyam: Astronomer, Mathematician and Poet. Bull. John Rylands Library 52 (1969) 37.
Boyer, Carl B. A History of Mathematics. Wiley, New York, 1966.
Bradford, Ernle. The Companion Guide to the Greek Islands. Collins, London, 1963.
Broadbent, T. A. A. The other Newman. Math. Gaz. 54 (No. 390) (Dec 1970) 329-335.
Brooke, J. The Monge statue in Beaune, France. Math. Intell. 10:4 (1988) 44.
Brown, Alan. First Class! A Book of Batty Beginnings. Ill. by Jeremy Tapscott. Knight, (1991), 2nd ptg, 1991.
Brown, A. L. & Moss, Michael. The University of Glasgow: 1451-1996. Edinburgh University Press for University of Glasgow, 1996.
Brown, Frank. William Herschel. Musician & Composer. William Herschel Society, Bath, 1990.
Brown, Sanborn C. Count Rumford - Physicist Extraordinary. (Educational Services Inc., 1962??); Heinemann, 1964.
Büchel, H. & Schreiber, Peter. Leserpost [about Kircher] & Note. Alpha (Berlin) 25:1 (1991) 6.
Buckley, Jonathan & Robinson, Hilary. Venice. The Rough Guide. 3rd ed., Rough Guides, London, 1995.
Burrows, V. The Blue Plaque Guide. Newman Neame, London, 1953.
Burton, Anthony. The Shell Book of Curious Britain. David & Charles, 1982.
Busbridge, Ida W. Oxford Mathematics and Mathematicians. Oxford Math. Soc., 1974.
Bushell, W. F. The Keats of English Astronomy. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959) 1-16.
Byard, Stanley. Robots which play games. Penguin Science News 16 (Jun 1950) 65-77 & plates 7-16.
Canfora, Luciano. The Vanished Library. (Sellerio, Palermo, 1987.) Translated by Martin Ryle. Hutchinson, 1989, Vintage edition, 1991.
Cannell, D. M. George Green Miller and Mathematician 1793-1841. City of Nottingham Arts Department, Nottingham, 1988.
Cannell, D. M. & Lord, N. J.. George Green, mathematician and physicist 1793-1841. Math. Gaz. 77 (No. 478) (Mar 1993) 26-51.
Cannell, Mary. Green Bicentenary Celebrations 13-16 July 1993. BSHM Newsletter 25-26 (Spring-Summer 1994) 5-7.
Cardan, Jerome. The Book of My Life. Translated by J. Stoner. Dent, London, 1931.
Carroll, Charles Michael. The Great Chess Automaton. Dover, NY, 1975.
Cartan, Henri. André Weil: Memories of a long friendship. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 46:6 (Jun/Jul 1999) 633-636.
Caspar, Max. Kepler. Translated by C. D. Hellman. Collier Books, NY, 1959, p. 403.
Cassels, J. W. S. Is this a Recorde? Math. Gaz. 60 (1976) 59-61.
Cassels, J. W. S. (2). The Spitalfields Mathematical Society. Bull. London Math. Soc. 11 (1979) 241-258.
Cassels, J. W. S. (3). Louis Joel Mordell 1888-1972. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 19 (Dec 1973) 493-520 & plate opp. 493.
Challis, L. J.. George Green - Miller, Mathematician, Physicist. Math. Spectrum 20 (1987/88) 45-52.
Chapple, G. South. Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1986, p. 32.
Chernev, Irving. The Chess Companion. Faber & Faber, London, 1970.
Chew, V. K. Physics for Princes. HMSO for Science Museum, London, 1968.
Child, Mark. Wiltshire. Shire County Guide 5. Shire, (1984), 3rd ed., 1995.
[China/Ontario.] China Science and Technology Palace Preparatory Committee & Ontario Science Centre. China - 7000 Years of Discovery. Catalogue of an exhibition prepared by the Committee and the Centre, 1982. I will cite this as China/Ontario.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tusculan Disputations: V.xxiii. With translation by J. E. King. Loeb Classical Library, Heinemann, London & Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1945), 2nd ed., 1966, pp. 490-493.
Ciesielski, K. (2). Lost legends of Lvov 2: Banach's grave. Math. Intell. 10:1 (1988) 50-51.
Clackson, James. Inscriptions from the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge. Transcribed and translated by James Clackson. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1990.
Clark, E. F. George Parker Bidder - The Calculating Boy. KSL Publications, Bedford, 1983.
Clarke, F. M. New light on Robert Recorde. Isis 8 (1926) 50-70.
de Clercq, Peter. The Leiden Cabinet of Physics. Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1989.
Cohen, I. Bernard. Calculating to computing. Progress (Jan-Feb 1983) 11-15.
Cohen, I. Bernard (2). Benjamin Franklin Scientist and Statesman. DSB Editions. Scribner's, 1975.
Collet, C.-G. & Itard, J. Un mathématicien humaniste - Claude-Gaspar Bachet de Meziriac (1581-1638). Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de leurs Applications 1 (1947) 26-50.
Collingwood, E. F. [Obituary:] Émile Borel. J. London Math. Soc. 34 (1959) 488-512. With an Addendum; ibid., nd, p. 384.
Corporation of London, City Engineer's Department. List of Commemorative Plaques. 9pp, 1971.
Coster, E. L. Out and Around London - North. A Geographia Guide, Geographia Ltd., London, nd [c1973].
Coster, E. L. (2). Out and Around London - South. A Geographia Guide, Geographia Ltd., nd [c1973].
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald. Regular Polytopes. 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York & Collier-Macmillan, London, 1963. Section 13.9, pp. 258-259.
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald; Du Val, Patrick; Flather, H. T. & Petrie, John Flinders ( -1972). The Fifty-Nine Icosahedra. (Univ. of Toronto Press, 1938); [2nd ed,] with new preface by Du Val; Springer, nd [1982]; 3rd ed, reset, with plates redrawn by computer, new Preface by Coxeter and new Foreword by R. K. Guy, edited by Kate and David Crennell; Tarquin, 1999.
Craig, John. Newton at the Mint. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1946.
Craik, Alex D. D. Geometry, analysis, and the baptism of slaves: John West in Scotland and Jamaica. Hist. Math. 25:1 (1998) 29-74.
Craik, Alex D. D. (2). Calculus and analysis in early 19th-century Britain: The work of William Wallace. Hist. Math. 26:3 (Aug 1999) 239-267.
Critchlow, Keith. Time Stands Still - New Light on Megalithic Science. Gordon Fraser, London, 1979. Chap. 7: Platonic spheres - a millennium before Plato, pp. 131-149.
Cronin, Vincent. The Companion Guide to Paris. Collins, London, (1963), 2nd ed., 1968.
Crosland, M., ed. A Traveller's Guide to Literary Europe. 3 vols., Hugh Evelyn, London, 1965-1967.
Crowther, J. G. Six Great Inventors. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1954.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom. Permanent Londoners. An Illustrated Guide to the Cemeteries of London. Robson Books, London, 1991.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom (2). Permanent New Yorkers. A Biographical Guide to the Cemeteries of New York. Chelsea Green Publishing Co., Chelsea, Vermont, 1987.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom (3). Permanent Parisians. An Illustrated Guide to the Cemeteries of Paris. (Chelsea Green Publishing Co., Chelsea, Vermont, 1986). Robson Books, London, 1991.
Dakers, Caroline. The Blue Plaque Guide to London. Macmillan, London, 1981.
Dale, A. I. Thomas Bayes: A memorial. Math. Intell. 11:3 (1989) 18-19.
Dalitz, R. H. & Peierls, R. Dr. Paul Dirac - A biographical memoir. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 32 (1987) 137-185. Also separately printed by the Royal society, 1987.
Danilov, V. J. Science and Technology Centers. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
Dantzig, Tobias. Number - The Language of Science. 4th ed., Doubleday, NY, 1954.
Danzer, Ludwig; Branko Grünbaum, Branko & Klee, Victor. Helly's theorem and its relatives. IN: Proc. Symp. Pure. Math. 7: Convexity, ed. by Victor Klee. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1963, pp. 101-180.
Darius, Jon. Beyond Vision One Hundred Historic Scientific Photographs. OUP, 1984.
David, Florence Nightingale. Games, Gods and Gambling. Griffin, London, 1962.
Davies, Gordon L. The Story of Science in Trinity College Dublin. Trinity College Dublin, 1977.
Davis, Phillip J. The Thread. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1983. Pp. 15-16.
Davis, Phillip J. (2) The "Here" and the "There" of mathematics: Kurt Gödel. Review of: John W. Dawson Jr.; Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel; A. K. Peters, 1997. SIAM News 30:8 (Oct 1997) 11-12.
Dawson, C. M. The Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Published by the College?, 1980.
Day, Elenor May. History on London Walls. Ill. by Alec Campbell. J. L. Workman & Co, London, nd [c1955].
DBS denotes items of which I have personal knowledge.
Deal, D. The Witch of Agnesi. Internat. Study Group on the Relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter 10 (Oct 1985) 9-10.
Dedekind, Richard. Continuity and Rational Numbers: Preface. IN: Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Translated by W. W. Beman. Open Court, 1901. Reprinted by Dover, 1963. Pp. 1-2.
Deligeorges, Stéphane. Le pendule de Foucault au Panthéon 1851 - 1902 - 1995. Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et de sites / Éditions du patrimonie / Musée du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, (1995), 2nd ptg, 1997.
Dibner, Bern. Ten Founding Fathers of the Electrical Science. Burndy Library Publications, No. 11, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1954.
Dibner, Bern (2). Benjamin Franklin Electrician. Burndy Library, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1976.
Dimitric, R. & Goldsmith, B. Sir William Rowan Hamilton. Math. Intell. 11:2 (1989) 29-30.
Drewett, John. Surrey. Shire County Guide 8. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks., 1985.
Dunn, John & Martin, Colin. John Dunn's Answers Please. (BBC, 1994); revised and expanded, Penguin, 1995.
Dyer, G. P. The Royal Mint - An Illustrated History. The Royal Mint, Llantrisant, 1986.
Eagle, D. & Carnell, H. The Oxford Literary Guide to the British Isles. Oxford Univ. Press, 1977.
Eagles, C. M. David Gregory, F.R.S. (1659-1708). Paper presented to the British Soc. for the Hist. of Maths., 30 Aug 1975.
Eastman, John. Who Lived Where in Europe: A Biographical Guide to Homes and Museums. Facts on File, NY, 1985.
Edwards, Anthony W. F. Commemorative windows in Hall for John Venn ... and R. A. Fisher. The Caian (Nov 1990) 67-68, with colour photo between pp. 94 & 95.
Enros, Philip C. The Analytical Society (1812-1813): Precursor of the renewal of Cambridge mathematics. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 24-47.
Espy, Willard R. O Thou Improper, Thou Uncommon Noun. Clarkson N. Potter, NY, 1978.
Evans, Elwyn. The Plemelj formulae revisited. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Newsletter, University of Salford, (Jan/Feb 1985) 6-7.
Eves, Howard W. In Mathematical Circles. Vol. I & II, Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1969.
Eves, Howard W (2). Mathematical Circles Revisited. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1971.
Eves, Howard W (3). Mathematical Circles Squared. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1972.
Eves, Howard W (4). Mathematical Circles Adieu. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1977.
Eves, Howard W (5). Great Moments in Mathematics (Before 1650). Math. Assoc. of America, Washington, 1980. Pp. 56-57.
Eves, Howard W (6). Great Moments in Mathematics (After 1650). Math. Assoc. of America, Washington, 1981.
Fahie, J. J. Memorials of Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642. Printed for the author by Courier Press, Leamington and London, 1929.
Farrington, Benjamin. Greek Science. Penguin, 1944. P. 37.
Fauvel, John. References to Fauvel, with no details, refer to additions made to my text when John edited it for Mathematical Gazetteer of Britain in the BSHM Newsletter, starting with No. 28 (Spring 1995).
Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Shortland, Michael & Wilson, Robin, eds. Let Newton Be! OUP, 1988.
Featherstone, E. Sir Thomas Gresham and his Trusts. Blades, East & Blades for the Gresham Committee, London, 1952.
Feeney, J. Memories of Samarkand. Aramco World 35:4 (Jul-Aug 1984) 34-41.
Fell, Bryan H. The Houses of Parliament. 8th ed., revised by K. R. Mackenzie, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1958.
Fennell, Edward A. Figures in Proportion: Art, Science and the Business Renaissance. The contribution of Luca Pacioli to culture and commerce in the High Renaissance. Booklet for the exhibition organized by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Feb 1994.
Field, C. & Pickstone, J., eds. A Centre of Intelligence. The Development of Science, Technology and Medicine in Manchester and Its University. John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1988.
Field, J.V. & James, Frank A. J. L. Science in Art. Works in the National Gallery that illustrate the history of science and technology. British Society for the History of Science, Stanford in the Vale, Faringdon, Oxon., 1997.
Field, J.V. & Wright, Michael T. Early Gearing. Geared Mechanisms in the Ancient and Medieval World. Science Museum, London, 1985.
Field, J.V.; Hill, Donald R. & Wright, Michael T. Byzantine and Arabic Mathematical Gearing. Science Museum, 1985. [This is reprints of two articles in Annals of Science 42 (1985) 87-138 & 139-163.]
Findlay, J. B. & Sawyer, Thomas A. Professor Hoffmann: A Study. Published by Sawyer, Tustin, California, 1977.
Fisher, Adrian [& Gerster, Georg (photographer)]. The Art of the Maze. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1990. (Also as: Labyrinth; Solving the Riddle of the Maze; Harmony (Crown Publishers), NY, 1990.)
Fisher, Adrian & Kingham, Diana. Mazes. Shire Album 264. Shire, Princes Risborough, Bucks., 1991.
Fisher, Adrian & Saward, Jeff. The British Maze Guide. Minotaur Designs, St Albans, 1991.
Flegg, Graham et al. Open University Course AM289 - History of Mathematics. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1976.
Foiret, J. et al. Le Pendule de Foucault au Musée des Arts et Métiers. Musée National des Techniques, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 1990.
Foligno, Cesare. The Story of Padua. Translated by Giovanni Vianello. Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, 1910.
Forfar, D. O. The origins of the Clerk (Maxwell) genius. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 28:1/2 (Jan/Feb 1992) 4-16. Cf Maxwell Foundation for a later version of this article.
Fraenkel, A. A. Jewish mathematics & astronomy. Scripta Math. 25 (1959) 33-47.
Freely, John. The Companion Guide to Turkey. Collins, London, 1979. [Freely taught physics and history of science for 16 years at Robert College, later the University of the Bosphorus, so this is one of the very few general guidebooks to mention scientists and mathematicians. Sadly, these entries are much reduced in the 2nd ed.]
Freely, John (2). The Companion Guide to Turkey. 2nd ed., HarperCollins, London, 1993.
Freely, John (3). Classical Turkey. (Architectural Guides for Travellers.) Penguin, London, 1990.
Freytag-Löringhoff, Baron Bruno von. Wilhelm Schickards Tübinger Rechenmaschine von 1623. Kleine Tübinger Schriften No. 4. Universitätsstadt Tübingen, (1973), 3rd ed., (1981), 4th ptg, 1984. [Note, the hyphen in the surname is not always given.]
Fyfe, Alistair. Scottish Inventors. HarperCollins, 1999.
Galileo - see Van Helden.
Gardiner, Tony. Note 76.24: Gauss' names. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 477) (Nov 1992) 402.
Gardner, Martin. Logic Machines and Diagrams. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1958. 2nd ed., slightly extended but keeping the same pagination, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982, and Harvester Press, Brighton, 1983. The earlier version of Chap. I: The 'Ars Magna' of Ramon Lull, pp. 1-27, is reprinted in: Science: Good, Bad and Bogus; Prometheus, Buffalo, NY, 1981, pp. 27-51.
Gardner, Martin (2). Piet Hein's Superellipse. Chap. 18 in: Mathematical Carnival. Pelican (Penguin), 1978, pp. 240-254. Based on Gardner's column in Scientific American (Sep 1965).
Gasparotto, C. Padua - Touristic Itineraries. Storti, Venezia, 1970.
Gerke, K. & Harborth, Heiko. Zum Leben des Braunschweiger Mathematikers Richard Dedekind. Offprint from: Festschrift zur Ausstellung: Brunswiek 1031 Braunschweig 1981; ed. Gerd Spies & Matthias Puhle; Städtisches Museum Braunschweig, 1981. Pp. 697-694 with special covers.
Gerlach, Walther & List, Martha. Johannes Kepler. Führer durch sein Geburthaus in Weil der Stadt. Schriften der Kepler-Gesellschaft, Weil der Stadt, 1966. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Giacardi, Livia & Roero, Clara Silvia. Bibliotheca Matematica Documenti per la Storia della Matematica nelle Biblioteche Torinese. (Produced for an exhibition at the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, in connection with the 13th National Congress of the Unione Matematica Italiana, Sep 1987.) Umberto Allemandi & C., Torino, 1987.
Gilbert, A. D. James Gregory FRS 1638-1675. Typescript of unknown provenance sent by John Searl.
Gill, Edward. Curiosities of Oxfordshire. S. B. Publications, Seaford, East Sussex, 1995.
Giusti, Enrico. Nel cinquecentenario della Summa di Luca Pacioli. IN: Enrico Giusti, ed.; booklet accompanying the facsimile of Pacioli's Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalità; Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Rome, for Fondazione Piero della Francesca, Sansepolcro & Comune di Sansepolcro. 1994. Pp. 23-47.
GLC. Blue Plaques on Houses of Historical Interest. Greater London Council, London, 1971; nd [1976] + printed supplement to 1979 + typed supplement to 1986. [See LCC for earlier versions.]
Glendinning, Victoria. Victoria Glendinning's Hertfordshire. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1989.
Golombek, Harry. Writers who have changed chess history. IN: Chernev, qv, pp. 127-147. Taken from Chess Treasury of the Air; Penguin; nd.
Goodhart, C. B. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Sc.D, F.R.S. The Caian (Nov 1990) 68-73 (with photo on p. 69). [Reprint of the obituary notice in The Caian of 1962.]
Gould, Rupert T. The Stargazer Talks. Geoffrey Bles, London, 1944. "Big Ben", pp. 53-61.
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Flamingo's Smile. Penguin, London, 1991. P. 291.
Gower, J. C. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890-1962. Math. Spectrum 23 (1990/91) 76-86.
Gray, A. B. Cambridge Revisited. (Originally in the Cambridge News or the Cambridge Chronicle, c1920.) Heffer, Cambridge, 1921. Reprinted by Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1974. P. 89.
Gray, Jeremy J. Ideas of Space. Oxford Univ. Press, 1979. P. 112.
Gray, Jeremy J. (2). 1999 Anniversaries - Wolfgang Krull (b. 1899). European Math. Soc. Newsletter 32 (Jun 1999) 13.
Greater London Council - see GLC.
Green, Roger Lancelyn. Alice - an excerpt from his: Lewis Carroll; Bodley Head, 1960; IN: Phillips, pp. 40-68.
Greenstreet, W. J. Isaac Newton: 1642-1727. G. Bell, for the Math. Assoc., London, 1927.
Greenwood, Douglas. Wessex has Their Bones. Who's Buried Where in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight. Roy Gasson Associates, Wimborne, Dorset, 1985.
Greenwood, Douglas (2). Who's Buried Where in England. (1982); 2nd ed., Constable, London, 1990.
Gregory, K., ed. The Third Cuckoo - More Classic Letters to The Times 1900-1985. Allen & Unwin, London, 1985; Unwin Paperbacks, 1986.
Gridgeman, Norman T. John Napier and the history of logarithms. Scripta Math. 29 (1973) 49-65.
Griffinhoofe, C. G. Celebrated Cambridge Men A.D. 1390-1908. A. P. Dixon, Cambridge & James Nisbet & Co., London, 1910.
Griggs, Terence & Mathon, R. A visit to Croft. Bull. Inst. Combinatorics and Its Appl. 6 (1992) 93-96.
Grosvenor, M. B. How James Smithson came to rest in the institution he never knew. Smithsonian Magazine (Jan 1976) 30-37 & 112.
Gunther, Robert T. Oxford Colleges and Their Men of Science Through the Centuries. IN: The Book of Oxford, printed for the 104th Meeting of the British Medical Association, 1936. Pp. 25-129.
Gunther, Robert T. (2). Early Science in Oxford - Part II - Mathematics. Oxford Univ. Press, 1922. (This was part II of Vol. I, initially issued in four parts in paper covers and later bound as one volume.)
Gunther, Robert T. (3). Early Science in Oxford: Vol. XI: Oxford Colleges and Their Men of Science. Printed for the author, Oxford, 1937.
Gunther, Robert T. (4). Historic Instruments for the Advancement of Science. A Handbook to the Oxford Collections Prepared for the Opening of the Lewis Evans Collection on May 5, 1925. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1925.
Gunther, Robert T. & A. V. Simcock. Robert T. Gunther and the Old Ashmolean. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, 1985. (This comprises The Story of the Old Ashmolean 1683-1925, assembled and edited by Simcock from mss of Gunther, with A Dodo in the Ark, an essay on the life and work of Gunther by Simcock.)
Gupta, Radha Charn. Lindemann's discovery of the transcendence of π. A centenary tribute. Ganita-Bh-rat- - Bull. Ind. Soc. Hist. Math. 4 (1982) 102-108.
Guthrie, Douglas. A History of Medicine. Nelson, London, 1945.
Haan, D. Bierens de is listed under B.
Hackmann, Willem D. Apples to Atoms: Portraits of Scientists from Newton to Rutherford. National Portrait Gallery, 1986. My references are to the page on which the portrait is reproduced. There is some biographical text on nearby pages.
Hadley, John & Singmaster, David. Problems to sharpen the young. An annotated translation of Propositiones ad acuendos juvenes, attributed to Alcuin of York. Translated by John Hadley. With comments by David Singmaster and John Hadley. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 102-126.
Hailstone, Charles. Alleyways of Mortlake and East Sheen. Barnes and Mortlake History Society, (1983), 2nd ptg, 1991.
Hall, A. Rupert. The Abbey Scientists. R. & R. Nicholson, London, 1966.
Hall, A. Rupert (2). The Cambridge Philosophical Society - A History 1819-1969. Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge, 1969.
Hall, A. Rupert & Simpson, A. D. C. An account of the Royal Society's Newton telescope. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 1-11.
Hall, Manly P. Foreword to the 1970 facsimile of Thomas Stanley; Pythagoras - qv - pp. III-V.
Halmos, Paul R. The legend of John von Neumann. Amer. Math. Monthly 80 (1973) 382-394.
Hamann-MacLean, Richard. Künstlerlaunen im Mittelalter. IN: Friedrich Möbius & Ernst Schubert, eds.; Skulptur des Mittelalters; Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, Weimar, 1987, pp. 385-452. The material of interest is on pp. 400-403.
Hamilton, Nigel. Guide to Greenwich. Photos by Stanley Devon. Greenwich Bookshop, (1969, as part of Royal Greenwich), London, 1972.
Hammond, Reginald J. W., ed. The Complete Ireland A survey of the principal resorts and places of interest. Cover calls it a Red Guide, but there is no reference to this inside. Cover & TP has: Aer Lingus: Irish International Airlines - possibly they sponsored the book or these were specially produced for them, but there is no explanation. Ward Lock, 2nd ed, 1966.
Hannabuss, K. C. H. J. S. Smith (1826-83). Address given to the BSHM, 19 Dec 1983, 28 pp., available from the Society.
Hardy, Godfrey Harold. Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). IN: Collected Papers of Srinivasa Ramanujan, ed. by G. H. Hardy, P. V. Seshu Aiyar & B. M. Wilson; Cambridge Univ. Press, 1927; Chelsea Publishing, 1962, pp. xxi-xxxvi. See p. xxxv.
Hare, Augustus J. C. Florence & Venice. 6th ed. rev. by St Clair Baddeley, Macmillan, New York & George Allen, London, 1904.
Hare, Augustus J. C. (2). Paris. George Allen, London, nd (& no edition) [c1887].
Harkin, Duncan. On the mathematical work of François-Édouard-Anatole Lucas. L'Enseignement Math. (2) 3 (1957) 276-288.
Harkleroad, E. & L. Rósza Péter: recursion theory's founding mother. Preprint from the authors, c1980, 5pp. I believe it may have appeared, possibly in Hist. Math.??
Harper, Charles G. Queer Things About London. Cecil Palmer, London, 1923.
Hartwick, J. M. Letter: Genius that gets forgotten. The Guardian (London) (23 Sep 1986) 10.
Hatt, E. M. Monuments. National Benzole Books, ed. by Hugh Casson. Chatto & Windus, London, 1963.
Hayman, Simon. Guide to Czechoslovakia. Bradt Publications, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks., (1987), revised, 1990.
Headlam, Cecil. The Story of Oxford. Ill. by Herbert Railton. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, (1907), revised, 1926.
Headlam, Cecil (2). The Story of Nuremberg. Ill. by H. M. James. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, (1899), revised, (1927), 2nd ptg, 1933.
Helden, Anne C. van & van Gent, Rob H. The Huygens Collection. Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1995.
Hellyer, B. & Hellyer, H. The Astronomical Clock - Hampton Court Palace. HMSO, London, 1973.
Hensel, K. Gedächtnisrede auf Ernst Eduard Kummer. IN: Festschrift zur Feier des 100.Geburtstages Eduard Kummers. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften ... 29, Teubner, Leipzig, 1910, pp. 1-37.
Herz-Fischler, R. A Mathematical History of Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, 1987.
Heyworth, Peter. The Oxford Guide to Oxford. OUP, 1981.
Hidden, A. E. & Latimer, C. J. Science & Technology: Belfast and Its Region 1987. Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast, 1987. Prepared for the BAAS meeting in Belfast, 1987.
Hillier, Mary. Automata and Mechanical Toys. An Illustrated History. Jupiter Books, London, 1976.
Hinde, Thomas, An illustrated History of the University of Greenwich (London: James & James, 1996 [ TM]
Hinz, Andreas M. Laplace in Calvados. Math. Intell. 16:2 (1994) 56-59.
Hobhouse, Christopher. Oxford. As It Was and As It Is Today. Batsford, London, (1939), 3rd ed., Winter, 1944-45.
Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing - The Enigma of Intelligence. (Burnett Books, 1983); Unwin Paperbacks, 1985.
Holmyard, E. John. Alchemy. Penguin, 1957.
Hope-Jones, W. Letter: Ludolph (or Ludolff or Lucius) van Ceulen. Math. Gaz. 22 (No. 250) (1938) 281-282.
Horský, Zden-k; Janta, Ji-í; Šolcová, Alena & Záv-tová, Milena. Praha v Historii Fyziky / Prague in the History of Physics. 2nd ed., J-MF (= Jednoty -esk-ch Matematik- (a Fyzik-) = Union of Czech Mathematicians (and Physicists)), Prague, 1996. Set of 15 postcards, in wrapper of three cards, and explanatory booklet, all in Czech and English. Present from Edmond Bakalar, via Peter Hajek.
Houghton, Raymond W. The World of George Berkeley. Irish Heritage Series, No. 53. Eason & Son, Dublin, 1985.
Howe, W. H. Everybody's Book of Epitaphs Being for the Most Part What the Living Think of the Dead. Saxon & Co., London, nd[c1895] (facsimile by Pryor Publications, Whitstable, 1995).
Howell, Peter & Beazley, Elisabeth. Companion Guide to South Wales. Collins, London, 1977.
Howells, Coral; Richardson, John; Stapleton, Mary & Tindall, Gillian. Kentish Town. The Camden History Society, London, 1979.
Howgrave-Graham, R. P., ed. by L. S. Colchester. The Wells Clock. The Friends of Wells Cathedral, 5th ed., 1987.
Fred Hoyle, Fred. Nicolaus Copernicus - An Essay on His Life and Work. Heinemann, London, 1973.
Hughes, Rhys H. The proof was in the trumpet playing. The Guardian Education section (12 Jan 1993) 14.
Hunter, Michael. Establishing the New Science. The Experience of the Royal Society. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1989.
Huxley, Sophie. The Oxford Science Walk. Science Walk Publications, Oxford, 1993.
Hyman, Anthony. Charles Babbage - Pioneer of the Computer. Oxford Univ. Press, 1982.
IME = Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Engineering Sciences Division. Big Ben - Its Engineering Past and Future. 1981.
IHHS = Institute for the History of Hungarian Sciences (Magyar Tudománytörténeti Intézet). Did You Know? Interesting facts about famous Hungarian scientists and inventors, old books and maps. Corvina Books, Budapest, 1999. (A promotional handout at the Frankfurter Buchmesse, 1999.) Present from Charlotte Franklin.
Jackman, R. The Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels Lyndhurst. British Publishing Co., Gloucester, nd [c1980], pp. 26-27.
Jackson, M. William Henry Fox Talbot on how to avoid complex numbers. Aleph Null (Magazine of the Mathsoc, Univ. of Nottingham) (Autumn 1979?) 14-16.
Jaffee, Bernard. Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry. (1930); 4th ed., Dover, NY, 1976.
Jones, Dilys Henrik. John Dee The Magus of Mortlake. Barnes and Mortlake History Society, Occasional Papers No.8, 1995.
Jongh, Brian de. The Companion Guide to Mainland Greece. Collins, London, 1979. (This has some overlap with the following.)
Jongh, Brian de (2). The Companion Guide to Southern Greece. Collins, London, 1972.
Kagan, V. N. Lobachevsky and His Contribution to Science. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1957.
Kane, Joseph Nathan. Famous First Facts. A Record of First Happenings, Discoveries and Inventions in the United States. H. W. Wilson Co., New York, 1934.
Kane, Joseph Nathan (2). More First Facts. A Record of First Happenings, Discoveries and Inventions in the United States. A Supplement to Famous First Facts. H. W. Wilson Co., New York, 1935.
Kanigel, Robert. The Man Who Knew Infinity. A Life of the Genius Ramanujan. (Scribner's, NY, 1991); Abacus (Little, Brown & Co. (UK)), London, 1992.
Kaye, David. Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Shire County Guide 2. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks, 1984.
Kemp, Martin. Notes to Leon Battista Alberti: On Painting, qv.
Kertész, A. Georg Cantor 1845-1918 Schöpfer der Mengenlehre. Edited by M. Stern. Acta Historica Leopoldina (= Abh. Archiv Gesch. Naturf. Med. Deutschen Akad. Naturf. Leopoldina), No. 15 (1983). [See [Stern] for an English summary with the photos from this.]
Kilmister, Clive W. The teaching of mathematics in the University of London. Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986) 321-337.
Klotz, Irving M. Diamond Dealers and Feather Merchants. Tales from the Sciences. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1985.
Kobler, John. The pride of the Eden Musée. IN: Chernev, qv, pp. 113-125. Taken from Afternoon in the Attic and The New Yorker; no dates are given, but it is apparently 1939 - see comment under New York City.
Koutník, Václav. Eduard -ech, 1893-1960. European Math. Soc. Newsletter No. 8 (Jun 1993) 5-7.
Kuratowski, Kazimierz. Waclaw Sierpi-ski. IN: Waclaw Sierpi-ski; Oeuvres Choisies; PWN publishers, Warsaw, vol. 1, 1974, pp. 9-14 with portrait facing p. 9.
Lancaster, Osbert. Sailing to Byzantium. John Murray, London, 1969. Pp. 85-86.
Lane Poole - see under Poole.
Lange, Lester. Polya's "Mushrooms" - A mathematical concert remembering George Polya. IN: F. R. Curcio, ed.; Teaching and Learning; Nat. Council of Teachers of Math.; Reston, Virginia, 1987,pp. 73-84. The material of interest is on pp. 77-78.
Lange, Lester (2). Hommage à Archimède. Fibonacci Quarterly 19:3 (!981) 214-219.
Lange, Lester (3). Hommage a Archimede. Amer. Math. Monthly 88:5 (1981) 339.
Laptev, B. I. & Vishnevski, V. V. Lobachevski. Math. Teaching 115 (Jun 1986) 28.
Larsen, Egon. The Cavendish Laboratory - Nursery of Genius. Edmund Ward, London, 1962.
Lau, D.; Röhl, S. & Schumacher, J. Joachim Jungius - ein Leibniz vor Leibniz. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 23 (1989) 49-50.
Law, R. J. James Watt and the Separate Condenser. HMSO for Science Museum, London, 1969.
Lawrence, P. D. & Molland, A. G. David Gregory's Inaugural Lecture at Oxford. Notes and Records of the Royal Society 25:2 (Dec 1970) 143-178.
LCC. Commemorative Tablets on Houses of Historical Interest. London County Council, London, 1960 + Supplementary List to 1962.
LCC (2). Indication of Houses of Historical Interest in London. London County Council, London, six volumes, 1907-1938. [Vol. 1 is a second edition; I have not got vol.2, but I have all the relevant parts in the separate sections as first issued.]
Lehmann, Johannes. Rechnen und Raten. Volk und Wissen, Berlin (DDR), 1987. Pp. 7-14.
Lehmann, J. & Remmert, A. Guide to Hanover. 5th ed., Adolf Sponholtz Verlag, Hameln/Hannover, 1985.
Lenihan, John. Science in Action. The Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1979.
Lenihan, John (2) Science in Focus. Blackie, 1975.
Lewin, Ronald. The American Magic. Codes, Ciphers and the Defeat of Japan. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1982); Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983.
Li(,) Yan & Du(,) Shiran [= Li Yan & Dù Shíràn]. Chinese Mathematics. A Concise History. Translated by John N. Crossley & Anthony W.-C. Lun. Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.
Lietzmann, Walther. Lustiges und Merkwürdiges von Zahlen und Formen. Sixth Edition, Ferdinand Hirt, Breslau, 1943.
Lileyko, J. Warsaw - The Royal Way. Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Warsaw, 1981.
Lister, Irene. Cambridge Characters. Oleander Press, Cambridge, 1978.
Lloyd, E. Keith. Mr Peter Nicholson, the practical builder and mathematician. Math. Gaz. 66 (No. 437) (Oct 1982) 203-207.
Locher, J. L., ed. M. C. Escher. His Life and Complete Graphic Work. (As: Leven en Werk van M. C. Escher; Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1981.) Abrams, New York, (1982), reprinted 1992. Most of the citations are to the biographical material written by J. R. Kist.
Locher, J. L., ed. (2). The World of M. C. Escher. (Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1971.) Abrams, NY, (1972), reprinted 1988.
London - see Corporation of London.
London County Council - see LCC.
Lovie, P. & Lovie, A. D. Charles Edward Spearman, F.R.S. (1863-1945). Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 75-88.
Low, A. M. They Made Your World. John Gifford, London, 1949.
Lucas, Édouard. L'Arithmétique Amusante. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1895; reprinted by Blanchard, Paris, 1974. P. 183.
Lunde, Paul. Jai Singh and the Jantar Mantar. Aramco World 42:2 (Mar-Apr 1991) 32-41 and front cover.
Macadam, Alta. Blue Guide: Florence. 5th ed., A. & C. Black, London, 1991.
MacHale, Desmond. George Boole, His Life and Work. Boole Press, Dublin, 1984.
Mackinnon, Nick. Mountaineering Mathematics. Mathematics in School 16:2 (1987) 20-21. Reprinted in: The Best of Mathematics in School; Longman, London, 1989, pp. 32-33.
Mackinnon, Nick (2). Homage to Babylonia. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 158-178.
Mackinnon, Nick (3). The portrait of Fra Luca Pacioli. Math. Gaz. (Jul 1993) - to appear.
Manley, Deborah. Alice and Lewis Carroll. Heritage Tours Publications, Oxford, 1991.
Marden, Morris. Some mathematical reminiscences. Math. Mag. 63 (1990) 244-248.
Marshall, Dorothy N. Carved stone balls. Proc. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland 108 (1976-7) 40-72.
Martin, Ged. A Visitor's Guide to Magdalene College Cambridge. The College, nd [1970s?]. (The author may be G. E. D. Martin, but the name is printed GED MARTIN, so how is one to know??)
Martini, Laura. The first lectures in Italy on Galois theory: Bologna, 1886-1887. Hist. math. 26:3 (Aug 1999) 201-223.
Masotti, Arnaldo, ed. Matematica e matematici nella storia di Milano. Severino Boezio & Francesco Brioschi, Pavia, 1963. = Estratto dal vol. XVI della "Storia di Milano" della Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri per la Storia di Milano, Milano, 1962, pp. 713-814.
Masotti, Arnaldo, ed. (2). Convegno di storia delle matematiche, Brescia, 1959. Quarto centenario della morte di Niccolò Tartaglia. Supp. ai commentari dell'Ateneo di Brescia, 1960 (1962).
Masson, Georgina. The Companion Guide to Rome. Collins, London, (1965), 3rd ed., 1972.
Maxwell, Edwin A. Obituary: Clement Vavasour Durell. Math. Gaz. 53 (No. 385) (Oct 1969) 312-313.
Maxwell, James Clerk Foundation. James Clerk Maxwell Commemorative Booklet. Produced by the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation on the occasion of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics coming to Edinburgh in July 1999. Includes the following. Michael Atiyah: Foreword; Keith Moffat: Homage to James Clerk Maxwell; Freeman J. Dyson: Why is Maxwell's Theory so hard to understand?; Roger Penrose: Out of a job in Aberdeen [review of Harman's ed. of The Scientific Letters and Papers of ...; A. Pais: A hard day's night [review of Harman]; D. O. Forfar: Generations of genius [based on his BIMA article of 1992]; John S. Reid: James Clerk Maxwell's Scottish Chair; David O. Forfar & Chris Pritchard: The remarkable story of Maxwell and Tait; Chris Pritchard: Aspects of the life and work of Peter Guthrie Tait.
Mayr, Otto. Feedback Mechanisms in the Historical Collections of the National Museum of History and Technology. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, No. 12. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1971, page 64.
McConnell, A. J. The Dublin mathematical school in the first half of the nineteenth century. Proc. Royal Irish Academy 50A (1945) 75-88.
McCrea, William H. Arthur Stanley Eddington. Scientific American 264:6 (Jun 1991) 66-71.
McDowell, R. B. & Webb, D. A. Trinity College Dublin 1592-1952 An academic history. CUP, 1982.
McKean, Charles. Edinburgh. An Illustrated Architectural Guide. Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1992.
McPeak, William J. Tycho Brahe lights up the universe. Astronomy 18:12 (Dec 1990) 28-35.
Meade, Dorothy & Wolff, Tatiana. Lines on the Underground. An Anthology for London Travellers. Cassell, London, 1994.
Mehrtens, Herbert. Ludwig Bieberbach and "Deutsche Mathematik". IN: Esther R. Phillips, ed.; Studies in the History of Mathematics; Math. Assoc. of America, 1987, pp. 195-241.
Merton, R. K. Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth-Century England. Osiris 4 (1938) part two. Reprinted with new Preface: Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row, NY, 1970.
Millinship, W. Timur's glory survives. The Observer (London) (29 Dec 1991) 47.
Mills, Stella, ed. The Collected Letters of Colin Maclaurin. Shiva, Nantwich, Cheshire, 1982, p. xix.
Miniati, M. et al. Museo di Storia della Scienza - Catalogo. Published by the Museo, Florence, 1991.
Minihane, D. [Photos of Boole's house and unveiling of plaque, with caption.] Evening Echo (Cork) (12 Nov 1984).
Mitton, G. E. Kensington (The Fascination of London series). Black, London, 1903.
Monk, Raymond. Wittgenstein. Cape, 1990.
Monna, A. F. Review of: Felix Hausdorff: Ein Mathematiker seiner Zeit. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 483-484.
Montizambert, Elizabeth. London Adventure. London Transport, London, 1939.
Montizambert, Elizabeth (2). Unnoticed London. Dent, London, 1922.
Moore, Dorothy Langley. Ada, Countess of Lovelace. John Murray, London, 1977.
Moore, James & Dahl, Norman. Scientists and Inventors From Archimedes to Einstein. Ill. by Peter Dennis. Beaver, 1979.
Moore, Patrick. The Astronomy of Birr Castle. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1971.
Moore, Patrick (2). Caroline Herschel. Reflected Glory. William Herschel Society, Bath, 1988.
Moore, Patrick (3). To find the final planet [Obituary of Clyde Tombaugh]. The Guardian (21 Jan 1997) 16.
Moore, Patrick (4). Eyes on the Universe The Story of the Telescope. Springer, 1997.
Mordell, Louis Joel. Reflections of a Mathematician. Canadian Math. Congress, Montreal, 1959. P. 35.
Morley, Frank V. My One Contribution to Chess. Faber & Faber, London, 1947.
Morris, Christopher. King's College A Short History. King's College, Cambridge, 1989.
Morton, Alan Q. Science in the 18th Century. The King George III Collection. Science Museum, London, 1993.
Morton, Brian N. Americans in London. Queen Anne Press (Macdonald), London, 1988.
Mullinger, James Bass. St John's College. College Histories series. F. E. Robinson & Co., London, 1901.
Murray, H. J. R. A Short History of Chess. Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1963.
Museum Boerhaave, Leiden. Christiaan Huygens 1629-1695 A Question of Time. [Catalogue of an exhibition.] 1979, 60pp + covers.
Myers, Alan. Myers' Literary Guide The North East. Mid Northumberland Arts Group, Ashington, Northumberland and Carcanet Press, Manchester, 1995.
Neumann, Bernard H. Augustus De Morgan. Bull. London Math. Soc. 16 (1984) 575-589.
Neumann, Bernard H. (2). David Hilbert. Math. Spectrum 25:3 (1992/3) 70-73.
Newman, James R., ed. The World of Mathematics. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1956. Pp. 1416-1418.
Nicholas, Margaret. The World's Greatest Cranks and Crackpots. Octopus Books, 1982.
O'Donnell, Sean. William Rowan Hamilton. Portrait of a Prodigy. Boole Press, Dublin, 1983, p. 187.
Okey, Thomas. The Story of Paris. Dent, London, (1906), 2nd ed., (1911), 2nd ptg., 1919.
Ore, Oystein. Niels Henrik Abel - Mathematician Extraordinary. (1957); reprinted by Chelsea, NY, 1974.
Paine, Lois. Letter of 13 Mar 1993 describing their sabbatical tour of mathematical monuments in summer 1992. 3pp.
Parker, R. Stirling and Stirling's numbers. Mathematics Teaching 59 (1972) 21-23.
Pearson, Karl. The History of Statistics in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Griffin, London, 1978. P. 229.
Pedoe, Dan. Geometry and the Liberal Arts. Penguin, 1976, p. 193.
Pennick, Nigel. Mazes and Labyrinths. Robert Hale, London, 1990.
Pepys, Samuel. The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A., F.R.S; Clerk of the Acts and Secretary to the Admiralty Transcribed by the late Rev. Mynors Bright, M.A. from the shorthand manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Edited with Additions by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. (This has a complex printing history as various partial editions appeared. 2 vols, 1825; 5 vols, 1828; 5 vols, 1848-1849; 4 vols, 1854; these all from Henry Colburn, London, or his successors, Hurst & Blackett. 6 vols, Bickers & Son, London, 1875-1879.) Bell, London, (10 vols, 1893-1899; 8 vols, 1904; India Paper ed, 1923), Thin Paper ed, 8 vols & Index in 3 vols, (1946), 4th ptg, 1962. Because of the multiplicity of available editions, I will refer to material by date rather than page.
Perfect, Hazel. Leopold Kronecker: A great gentleman in science. Math. Spectrum 24 (1991/92) 1-7.
Perl, Teri. Math Equals. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1978.
Petrovsky, I. G. Moscow University. "Soviet News" Booklet No. 18, London, 1955. Pp. 11, 15, 16, 36, 37.
Phillips, Robert, ed. Aspects of Alice. (1971; Gollancz, London, 1972); Penguin, 1974.
Picard, Emile. Introduction, pp. v-x. IN: Oeuvres Mathématiques d'Évariste Galois. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1897 (and reprinted several times).
Pieper, H. Ein historische Mathematikaufgabe. [Originally in the magazine Alpha.] IN: J. Lehmann, ed.; Rechnen und Raten; Volk und Wissen, Berlin (DDR), 1987. P. 93.
Pinder, J. St George the Martyr Church, Southwark. Corrected edition, published by the Church, 1980.
Piper, David. The Treasures of Oxford. Paddington Press, London, 1977.
Poole, Mrs. Reginald Lane. Catalogue of Portraits Exhibited in the Reading Room & Gallery of the Bodleian Library. OUP, 1920 (but the main text was printed in 1912 as part of the Complete Catalogue of Oxford Portraits). (Possibly the family name is Lane Poole.)
Polya, George. Ed. by G. L. Alexanderson. The Polya Picture Album. Birkhäuser, 1987.
Pritchard, Chris. The contributions of four Scots to the early development of statistics. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 61-68.
Proctor, Richard A. Weighing the earth. Knowledge 11 (Apr 1888) 123-125 & (May 1888) 151-153.
Pullin, V. E. Sir Isaac Newton - A Biographical Sketch. Benn, London, 1927.
Purver, M. & Bowen, E. J. The Beginning of the Royal Society. Oxford Univ. Press, 1960.
Raikes, Alice. Letter. The Times (London) (22 Jan 1932). Not yet seen. Cited in: Michael Barsley; The Left Handed Book; (Souvenir, London, 1966), Pan, 1989, pp. 199-200. Quoted in: Green, pp. 52-53.
Ramsauer, R. Nicolaus Coppernicus - Wandler des Weltbildes. Dr. Georg Lüttke Verlag, Berlin, 1943.
Rankin, Robert A. Ramanujan's manuscripts and notebooks. Bull. London Math. Soc. 14 (1982) 81-97. See p. 96.
Rankin, Robert A. (2). Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 23 (1987) 145-152.
Reeve, F. A. Cambridge College Walks. Oleander Press, Cambridge, 1978.
Regis, Ed. Who Got Einstein's Office? (Addison-Wesley, 1987); Penguin, 1989.
Reichardt, Jascha. Robots: Fact, Fiction and Prediction. Thames & Hudson, London, 1978.
Rhyn, J. van. Holland A Pocket Guide. J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, nd [c1954].
Richmond (London Borough of). Notes on Local History. A series of some 40 leaflets, each of a few pages, once available from the Library on Richmond Green.
Riddle, Edward, ed. Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy - Dr. Hutton's Translation of Montucla's Edition of Ozanam. New ed., William Tegg, London, 1851. P. viii.
Rivett, Leonard & Matthew, Jim. "A Yorkshire Genius" A brief Study of the Life, Work and Achievements of Sir George Cayley. Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, Yorkshire, (1991), 2nd ed, 1996.
Robb, Douglas. Henry George Forder. IN: A Spectrum of Mathematics Essays presented to H. G. Forder; ed. by J. C. Butcher; Auckland Univ. Press & OUP, 1971, pp. 11-15.]
Robert, A. The Euler Busts. Math. Intell. 10:2 (1988) 36.
Roberts, R. M. Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science. Wiley, New York, 1989.
Rochester, J. B. & Gantz, J. The Naked Computer. Arlington Books, London, 1984. (There was a 1983 US edition.)
Rogers, C. Ambrose. Harold Davenport (1907-1969). Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 17 (1971) 159-192. Also issued as a separate item.
Rollett, A. P. Note 3,120: Newton's apple. Math. Gaz. 49 (No. 367) (Feb 1965) 86-87.
Ronan, Colin A. Edmond Halley - Genius in Eclipse. Macdonald, London, 1970.
Ross, J. & Erichsen, N. The Story of Pisa. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, 1909.
Rosse, The Earl of. Birr Castle. Irish Heritage Series, No. 37. Eason & Son, Dublin, 1982. (Unpaginated - the material of interest is on pp. 6-9.)
Rothman, Patricia. Grace Chisholm Young and the division of laurels. Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 89-100.
Rowe, D. E. Gauss, Dirichlet and the law of biquadratic reciprocity. Math. Intell. 10:2 (1988) 13-25.
Rucker, Rudolf v. B., ed. Speculations on the Fourth Dimension. Selected Writings of Charles H. Hinton. Dover, NY, 1980. [Hinton's life is outlined in Rucker's Introduction, pp. v-xix.]
Rudnicki, Józef. Nicholas Copernicus (Miko-aj Kopernik) 1473-1543. Translated by B. W. A. Massey. The Copernicus Quatercentenary Celebration Committee, London, 1943.
Rukeyser, M. The Traces of Thomas Hariot. Gollancz, London, 1972.
Russell, D. C. Obituary: Lancelot Stephen Bosanquet. Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986) 403-420.
Russell, Ronald. Cambridgeshire and Cambridge. Shire County Guide 23. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1988.
Sandon, F. Review of "Student's" Collected Papers. Math. Gaz. 27 (1943) 225-226.
Sarton, George. Six Wings - Men of Science in the Renaissance. Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1957.
Sarton, George (2). The tomb of Omar Khayyâm. Isis 29 (1939) 15-19 & plate opp. p. 15.
Savage, J. Science fiction monsters (Report of correspondence with Constance Reid). Crystal Palace Matters, No. 35 (1990) 15.
Scandone, F. Galileo and the Telescope. [Lecture delivered in America on 2 & 5 Nov 1965.] Officine Galileo, Florence, 1967. [This is a large format booklet with many excellent colour photos.]
Schlapp, R. The contribution of the Scots to mathematics. Math. Gaz. 57 (1973) 1-16.
Schmidt, W. Auf den Spuren von Mathematikern Lindenau, Bailly, Lalande. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 23 (1989) 109-110.
Schreiber, Peter. Mitstreiter gesucht! Alpha (Berlin) 25:1 (1991) 1.
Schroeter, J. Swiss Contributions to Science. American Society for Friendship with Switzerland, New York, 1960.
Schukowski, M. Die Rostocker Monumentaluhr. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 24:2 (1990) ?? - no page number on the photocopy I received.
Scott, J. F. The Scientific Work of René Descartes. Taylor & Francis, London, nd [Preface dated 1952].
Scott-Giles, C. W. Sidney Sussex College A Brief History. (1950); 2nd ed., The College, 1975.
Seck, Friedrich. Das Kepler-Museum in Weil der Stadt. Führer. Kepler-Gesellschaft, Weil der Stadt, 1982. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Segedin, M. G. Sir William Rowan Hamilton. New Zealand Math. Mag. 5 (1967-68) 128-131. (A rubbing of S. M. Hamilton's grave is on p. 131.)
Segre, Michael. Viviani's life of Galileo. Isis 80 (1989) 206-231.
Shields, A. Years ago: Carathéodory and conformal mapping. Math. Intell. 10:1 (1988) 18-22.
Shields, A. (2). Lejeune Dirichlet and the birth of analytic number theory: 1837-1839. Math. Intell. 11:4 (1989) 7-11.
Sholl, Andrew. Bloomers, Biros & Wellington Boots How the Names became the Words. Michael O'Mara Books, London, 1996, special edition for Past Times, Oxford.
Siklos, Stephen. Philippa Fawcett and the Mathematical Tripos. Newnham College, Cambridge, 1990.
Simcock, A. V. The Ashmolean Museum and Oxford Science 1683-1983. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, 1984.
Singh, J. Srinivasa Ramanujan: A short biography - Parts I & II. Mathematical Education 4 (1987) 5-16 & 61-73.
Slater, Lucy Joan. A Walk round the Ascension Burial Ground, Cambridge, formerly known as St Giles' Cemetery. 2nd ed., Lucy Joan Slater, 30 Oxford Road, Cambridge, CB4 3PW, 1990, 7pp, £.25.
Smith, David Eugene. History of Mathematics. Vol. 1, Ginn, 1923; Dover, 1951.
Smith, David Eugene (2). Two mathematical shrines of Paris. Amer. Math. Monthly 28 (1921) 62-63.
Smith, Eric E. F. Clapham Saints and Sinners. The Clapham Press, London, 1987.
Smith, Steven B. The Great Mental Calculators. Columbia Univ. Press, NY, 1983.
Smith-Rose, R. L. James Clerk Maxwell. A Mathematical Physicist of the Nineteenth Century. Longmans, Green & Co., London, for the British Council, 1948.
Smithies, Frank. Augustin-Louis Cauchy. Math. Spectrum 22:1 (1989-90) 1-6.
Smithies, Frank (2). Hardy as I knew him. Typescript of a talk to the BSHM, 19 Dec 1990, 7pp.
Sobel, Dava. Longitude. Walker Publishing, NY?, 1995; Fourth Estate, London, 1996.
Solovyov, Y. P. The short, turbulent life of Évariste Galois. Quantum 2:2 (Nov/Dec 1991) 42-47.
Southwark (London Borough of) - Development Department. Southwark Heritage Plaques, 10pp sent by the Department, 1994. (Replaces a 3pp version of 1971.)
Spearman, T. D. 400 Years of Mathematics. An Exhibition at Trinity College, Dublin, 1992 as part of the Quatercentenary of the College. Trinity College, Dublin, 1992.
Spring, Roy. Salisbury Cathedral. Unwin Hyman, London, 1987.
Srinivasan, P. K., ed. Ramanujan Memorial Volumes. 1: Ramanujan - Letters and Reminiscences; 2: Ramanujan - An Inspiration. Muthialpet High School, Number Friends Society, Old Boys' Committee, Madras, 1968. Only vol. 1 is cited.
Stander, D. Makers of modern mathematics: Joseph Liouville. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 24 (1988) 59-60.
Stander, D. (2). Makers of modern mathematics: Charles Hermite. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 24 (1988) 120-121.
Stander, D. (3). Makers of modern mathematics: William Oughtred. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 23 (1987) 72-73.
Stanier, Peter. Devon. Shire County Guide 27, Shire, Aylesbury, 1989.
Stanley, Thomas. Pythagoras. The Ninth Part of The History of Philosophy, (1655-1662), collected ed., 1687, pp. 491-576. Reprinted by The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, 1970. With Foreword by Manly P. Hall and Introductory Essay by Henry L. Drake.
Steegmann, John. Cambridge As it was And as it is today. Batsford, London, (1940), 3rd ed., 1945.
Stein, Dorothy. Ada - A Life and a Legacy. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1985.
Stein, Erwin & Heinekamp, Albert. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Das Wirken des grossen Philosophen und Universalgelehrten als Mathematiker Physiker Techniker. Vorträge und Katalog der Erstausstellung an der Universität Hannover. Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft, Hannover, 1990.
Stern, Manfred. Memorial places of Georg Cantor in Halle. Math. Intell. 10:3 (1988) 48-49. [This includes the photos from [Kertész].]
Stewart, J. J. Weighing the earth. Knowledge (1 Feb 1894) 30-32 & (2 Apr 1894) 88-89.
Stone, D. Letter: World's first computer? New Scientist (13 Oct 1983) 125.
Storer, J. D. The Beaver Book of Great Inventions. Ill. by Rosalind Lobb. Beaver, 1980. (Despite being a children's book, this is an excellent survey and is full of factual information.)
Stubbings, Frank. Emmanuel College An historical guide. The Master and Fellows, (1983), revised, 1996.
Summerson, John. Sir Christopher Wren. Brief Lives, Collins, London, 1953.
Szénássy, B. Supplement. IN: János Bolyai; Appendix - The Theory of Space; ed. by F. Kárteszi; Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1987.
Tahan, Malba [pseud. of J. C. de Mello e Souza]. Matemática Divertida e Delirante. Edicao Saraiva, Sao Paulo, date not known to me. Pp. 105-108: O Monumento de Itaocara.
Tattersall, Jim. Remarks at Dirk Struik Centenary Lecture. International Study Group on the Relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter 33 (Nov 1994) 9-11.
Taylor, Eva Germaine Rimington. The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England 1485-1714. Cambridge Univ. Press for the Inst. of Navigation, 1954, reprinted several times.
Taylor, Gordan Rattray. A Salute to British Genius. Martin Secker & Warburg for the John Player Foundation British Genius Exhibition, London, 1977.
Tee, Garry J. Two New Zealand mathematicians. IN: History of Mathematics; Proc. First Australian Conf.; J. N. Crossley, ed.; Dept. of Mathematics, Monash Univ., 1981. Pp. 180-195.
Tee, Garry J. (2). The heritage of Charles Babbage in Australasia. Annals of the History of Computing 5 (1983) 45-59.
Thoday, A. G. Astronomy 2: Astronomical Telescopes. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. HMSO, London, 1971.
Thompson, J. E. A Manual of the Slide Rule. Its History, Principle and Operation. Van Nostrand, 1930. Combined into: T. O'Conor Sloane, J. E. Thompson & H. E. Licks; Speed and Fun With Figures; Van Nostrand, 1939.
Timbs, John. Curiosities of History; With New Lights. David Bogue, London, 1857.
Timbs, John (2). Things Not Generally Known, Familiarly Explained. A Book for Old and Young. (Spine says First Series and a note by a bookdealer on the flyleaf says 2 vol..) Kent & Co., London, (1857?), 8th ed., 1859.
Timpson, John. Timpson's Towns of England and Wales. Oddities & Curiosities. Jarrold, Norwich, (1989), PB ed, (1994), 2nd ptg, 1995.
Tremayne, Arthur. Everybody's Clocks. N. A. G. Press, London, nd [1950s?].
Trevelyan, G. M. Trinity College - A History and Guide. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1972; revised and extended by R. Robson, 1980.
Trevelyan, G. M. (2). Trinity College - An Historical Sketch. Trinity College, Cambridge, (1943), with additions by R. Robson (1972, 1976), 1983.
Tucker, Anthony: Brilliant star without limit & Lovell: Beyond white dwarfs, toward black holes. The Guardian (London) (24 Aug 1995) 11.
Turnbull, David. Airy plaque unveiled. Astronomy Now 6:11 (Nov 1992) 15.
Turnbull, Herbert Westren. Bi-centenary of the death of Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746). A lecture given on 4 Feb 1947. Aberdeen University Studies, No. 127. Aberdeen University Press, 1951.
Turnbull, Herbert Westren & Bushnell, G. H. Celebration of the Tercentenary of the Birth of James Gregory (1638-1675) Professor of Mathematics in the University (1668-1674). University of St Andrews, 1939.
Turnbull, Michael T. R. B. The Edinburgh Graveyard Guide. Saint Andrew Press, Edinburgh, 1991.
Turner, Christopher. Hampton Court, Richmond and Kew Step by Step. (As part of: Outer London Step by Step, Faber, 1986.) Revised and published in sections, Faber, 1987.
Turner, Gerard L'E. Antique Scientific Instruments. Blandford Press, Poole, 1980.
Tweedie, C. A study of the life and writings of Colin Maclaurin. Math. Gaz. 8 (No. 119) (Oct 1915) 133-151.
Vagliente, Victor (& Boissonnade), Auguste. Letter of 25 Aug 1996 and draft of their Translator's Introduction to their English translation of Lagrange's Mécanique Analytique, Kluwer, 1996.
Valentin, G. Leonhard Euler in Berlin. Abh. zur Geschichte der math. Wissensch. 25 (1907) = Festschrift zur Feier des 200. Geburtstages Leonhard Eulers, Teubner, Leipzig, 1907, pp. 1-20.
Van Egmond, Warren. New light on Paolo dell'Abbaco. Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze 2:2 (1977) 3-21.
Van Helden, Albert, translator and editor. Galileo Galilei: Sidereus Nuncius or The Sidereal Messenger. (12 Mar 1610.) Chicago Univ. Press, 1989.
Vigar, John E. Kent Curiosities A Guide to Follies and Strange Buildings Curious Tales and Unusual People. The Dovecote Press, Wimborne, Dorset, 1992.
Vigar, John E. (2). Kent. Shire County Guide 19. Shire, (1988), 2nd ed, 1991. 3rd ed, 1997.
Vladimirov, V. S. & Markush, I. I. Academician Steklov, Mathematician Extraordinary. Translated and revised from the 1981 Russian ed., MIR, Moscow, 1983.
Von Freytag-Löringhoff - see under F.
Wade, Christopher. Buried in Hampstead. A Survey of Monuments at Saint-John-at-Hampstead. Camden History Society, London, 1986.
Wade, Christopher, ed. (2). The Streets of Belsize. Compiled by the Camden History Society's Street History Group. Camden History Society, 1991. [Extensive revision of More Streets of Hampstead, High Hill Press, 1973.]
Wade, Christopher (3). The Streets of Hampstead. Camden History Society and High Hill Press, (1972, corrected, 1973 & 1976), 2nd ed., 1984.
van der Waerden, B. L. Science Awakening. Oxford Univ. Press, NY, 1961. Pp. 102-105.
Walker, Thomas. Peterhouse. (1906.) Revised, Heffer, 1935.
Wallis, Ruth. Edward Cocker (1632?-1676) and his Arithmetick: De Morgan demolished. Annals of Science 54 (1997) 507-522.
Ward, F. A. B. Time Measurement. Part I - Historical Review. Handbooks of the Science Museum. HMSO, 3rd ed., 1947. (Part II - Descriptive Catalogue was superseded by Ward (2).)
Ward, F. A. B. (2) Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection Illustrating Time Measurement Science Museum. HMSO, 1966.
Ward, Greg. Brittany & Normandy The Rough Guide. 4th ed., Rough Guides, London, (1995), reprinted 1996.
Weber, R. L. A Random Walk in Science. Institute of Physics, London & Bristol, 1973.
Weber, R. L. (2). More Random Walks in Science. The Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1982.
Webster, Roger. Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky - The Copernicus of geometry. Math. Spectrum 25:2 (1992/93) 37-45.
White, J. G. History of the Three Royal Exchanges, the Gresham Lectures, and Gresham Almshouses. Effingham Wilson, London, 1896.
Whitrow, Gerald J., ed. Einstein - The Man and His Achievement. Texts of three broadcasts on the BBC. British Broadcasting Corp., London, 1967.
Whittaker, Edmund T. Laplace. Math. Gaz. 33 (No. 303) (1949) 1-12.
Whittaker, Edmund T. (2). Alfred North Whitehead 1861-1947. Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 6 (Nov 1948) 281-296 & plate opp. 281.
Whittaker, Edmund T. (3). Oliver Heaviside An Historical Foreword. (Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 20 (1928-1929) 199-220.) Facsimile reprint in: Douglas H. Moore; Heaviside Operational Calculus; American Elsevier, 1971, pp. xix-xlii.
Wiebé, Edward. Paradise of Childhood. Publisher, etc. not known. Appendix on William Middendorf: Characteristic Traits, by Dr. Diesterweg, pp. 135ff. (Translated from Diesterweg's "Pädagogisches Jahrbuch", 1855.)
Wiebé, Edward (2). Paradise of Childhood. Ed. by Milton Bradley. Including: A Life of Friedrich Froebel, by Henry W. Blake, pp. 13-63. Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Massachusetts, 1899. The Marienthal monument is shown opp. p. 40.
Wilhelm, Peter. The Nobel Prize. Springwood Books, 1983.
Wilkins-Jones, F. M. George Green: His Background and Family. IN: George Green, Miller, Sneinton. Published by Nottingham Castle, Nottingham, 1976. Pp. 15-61.
Wilkinson, Paul. Curious case of church cat. ??, early 1993 clipping sent by Peter Ransom.
Wilson, Anthony. The Science Museum. [Illustrated Guide.] The Science Museum, London, 1988.
Wilson, Anthony (2). Guide to The Science Museum. The Science Museum, London, 1991.
Wittgenstein, Hermine. Excerpts from Familienerinnerungen (Family Recollections), early 1940s, in German and English. IN: Bernhard Leitner; The Architecture of Ludwig Wittgenstein; (Press of Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, 1973); reprinted by Academy Editions, London, 1995.
Woodcock, B. Climbing the steps to heaven. Weekend Telegraph (London) (5 Mar 1988), p. V.
Wray, E. M.. Historical Scientific Instruments from the Collection of the Department of Physics, University of St Andrews. A Guide to Selected Exhibits. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of St Andrews, 1984.
Wymer, Norman. Medical Scientists and Doctors. Lives of Great Men and Women Series IV. OUP, Oxford, 1958. This is a compilation of 8 separate booklets, separately paginated. References will thus be to chapter and page, e.g. 2:3-5 for pp. 3-5 of chapter 2.
Yarwood, Doreen. Five Hundred Years of Technology in the Home. Batsford, London, 1983.
Yurdan, Marilyn. Oxfordshire and Oxford. Shire County Guide 20. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1988.
Zalcman, Lawrence. Review of E. Landau & D. Gaier: Darstellung und Begründung einiger neuerer Ergebnisse der Funktionentheorie, 3te Aufl. Math. Intell. 11:4 (1989) 61-63.
Zwart, Pieter. Islington: A History and Guide. Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1973
Anon. Ancient China's Technology and Science. Compiled by the Institute of the History of the Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1983. (Selected and revised from: Achievements in Science and Technology in Ancient China [in Chinese], China Youth Publishing House, Beijing, 1978.)
Anon. 'Archimedes Tomb' found. The Times (London) (19 Oct 1965) 9.
Anon. Athens and Attica - A Phaidon Cultural Guide. Phaidon, 1986, pp. 126-127.
Anon. Ausstellung im Leibniz-Haus Hannover. Historischen Museum am Hohen Ufer, Hannover, 1983.
Anon. The Boole plaque. Cork Examiner (14 Nov 1984).
Anon. Bust of Ramanujan unveiled. The Hindu (Madras) (12 May 1984) 9.
Anon. City of London - Monuments and Statues. City of London Information Centre, July 1975, 7pp.
Anon. The Clerk Maxwell Route. One page sent by Hartwick.
Anon. Commemoration of the death of Giuseppe Peano. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 458.
Anon. Commemorative Plaques [in the City of London]. 9pp copy of typed list. Available from Public Relations Officer of the City. Dated 1968, with additions.
Anon. Countries of the World. Waverley Book Co., London, nd [1920s?], vol. 3, p. 1973.
Anon. Eloge de Monsieur Cassini. Originally in: Histoire de l'Academie Royal des Sciences, unknown date [c1712]. Reprinted in: Eloges des Academiciens, ...; ed. by de Fontenelle; Isaac vander Kloot, The Hague, vol. I, (1740), pp. 273-312; facsimile by Editions Culture et Civilisation, Brussels, 1969.
Anon. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Macmillan. Vol. 14, p. 618. (Not seen by me.)
Anon. The Heritage of Richmond upon Thames in the Year of Her Majesty's Jubilee 1977. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, London, 1977.
Anon. Investigations in the Laboratories. Produced by Heads of Departments, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, 1955.
Anon. James Joseph Sylvester. Math. Gaz. 32 (No. 301) (Oct 1948) 225 & facing plate.
Anon. Kowloon Park back in business. The Hongkong Standard (2 Feb 1989) 3.
Anon. Les Délices de Leide - une des célébres villes de l'Europe, Qui contiennent une description exacte de son Antiquité, de ses divers Aggrandissements, de son Académie, de ses Manufactures, de ses Curiositiés, & généralement de tout ce qu'il y a de plus digne à voir. Le tout enrichi de Tailles Douces. Pierre van der Aa, Leiden, 1712. P. 67. [Cited by Bierens de Haan. Not seen by me.]
Anon. Memoir of the late Dr. Hutton. Gentlemen's Magazine and Historical Chronicle 93 (Mar 1823) 228-232.
Anon. The Record of the Royal Society. 4th ed., The Royal Society, London, 1940. [This is the most recent edition. There is a Supplement for 1940-1989.]
Anon. [Obituary.] Sir George Stokes. Knowledge 26:3 (Mar 1903) 61-62.
Anon. Thomas Simpson. Mathematics Review 1:2 (Nov 1990) 28-29.
Anon. Vinci. Ente Provinciale per il Turismo, Florence, nd [c1970].
Ackermann, Alfred S. E. Popular Fallacies. 4th ed., Old Westminster Press, London, 1950.
Ahrens, Wilhelm. Mathematiker-Anecdoten. 2nd ed., Teubner, Leipzig, 1920.
Ahrens, Wilhelm (2). Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele. 2 vols., 2nd ed., Teubner, 1910 & 1918. [There is a 3rd ed. of vol. 1, 1921, but it differs only slightly from the 1910 2nd ed.]
Albers, Donald J.; Alexanderson, Gerald L. & Reid, Constance. International Mathematical Congresses - An Illustrated History 1893-1986. Revised ed., Springer-Verlag, NY, 1987.
Alberti, Leon Battista. On Painting. Translated from De Pictura of 1435 by Cecil Grayson. With Introduction and Notes by Martin Kemp. Penguin Classics, Harmondsworth, 1991.
Alexanderson, Gerald L. On Mathematical Monuments, or the Mathematician's Baedeker. California Mathematics 7:1 (Apr 1982) 3-11.
Alexanderson, Gerald L. & Lange, Lester H. Obituary - George Pólya. Bull. London Math. Soc. 19 (1987) 559-608.
Allen, Bernard M. William Garnett. A Memoir. Heffer, Cambridge, 1933.
Allen, David J. Sussex. Shire County Guide 4. Shire, (1984), 3rd ed, 1995.
Andrade, Eric Neville da Costa. Robert Hooke, F.R.S. (1635-1703). Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 15 (1960) 137-145.
Andrade, Eric Neville da Costa (2). Galileo. IN: Celebration of the quater-centenary of the birth of Galileo. 9 Jul 1964. 18pp + frontispiece colour photo from RS copy of Sustermans portrait of Galileo + covers. Pp. 1-10. The Royal Society, 1964.
Arago, François. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men. First Series. Translated by Admiral W. H. Smyth, the Rev. Baden Powell and Robert Grant. Original publisher not given, 1859; facsimile reprint by Books for Libraries Press, Freeport, NY, 1972.
Archibald, Raymond Clare. [Biography.] Scripta Math. 2 (1933-1934) 291.
Archibald, Raymond Clare (2). Outline of the History of Mathematics. Slaught Memorial Paper 2 = Amer. Math. Monthly 56:1, Part II (Jan 1949).
Archibald, Raymond Clare (3). Mathematical Table Makers. Portraits, Paintings, Busts, Monuments. Bio-Bibliographical Notes. Scripta Mathematica, New York, 1948.
Archibald, Raymond Clare (4). Bibliographia de mathematicis - III. Scripta Math. 1:4 (Jun 1933) 346-362.
Armitage, Angus. (As: Sun, Stand Thou Still; Henry Schuman, NY, 1947); The World of Copernicus. Mentor (New American Library), NY, 1951.
Arrighi, Gino, ed. Paolo dell'Abbaco: Trattato d'Aritmetica. Domus Galilaeana, Pisa, 1964.
Arrighi, Gino, ed. (2). Leonardo Fibonacci: La Practica di Geometria - Volgarizzata da Cristofano di Gherardo di Dino, cittadino pisano. Domus Galilaeana, Pisa, 1966.
Ash, Russell. The Londoner's Almanac. Century, London, 1985.
Atiyah, Michael. Obituary: John Arthur Todd. Bull. London Math. Soc. 30 (1998) 305-316. (Reprint from Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 42 (1996) 483-494.)
Augarten, Stan. Bit by Bit. An Illustrated History of Computers. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1984.
Ayer, Alfred J. Voltaire. Random House, NY, 1986. Quoted in New York Times Book Review (7 Dec 1986).
Babbage, Charles. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, London, 1864; reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley, NY, 1969. Pp. 129-136. Reproduced in: Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engines, ed. by P. & E. Morrison; Dover, New York, 1961; pp. 63-68 (see also p. xxi).
Baedeker, Karl. Italy: First Part - Northern Italy. Baedeker, Leipsic, 1906.
Bailey, Bernadine. American Shrines in England. A. S. Barnes, South Brunswick and New York & Thomas Yoseloff, London, 1977.
Bailey, C. Harrap's Guide to Famous London Graves. Harrap, London, 1975.
Bailey, Kenneth C. A History of Trinity College Dublin 1892-1945. Dublin Univ. Press & Hodges, Figgis, Dublin, 1947.
Bainbridge, Cyril. North Yorkshire and North Humberside. Shire County Guide 3. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1984. P. 27.
Baker, Anne C. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. Math. Spectrum 29:2 (1996/7) 25-29.
Baker, Margaret. Discovering London's Statues and Monuments. 2nd ed., Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1980.
Ball, Walter William Rouse. Mathematical Recreations and Problems. Macmillan, London, 1892. (From the 4th ed. (1905), this was retitled 'Mathematical Recreations and Essays'.)
Ball, Walter William Rouse (2). A Short Account of the History of Mathematics. 4th ed., (1908), Dover, NY, 1960, p. 287.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (3). Trinity College Cambridge. J. M. Dent & Co., London, 1906.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (4). The Cambridge school of mathematics. Math. Gaz. 6 (No. 99) (Jul 1912) 311-323.
Ball, Walter William Rouse (5). A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1889.
Barker, Felix & Gay, John. Highgate Cemetery - Victorian Valhalla. John Murray, London, 1984.
Barlow, Fred. Mental Prodigies. Hutchinson, (1951); amended, 1952.
Bartholomew, Charles. Mechanical Toys. Hamlyn, London, 1979.
Barton, Stuart. Monumental Follies An exposition on the eccentric edifices of Britain. Lyle Publications, Worthing, Sussex, 1972.
Batey, Mavis. Alice's Adventures in Oxford. Pitkin Pictorials, London, 1980.
Baverstock, Keith. Discovering Walks in Oxford and Cambridge. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks., 1973.
Beazley, Elisabeth & Howell, Peter. Companion Guide to North Wales. Collins, London, 1975.
Beckert, Herbert & Schumann, Horst. 100 Jahre Mathematisches Seminar der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, DDR, 1981.
Beer, A. & Strand, K. A., ed. Copernicus, Yesterday and Today. Vistas in Astronomy 17 (1975). Pergamon Press.
Behnke, Heinrich. Carathéodory's Leben und Werken. IN: A. Panayotopoulos, ed; Proceedings of the C. Carathéodory International Symposium, Athens, Sep 1973. Greek Mathematical Society, Athens, 1974, pp. 17-33. With portrait on p. 5 and English Introduction by A. Pallas on pp. 15-16.
Bell, Eric Temple. Men of Mathematics. Simon & Schuster, NY, (1937), PB ed., 1961.
Beltrami, E. Riemann's Italian tomb. Math. Intell. 9:3 (1987) 54-55.
Berggren, J. Lennart. Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam. Springer, NY, 1986.
Berlet, Bruno. Zur Feier des vierhundertsten Geburtsjahres von Adam Riese. 1892. [The copy provided by Interlibrary Loans is either lacking a title page or may have been a separately printed booklet. The author's name is only shown on the library binding and no other details are given. It consists of two main sections.
Adam Riese, sein Leben, seine Rechenbücher und seine Art zu rechen (reprinted from the Programm der Progymnasial- und Realschulanstalt zu Annaberg 1855).
Die Coss von Adam Riese (reprinted from the same Programm for 1860).
The copy I saw might have been the Programm for 1892. My reference is [Lehmann, p. 13] where he gives Berlet's name, a slight variation of the title and says it was published in Leipzig and Frankfurt in 1892.]
Berman, Morris. Social Change and Scientific Organization - The Royal Institution 1799-1844. Heinemann Educational Books, 1978.
Bernoulli, James (I). Linae Cycloidales ..., 1692 = Opera Omnia I (1744) 502. (Not seen - cited by Pearson.)
Berry, A. J. Henry Cavendish His Life and Scientific Work. Hutchinson, 1960.
Besant, Walter & Mitton, G. E. The Strand District. Fascination of London Series. Adam & Charles Black, 1902. (Despite the title, this also covers much of the West End, including St James's, Piccadilly and Charing Cross.)
Bierens de Haan, D. On Ludolff van Ceulen's 35-decimal value of pi and on some of his works. Messenger of Mathematics 3 (1875) 24-26.
Biggs, Norman L. T. P. Kirkman, mathematician. Bull. London Math. Soc. 13 (1981) 97-120.
Biggs, Norman L.; Lloyd, E. Keith & Wilson, Robin J. Graph Theory 1736-1936. Oxford Univ. Press, 1976.
Blackwood, John. London's Immortals. The Complete Outdoor Commemorative Statues. Savoy Press, London & Oxford, 1989.
Boll, Walter. Kepler-Gedächtnishaus. Sammlungen der Stadt Regensburg, No. 10, 4th ptg, 1975. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Bonaini, F. Memoria unica sincrona di Leonardo Fibonacci novamente scoperta. Giornale Storico degli Archivi Toscani 1:4 (Oct-Dec 1857) 239-246.
Bonelli, Maria Luisa. Le abitazioni fiorentine di Galileo. L'Universo (Revista bimestrale dell'Istituto Geografico Militare) 37:4 & 38:1 (1957-1958) 1-27. (My version is a reprint which may be the entire double issue?)
Bowers, Brian. X-Rays. HMSO for the Science Museum, London, 1970.
Boyle, J. A. Omar Khayyam: Astronomer, Mathematician and Poet. Bull. John Rylands Library 52 (1969) 37.
Boyer, Carl B. A History of Mathematics. Wiley, New York, 1966.
Bradford, Ernle. The Companion Guide to the Greek Islands. Collins, London, 1963.
Broadbent, T. A. A. The other Newman. Math. Gaz. 54 (No. 390) (Dec 1970) 329-335.
Brooke, J. The Monge statue in Beaune, France. Math. Intell. 10:4 (1988) 44.
Brown, Alan. First Class! A Book of Batty Beginnings. Ill. by Jeremy Tapscott. Knight, (1991), 2nd ptg, 1991.
Brown, A. L. & Moss, Michael. The University of Glasgow: 1451-1996. Edinburgh University Press for University of Glasgow, 1996.
Brown, Frank. William Herschel. Musician & Composer. William Herschel Society, Bath, 1990.
Brown, Sanborn C. Count Rumford - Physicist Extraordinary. (Educational Services Inc., 1962??); Heinemann, 1964.
Büchel, H. & Schreiber, Peter. Leserpost [about Kircher] & Note. Alpha (Berlin) 25:1 (1991) 6.
Buckley, Jonathan & Robinson, Hilary. Venice. The Rough Guide. 3rd ed., Rough Guides, London, 1995.
Burrows, V. The Blue Plaque Guide. Newman Neame, London, 1953.
Burton, Anthony. The Shell Book of Curious Britain. David & Charles, 1982.
Busbridge, Ida W. Oxford Mathematics and Mathematicians. Oxford Math. Soc., 1974.
Bushell, W. F. The Keats of English Astronomy. Math. Gaz. 43 (1959) 1-16.
Byard, Stanley. Robots which play games. Penguin Science News 16 (Jun 1950) 65-77 & plates 7-16.
Canfora, Luciano. The Vanished Library. (Sellerio, Palermo, 1987.) Translated by Martin Ryle. Hutchinson, 1989, Vintage edition, 1991.
Cannell, D. M. George Green Miller and Mathematician 1793-1841. City of Nottingham Arts Department, Nottingham, 1988.
Cannell, D. M. & Lord, N. J.. George Green, mathematician and physicist 1793-1841. Math. Gaz. 77 (No. 478) (Mar 1993) 26-51.
Cannell, Mary. Green Bicentenary Celebrations 13-16 July 1993. BSHM Newsletter 25-26 (Spring-Summer 1994) 5-7.
Cardan, Jerome. The Book of My Life. Translated by J. Stoner. Dent, London, 1931.
Carroll, Charles Michael. The Great Chess Automaton. Dover, NY, 1975.
Cartan, Henri. André Weil: Memories of a long friendship. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 46:6 (Jun/Jul 1999) 633-636.
Caspar, Max. Kepler. Translated by C. D. Hellman. Collier Books, NY, 1959, p. 403.
Cassels, J. W. S. Is this a Recorde? Math. Gaz. 60 (1976) 59-61.
Cassels, J. W. S. (2). The Spitalfields Mathematical Society. Bull. London Math. Soc. 11 (1979) 241-258.
Cassels, J. W. S. (3). Louis Joel Mordell 1888-1972. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 19 (Dec 1973) 493-520 & plate opp. 493.
Challis, L. J.. George Green - Miller, Mathematician, Physicist. Math. Spectrum 20 (1987/88) 45-52.
Chapple, G. South. Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1986, p. 32.
Chernev, Irving. The Chess Companion. Faber & Faber, London, 1970.
Chew, V. K. Physics for Princes. HMSO for Science Museum, London, 1968.
Child, Mark. Wiltshire. Shire County Guide 5. Shire, (1984), 3rd ed., 1995.
[China/Ontario.] China Science and Technology Palace Preparatory Committee & Ontario Science Centre. China - 7000 Years of Discovery. Catalogue of an exhibition prepared by the Committee and the Centre, 1982. I will cite this as China/Ontario.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tusculan Disputations: V.xxiii. With translation by J. E. King. Loeb Classical Library, Heinemann, London & Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1945), 2nd ed., 1966, pp. 490-493.
Ciesielski, K. (2). Lost legends of Lvov 2: Banach's grave. Math. Intell. 10:1 (1988) 50-51.
Clackson, James. Inscriptions from the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge. Transcribed and translated by James Clackson. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1990.
Clark, E. F. George Parker Bidder - The Calculating Boy. KSL Publications, Bedford, 1983.
Clarke, F. M. New light on Robert Recorde. Isis 8 (1926) 50-70.
de Clercq, Peter. The Leiden Cabinet of Physics. Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1989.
Cohen, I. Bernard. Calculating to computing. Progress (Jan-Feb 1983) 11-15.
Cohen, I. Bernard (2). Benjamin Franklin Scientist and Statesman. DSB Editions. Scribner's, 1975.
Collet, C.-G. & Itard, J. Un mathématicien humaniste - Claude-Gaspar Bachet de Meziriac (1581-1638). Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de leurs Applications 1 (1947) 26-50.
Collingwood, E. F. [Obituary:] Émile Borel. J. London Math. Soc. 34 (1959) 488-512. With an Addendum; ibid., nd, p. 384.
Corporation of London, City Engineer's Department. List of Commemorative Plaques. 9pp, 1971.
Coster, E. L. Out and Around London - North. A Geographia Guide, Geographia Ltd., London, nd [c1973].
Coster, E. L. (2). Out and Around London - South. A Geographia Guide, Geographia Ltd., nd [c1973].
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald. Regular Polytopes. 2nd ed., Macmillan, New York & Collier-Macmillan, London, 1963. Section 13.9, pp. 258-259.
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald; Du Val, Patrick; Flather, H. T. & Petrie, John Flinders ( -1972). The Fifty-Nine Icosahedra. (Univ. of Toronto Press, 1938); [2nd ed,] with new preface by Du Val; Springer, nd [1982]; 3rd ed, reset, with plates redrawn by computer, new Preface by Coxeter and new Foreword by R. K. Guy, edited by Kate and David Crennell; Tarquin, 1999.
Craig, John. Newton at the Mint. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1946.
Craik, Alex D. D. Geometry, analysis, and the baptism of slaves: John West in Scotland and Jamaica. Hist. Math. 25:1 (1998) 29-74.
Craik, Alex D. D. (2). Calculus and analysis in early 19th-century Britain: The work of William Wallace. Hist. Math. 26:3 (Aug 1999) 239-267.
Critchlow, Keith. Time Stands Still - New Light on Megalithic Science. Gordon Fraser, London, 1979. Chap. 7: Platonic spheres - a millennium before Plato, pp. 131-149.
Cronin, Vincent. The Companion Guide to Paris. Collins, London, (1963), 2nd ed., 1968.
Crosland, M., ed. A Traveller's Guide to Literary Europe. 3 vols., Hugh Evelyn, London, 1965-1967.
Crowther, J. G. Six Great Inventors. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1954.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom. Permanent Londoners. An Illustrated Guide to the Cemeteries of London. Robson Books, London, 1991.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom (2). Permanent New Yorkers. A Biographical Guide to the Cemeteries of New York. Chelsea Green Publishing Co., Chelsea, Vermont, 1987.
Culbertson, Judi & Randall, Tom (3). Permanent Parisians. An Illustrated Guide to the Cemeteries of Paris. (Chelsea Green Publishing Co., Chelsea, Vermont, 1986). Robson Books, London, 1991.
Dakers, Caroline. The Blue Plaque Guide to London. Macmillan, London, 1981.
Dale, A. I. Thomas Bayes: A memorial. Math. Intell. 11:3 (1989) 18-19.
Dalitz, R. H. & Peierls, R. Dr. Paul Dirac - A biographical memoir. Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 32 (1987) 137-185. Also separately printed by the Royal society, 1987.
Danilov, V. J. Science and Technology Centers. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
Dantzig, Tobias. Number - The Language of Science. 4th ed., Doubleday, NY, 1954.
Danzer, Ludwig; Branko Grünbaum, Branko & Klee, Victor. Helly's theorem and its relatives. IN: Proc. Symp. Pure. Math. 7: Convexity, ed. by Victor Klee. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1963, pp. 101-180.
Darius, Jon. Beyond Vision One Hundred Historic Scientific Photographs. OUP, 1984.
David, Florence Nightingale. Games, Gods and Gambling. Griffin, London, 1962.
Davies, Gordon L. The Story of Science in Trinity College Dublin. Trinity College Dublin, 1977.
Davis, Phillip J. The Thread. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1983. Pp. 15-16.
Davis, Phillip J. (2) The "Here" and the "There" of mathematics: Kurt Gödel. Review of: John W. Dawson Jr.; Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel; A. K. Peters, 1997. SIAM News 30:8 (Oct 1997) 11-12.
Dawson, C. M. The Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Published by the College?, 1980.
Day, Elenor May. History on London Walls. Ill. by Alec Campbell. J. L. Workman & Co, London, nd [c1955].
DBS denotes items of which I have personal knowledge.
Deal, D. The Witch of Agnesi. Internat. Study Group on the Relations between History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter 10 (Oct 1985) 9-10.
Dedekind, Richard. Continuity and Rational Numbers: Preface. IN: Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Translated by W. W. Beman. Open Court, 1901. Reprinted by Dover, 1963. Pp. 1-2.
Deligeorges, Stéphane. Le pendule de Foucault au Panthéon 1851 - 1902 - 1995. Caisse nationale des monuments historiques et de sites / Éditions du patrimonie / Musée du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris, (1995), 2nd ptg, 1997.
Dibner, Bern. Ten Founding Fathers of the Electrical Science. Burndy Library Publications, No. 11, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1954.
Dibner, Bern (2). Benjamin Franklin Electrician. Burndy Library, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1976.
Dimitric, R. & Goldsmith, B. Sir William Rowan Hamilton. Math. Intell. 11:2 (1989) 29-30.
Drewett, John. Surrey. Shire County Guide 8. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks., 1985.
Dunn, John & Martin, Colin. John Dunn's Answers Please. (BBC, 1994); revised and expanded, Penguin, 1995.
Dyer, G. P. The Royal Mint - An Illustrated History. The Royal Mint, Llantrisant, 1986.
Eagle, D. & Carnell, H. The Oxford Literary Guide to the British Isles. Oxford Univ. Press, 1977.
Eagles, C. M. David Gregory, F.R.S. (1659-1708). Paper presented to the British Soc. for the Hist. of Maths., 30 Aug 1975.
Eastman, John. Who Lived Where in Europe: A Biographical Guide to Homes and Museums. Facts on File, NY, 1985.
Edwards, Anthony W. F. Commemorative windows in Hall for John Venn ... and R. A. Fisher. The Caian (Nov 1990) 67-68, with colour photo between pp. 94 & 95.
Enros, Philip C. The Analytical Society (1812-1813): Precursor of the renewal of Cambridge mathematics. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 24-47.
Espy, Willard R. O Thou Improper, Thou Uncommon Noun. Clarkson N. Potter, NY, 1978.
Evans, Elwyn. The Plemelj formulae revisited. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Newsletter, University of Salford, (Jan/Feb 1985) 6-7.
Eves, Howard W. In Mathematical Circles. Vol. I & II, Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1969.
Eves, Howard W (2). Mathematical Circles Revisited. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1971.
Eves, Howard W (3). Mathematical Circles Squared. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1972.
Eves, Howard W (4). Mathematical Circles Adieu. Prindle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, 1977.
Eves, Howard W (5). Great Moments in Mathematics (Before 1650). Math. Assoc. of America, Washington, 1980. Pp. 56-57.
Eves, Howard W (6). Great Moments in Mathematics (After 1650). Math. Assoc. of America, Washington, 1981.
Fahie, J. J. Memorials of Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642. Printed for the author by Courier Press, Leamington and London, 1929.
Farrington, Benjamin. Greek Science. Penguin, 1944. P. 37.
Fauvel, John. References to Fauvel, with no details, refer to additions made to my text when John edited it for Mathematical Gazetteer of Britain in the BSHM Newsletter, starting with No. 28 (Spring 1995).
Fauvel, John; Flood, Raymond; Shortland, Michael & Wilson, Robin, eds. Let Newton Be! OUP, 1988.
Featherstone, E. Sir Thomas Gresham and his Trusts. Blades, East & Blades for the Gresham Committee, London, 1952.
Feeney, J. Memories of Samarkand. Aramco World 35:4 (Jul-Aug 1984) 34-41.
Fell, Bryan H. The Houses of Parliament. 8th ed., revised by K. R. Mackenzie, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1958.
Fennell, Edward A. Figures in Proportion: Art, Science and the Business Renaissance. The contribution of Luca Pacioli to culture and commerce in the High Renaissance. Booklet for the exhibition organized by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Feb 1994.
Field, C. & Pickstone, J., eds. A Centre of Intelligence. The Development of Science, Technology and Medicine in Manchester and Its University. John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1988.
Field, J.V. & James, Frank A. J. L. Science in Art. Works in the National Gallery that illustrate the history of science and technology. British Society for the History of Science, Stanford in the Vale, Faringdon, Oxon., 1997.
Field, J.V. & Wright, Michael T. Early Gearing. Geared Mechanisms in the Ancient and Medieval World. Science Museum, London, 1985.
Field, J.V.; Hill, Donald R. & Wright, Michael T. Byzantine and Arabic Mathematical Gearing. Science Museum, 1985. [This is reprints of two articles in Annals of Science 42 (1985) 87-138 & 139-163.]
Findlay, J. B. & Sawyer, Thomas A. Professor Hoffmann: A Study. Published by Sawyer, Tustin, California, 1977.
Fisher, Adrian [& Gerster, Georg (photographer)]. The Art of the Maze. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1990. (Also as: Labyrinth; Solving the Riddle of the Maze; Harmony (Crown Publishers), NY, 1990.)
Fisher, Adrian & Kingham, Diana. Mazes. Shire Album 264. Shire, Princes Risborough, Bucks., 1991.
Fisher, Adrian & Saward, Jeff. The British Maze Guide. Minotaur Designs, St Albans, 1991.
Flegg, Graham et al. Open University Course AM289 - History of Mathematics. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1976.
Foiret, J. et al. Le Pendule de Foucault au Musée des Arts et Métiers. Musée National des Techniques, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 1990.
Foligno, Cesare. The Story of Padua. Translated by Giovanni Vianello. Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, 1910.
Forfar, D. O. The origins of the Clerk (Maxwell) genius. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 28:1/2 (Jan/Feb 1992) 4-16. Cf Maxwell Foundation for a later version of this article.
Fraenkel, A. A. Jewish mathematics & astronomy. Scripta Math. 25 (1959) 33-47.
Freely, John. The Companion Guide to Turkey. Collins, London, 1979. [Freely taught physics and history of science for 16 years at Robert College, later the University of the Bosphorus, so this is one of the very few general guidebooks to mention scientists and mathematicians. Sadly, these entries are much reduced in the 2nd ed.]
Freely, John (2). The Companion Guide to Turkey. 2nd ed., HarperCollins, London, 1993.
Freely, John (3). Classical Turkey. (Architectural Guides for Travellers.) Penguin, London, 1990.
Freytag-Löringhoff, Baron Bruno von. Wilhelm Schickards Tübinger Rechenmaschine von 1623. Kleine Tübinger Schriften No. 4. Universitätsstadt Tübingen, (1973), 3rd ed., (1981), 4th ptg, 1984. [Note, the hyphen in the surname is not always given.]
Fyfe, Alistair. Scottish Inventors. HarperCollins, 1999.
Galileo - see Van Helden.
Gardiner, Tony. Note 76.24: Gauss' names. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 477) (Nov 1992) 402.
Gardner, Martin. Logic Machines and Diagrams. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1958. 2nd ed., slightly extended but keeping the same pagination, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982, and Harvester Press, Brighton, 1983. The earlier version of Chap. I: The 'Ars Magna' of Ramon Lull, pp. 1-27, is reprinted in: Science: Good, Bad and Bogus; Prometheus, Buffalo, NY, 1981, pp. 27-51.
Gardner, Martin (2). Piet Hein's Superellipse. Chap. 18 in: Mathematical Carnival. Pelican (Penguin), 1978, pp. 240-254. Based on Gardner's column in Scientific American (Sep 1965).
Gasparotto, C. Padua - Touristic Itineraries. Storti, Venezia, 1970.
Gerke, K. & Harborth, Heiko. Zum Leben des Braunschweiger Mathematikers Richard Dedekind. Offprint from: Festschrift zur Ausstellung: Brunswiek 1031 Braunschweig 1981; ed. Gerd Spies & Matthias Puhle; Städtisches Museum Braunschweig, 1981. Pp. 697-694 with special covers.
Gerlach, Walther & List, Martha. Johannes Kepler. Führer durch sein Geburthaus in Weil der Stadt. Schriften der Kepler-Gesellschaft, Weil der Stadt, 1966. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Giacardi, Livia & Roero, Clara Silvia. Bibliotheca Matematica Documenti per la Storia della Matematica nelle Biblioteche Torinese. (Produced for an exhibition at the Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, in connection with the 13th National Congress of the Unione Matematica Italiana, Sep 1987.) Umberto Allemandi & C., Torino, 1987.
Gilbert, A. D. James Gregory FRS 1638-1675. Typescript of unknown provenance sent by John Searl.
Gill, Edward. Curiosities of Oxfordshire. S. B. Publications, Seaford, East Sussex, 1995.
Giusti, Enrico. Nel cinquecentenario della Summa di Luca Pacioli. IN: Enrico Giusti, ed.; booklet accompanying the facsimile of Pacioli's Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalità; Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Rome, for Fondazione Piero della Francesca, Sansepolcro & Comune di Sansepolcro. 1994. Pp. 23-47.
GLC. Blue Plaques on Houses of Historical Interest. Greater London Council, London, 1971; nd [1976] + printed supplement to 1979 + typed supplement to 1986. [See LCC for earlier versions.]
Glendinning, Victoria. Victoria Glendinning's Hertfordshire. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1989.
Golombek, Harry. Writers who have changed chess history. IN: Chernev, qv, pp. 127-147. Taken from Chess Treasury of the Air; Penguin; nd.
Goodhart, C. B. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Sc.D, F.R.S. The Caian (Nov 1990) 68-73 (with photo on p. 69). [Reprint of the obituary notice in The Caian of 1962.]
Gould, Rupert T. The Stargazer Talks. Geoffrey Bles, London, 1944. "Big Ben", pp. 53-61.
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Flamingo's Smile. Penguin, London, 1991. P. 291.
Gower, J. C. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890-1962. Math. Spectrum 23 (1990/91) 76-86.
Gray, A. B. Cambridge Revisited. (Originally in the Cambridge News or the Cambridge Chronicle, c1920.) Heffer, Cambridge, 1921. Reprinted by Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1974. P. 89.
Gray, Jeremy J. Ideas of Space. Oxford Univ. Press, 1979. P. 112.
Gray, Jeremy J. (2). 1999 Anniversaries - Wolfgang Krull (b. 1899). European Math. Soc. Newsletter 32 (Jun 1999) 13.
Greater London Council - see GLC.
Green, Roger Lancelyn. Alice - an excerpt from his: Lewis Carroll; Bodley Head, 1960; IN: Phillips, pp. 40-68.
Greenstreet, W. J. Isaac Newton: 1642-1727. G. Bell, for the Math. Assoc., London, 1927.
Greenwood, Douglas. Wessex has Their Bones. Who's Buried Where in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight. Roy Gasson Associates, Wimborne, Dorset, 1985.
Greenwood, Douglas (2). Who's Buried Where in England. (1982); 2nd ed., Constable, London, 1990.
Gregory, K., ed. The Third Cuckoo - More Classic Letters to The Times 1900-1985. Allen & Unwin, London, 1985; Unwin Paperbacks, 1986.
Gridgeman, Norman T. John Napier and the history of logarithms. Scripta Math. 29 (1973) 49-65.
Griffinhoofe, C. G. Celebrated Cambridge Men A.D. 1390-1908. A. P. Dixon, Cambridge & James Nisbet & Co., London, 1910.
Griggs, Terence & Mathon, R. A visit to Croft. Bull. Inst. Combinatorics and Its Appl. 6 (1992) 93-96.
Grosvenor, M. B. How James Smithson came to rest in the institution he never knew. Smithsonian Magazine (Jan 1976) 30-37 & 112.
Gunther, Robert T. Oxford Colleges and Their Men of Science Through the Centuries. IN: The Book of Oxford, printed for the 104th Meeting of the British Medical Association, 1936. Pp. 25-129.
Gunther, Robert T. (2). Early Science in Oxford - Part II - Mathematics. Oxford Univ. Press, 1922. (This was part II of Vol. I, initially issued in four parts in paper covers and later bound as one volume.)
Gunther, Robert T. (3). Early Science in Oxford: Vol. XI: Oxford Colleges and Their Men of Science. Printed for the author, Oxford, 1937.
Gunther, Robert T. (4). Historic Instruments for the Advancement of Science. A Handbook to the Oxford Collections Prepared for the Opening of the Lewis Evans Collection on May 5, 1925. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1925.
Gunther, Robert T. & A. V. Simcock. Robert T. Gunther and the Old Ashmolean. Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, 1985. (This comprises The Story of the Old Ashmolean 1683-1925, assembled and edited by Simcock from mss of Gunther, with A Dodo in the Ark, an essay on the life and work of Gunther by Simcock.)
Gupta, Radha Charn. Lindemann's discovery of the transcendence of π. A centenary tribute. Ganita-Bh-rat- - Bull. Ind. Soc. Hist. Math. 4 (1982) 102-108.
Guthrie, Douglas. A History of Medicine. Nelson, London, 1945.
Haan, D. Bierens de is listed under B.
Hackmann, Willem D. Apples to Atoms: Portraits of Scientists from Newton to Rutherford. National Portrait Gallery, 1986. My references are to the page on which the portrait is reproduced. There is some biographical text on nearby pages.
Hadley, John & Singmaster, David. Problems to sharpen the young. An annotated translation of Propositiones ad acuendos juvenes, attributed to Alcuin of York. Translated by John Hadley. With comments by David Singmaster and John Hadley. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 102-126.
Hailstone, Charles. Alleyways of Mortlake and East Sheen. Barnes and Mortlake History Society, (1983), 2nd ptg, 1991.
Hall, A. Rupert. The Abbey Scientists. R. & R. Nicholson, London, 1966.
Hall, A. Rupert (2). The Cambridge Philosophical Society - A History 1819-1969. Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge, 1969.
Hall, A. Rupert & Simpson, A. D. C. An account of the Royal Society's Newton telescope. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 1-11.
Hall, Manly P. Foreword to the 1970 facsimile of Thomas Stanley; Pythagoras - qv - pp. III-V.
Halmos, Paul R. The legend of John von Neumann. Amer. Math. Monthly 80 (1973) 382-394.
Hamann-MacLean, Richard. Künstlerlaunen im Mittelalter. IN: Friedrich Möbius & Ernst Schubert, eds.; Skulptur des Mittelalters; Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, Weimar, 1987, pp. 385-452. The material of interest is on pp. 400-403.
Hamilton, Nigel. Guide to Greenwich. Photos by Stanley Devon. Greenwich Bookshop, (1969, as part of Royal Greenwich), London, 1972.
Hammond, Reginald J. W., ed. The Complete Ireland A survey of the principal resorts and places of interest. Cover calls it a Red Guide, but there is no reference to this inside. Cover & TP has: Aer Lingus: Irish International Airlines - possibly they sponsored the book or these were specially produced for them, but there is no explanation. Ward Lock, 2nd ed, 1966.
Hannabuss, K. C. H. J. S. Smith (1826-83). Address given to the BSHM, 19 Dec 1983, 28 pp., available from the Society.
Hardy, Godfrey Harold. Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). IN: Collected Papers of Srinivasa Ramanujan, ed. by G. H. Hardy, P. V. Seshu Aiyar & B. M. Wilson; Cambridge Univ. Press, 1927; Chelsea Publishing, 1962, pp. xxi-xxxvi. See p. xxxv.
Hare, Augustus J. C. Florence & Venice. 6th ed. rev. by St Clair Baddeley, Macmillan, New York & George Allen, London, 1904.
Hare, Augustus J. C. (2). Paris. George Allen, London, nd (& no edition) [c1887].
Harkin, Duncan. On the mathematical work of François-Édouard-Anatole Lucas. L'Enseignement Math. (2) 3 (1957) 276-288.
Harkleroad, E. & L. Rósza Péter: recursion theory's founding mother. Preprint from the authors, c1980, 5pp. I believe it may have appeared, possibly in Hist. Math.??
Harper, Charles G. Queer Things About London. Cecil Palmer, London, 1923.
Hartwick, J. M. Letter: Genius that gets forgotten. The Guardian (London) (23 Sep 1986) 10.
Hatt, E. M. Monuments. National Benzole Books, ed. by Hugh Casson. Chatto & Windus, London, 1963.
Hayman, Simon. Guide to Czechoslovakia. Bradt Publications, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks., (1987), revised, 1990.
Headlam, Cecil. The Story of Oxford. Ill. by Herbert Railton. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, (1907), revised, 1926.
Headlam, Cecil (2). The Story of Nuremberg. Ill. by H. M. James. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, (1899), revised, (1927), 2nd ptg, 1933.
Helden, Anne C. van & van Gent, Rob H. The Huygens Collection. Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 1995.
Hellyer, B. & Hellyer, H. The Astronomical Clock - Hampton Court Palace. HMSO, London, 1973.
Hensel, K. Gedächtnisrede auf Ernst Eduard Kummer. IN: Festschrift zur Feier des 100.Geburtstages Eduard Kummers. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften ... 29, Teubner, Leipzig, 1910, pp. 1-37.
Herz-Fischler, R. A Mathematical History of Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario, 1987.
Heyworth, Peter. The Oxford Guide to Oxford. OUP, 1981.
Hidden, A. E. & Latimer, C. J. Science & Technology: Belfast and Its Region 1987. Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast, 1987. Prepared for the BAAS meeting in Belfast, 1987.
Hillier, Mary. Automata and Mechanical Toys. An Illustrated History. Jupiter Books, London, 1976.
Hinde, Thomas, An illustrated History of the University of Greenwich (London: James & James, 1996 [ TM]
Hinz, Andreas M. Laplace in Calvados. Math. Intell. 16:2 (1994) 56-59.
Hobhouse, Christopher. Oxford. As It Was and As It Is Today. Batsford, London, (1939), 3rd ed., Winter, 1944-45.
Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing - The Enigma of Intelligence. (Burnett Books, 1983); Unwin Paperbacks, 1985.
Holmyard, E. John. Alchemy. Penguin, 1957.
Hope-Jones, W. Letter: Ludolph (or Ludolff or Lucius) van Ceulen. Math. Gaz. 22 (No. 250) (1938) 281-282.
Horský, Zden-k; Janta, Ji-í; Šolcová, Alena & Záv-tová, Milena. Praha v Historii Fyziky / Prague in the History of Physics. 2nd ed., J-MF (= Jednoty -esk-ch Matematik- (a Fyzik-) = Union of Czech Mathematicians (and Physicists)), Prague, 1996. Set of 15 postcards, in wrapper of three cards, and explanatory booklet, all in Czech and English. Present from Edmond Bakalar, via Peter Hajek.
Houghton, Raymond W. The World of George Berkeley. Irish Heritage Series, No. 53. Eason & Son, Dublin, 1985.
Howe, W. H. Everybody's Book of Epitaphs Being for the Most Part What the Living Think of the Dead. Saxon & Co., London, nd[c1895] (facsimile by Pryor Publications, Whitstable, 1995).
Howell, Peter & Beazley, Elisabeth. Companion Guide to South Wales. Collins, London, 1977.
Howells, Coral; Richardson, John; Stapleton, Mary & Tindall, Gillian. Kentish Town. The Camden History Society, London, 1979.
Howgrave-Graham, R. P., ed. by L. S. Colchester. The Wells Clock. The Friends of Wells Cathedral, 5th ed., 1987.
Fred Hoyle, Fred. Nicolaus Copernicus - An Essay on His Life and Work. Heinemann, London, 1973.
Hughes, Rhys H. The proof was in the trumpet playing. The Guardian Education section (12 Jan 1993) 14.
Hunter, Michael. Establishing the New Science. The Experience of the Royal Society. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1989.
Huxley, Sophie. The Oxford Science Walk. Science Walk Publications, Oxford, 1993.
Hyman, Anthony. Charles Babbage - Pioneer of the Computer. Oxford Univ. Press, 1982.
IME = Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Engineering Sciences Division. Big Ben - Its Engineering Past and Future. 1981.
IHHS = Institute for the History of Hungarian Sciences (Magyar Tudománytörténeti Intézet). Did You Know? Interesting facts about famous Hungarian scientists and inventors, old books and maps. Corvina Books, Budapest, 1999. (A promotional handout at the Frankfurter Buchmesse, 1999.) Present from Charlotte Franklin.
Jackman, R. The Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels Lyndhurst. British Publishing Co., Gloucester, nd [c1980], pp. 26-27.
Jackson, M. William Henry Fox Talbot on how to avoid complex numbers. Aleph Null (Magazine of the Mathsoc, Univ. of Nottingham) (Autumn 1979?) 14-16.
Jaffee, Bernard. Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry. (1930); 4th ed., Dover, NY, 1976.
Jones, Dilys Henrik. John Dee The Magus of Mortlake. Barnes and Mortlake History Society, Occasional Papers No.8, 1995.
Jongh, Brian de. The Companion Guide to Mainland Greece. Collins, London, 1979. (This has some overlap with the following.)
Jongh, Brian de (2). The Companion Guide to Southern Greece. Collins, London, 1972.
Kagan, V. N. Lobachevsky and His Contribution to Science. Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1957.
Kane, Joseph Nathan. Famous First Facts. A Record of First Happenings, Discoveries and Inventions in the United States. H. W. Wilson Co., New York, 1934.
Kane, Joseph Nathan (2). More First Facts. A Record of First Happenings, Discoveries and Inventions in the United States. A Supplement to Famous First Facts. H. W. Wilson Co., New York, 1935.
Kanigel, Robert. The Man Who Knew Infinity. A Life of the Genius Ramanujan. (Scribner's, NY, 1991); Abacus (Little, Brown & Co. (UK)), London, 1992.
Kaye, David. Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Shire County Guide 2. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, Bucks, 1984.
Kemp, Martin. Notes to Leon Battista Alberti: On Painting, qv.
Kertész, A. Georg Cantor 1845-1918 Schöpfer der Mengenlehre. Edited by M. Stern. Acta Historica Leopoldina (= Abh. Archiv Gesch. Naturf. Med. Deutschen Akad. Naturf. Leopoldina), No. 15 (1983). [See [Stern] for an English summary with the photos from this.]
Kilmister, Clive W. The teaching of mathematics in the University of London. Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986) 321-337.
Klotz, Irving M. Diamond Dealers and Feather Merchants. Tales from the Sciences. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1985.
Kobler, John. The pride of the Eden Musée. IN: Chernev, qv, pp. 113-125. Taken from Afternoon in the Attic and The New Yorker; no dates are given, but it is apparently 1939 - see comment under New York City.
Koutník, Václav. Eduard -ech, 1893-1960. European Math. Soc. Newsletter No. 8 (Jun 1993) 5-7.
Kuratowski, Kazimierz. Waclaw Sierpi-ski. IN: Waclaw Sierpi-ski; Oeuvres Choisies; PWN publishers, Warsaw, vol. 1, 1974, pp. 9-14 with portrait facing p. 9.
Lancaster, Osbert. Sailing to Byzantium. John Murray, London, 1969. Pp. 85-86.
Lane Poole - see under Poole.
Lange, Lester. Polya's "Mushrooms" - A mathematical concert remembering George Polya. IN: F. R. Curcio, ed.; Teaching and Learning; Nat. Council of Teachers of Math.; Reston, Virginia, 1987,pp. 73-84. The material of interest is on pp. 77-78.
Lange, Lester (2). Hommage à Archimède. Fibonacci Quarterly 19:3 (!981) 214-219.
Lange, Lester (3). Hommage a Archimede. Amer. Math. Monthly 88:5 (1981) 339.
Laptev, B. I. & Vishnevski, V. V. Lobachevski. Math. Teaching 115 (Jun 1986) 28.
Larsen, Egon. The Cavendish Laboratory - Nursery of Genius. Edmund Ward, London, 1962.
Lau, D.; Röhl, S. & Schumacher, J. Joachim Jungius - ein Leibniz vor Leibniz. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 23 (1989) 49-50.
Law, R. J. James Watt and the Separate Condenser. HMSO for Science Museum, London, 1969.
Lawrence, P. D. & Molland, A. G. David Gregory's Inaugural Lecture at Oxford. Notes and Records of the Royal Society 25:2 (Dec 1970) 143-178.
LCC. Commemorative Tablets on Houses of Historical Interest. London County Council, London, 1960 + Supplementary List to 1962.
LCC (2). Indication of Houses of Historical Interest in London. London County Council, London, six volumes, 1907-1938. [Vol. 1 is a second edition; I have not got vol.2, but I have all the relevant parts in the separate sections as first issued.]
Lehmann, Johannes. Rechnen und Raten. Volk und Wissen, Berlin (DDR), 1987. Pp. 7-14.
Lehmann, J. & Remmert, A. Guide to Hanover. 5th ed., Adolf Sponholtz Verlag, Hameln/Hannover, 1985.
Lenihan, John. Science in Action. The Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1979.
Lenihan, John (2) Science in Focus. Blackie, 1975.
Lewin, Ronald. The American Magic. Codes, Ciphers and the Defeat of Japan. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY, 1982); Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983.
Li(,) Yan & Du(,) Shiran [= Li Yan & Dù Shíràn]. Chinese Mathematics. A Concise History. Translated by John N. Crossley & Anthony W.-C. Lun. Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.
Lietzmann, Walther. Lustiges und Merkwürdiges von Zahlen und Formen. Sixth Edition, Ferdinand Hirt, Breslau, 1943.
Lileyko, J. Warsaw - The Royal Way. Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Warsaw, 1981.
Lister, Irene. Cambridge Characters. Oleander Press, Cambridge, 1978.
Lloyd, E. Keith. Mr Peter Nicholson, the practical builder and mathematician. Math. Gaz. 66 (No. 437) (Oct 1982) 203-207.
Locher, J. L., ed. M. C. Escher. His Life and Complete Graphic Work. (As: Leven en Werk van M. C. Escher; Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1981.) Abrams, New York, (1982), reprinted 1992. Most of the citations are to the biographical material written by J. R. Kist.
Locher, J. L., ed. (2). The World of M. C. Escher. (Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1971.) Abrams, NY, (1972), reprinted 1988.
London - see Corporation of London.
London County Council - see LCC.
Lovie, P. & Lovie, A. D. Charles Edward Spearman, F.R.S. (1863-1945). Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 75-88.
Low, A. M. They Made Your World. John Gifford, London, 1949.
Lucas, Édouard. L'Arithmétique Amusante. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1895; reprinted by Blanchard, Paris, 1974. P. 183.
Lunde, Paul. Jai Singh and the Jantar Mantar. Aramco World 42:2 (Mar-Apr 1991) 32-41 and front cover.
Macadam, Alta. Blue Guide: Florence. 5th ed., A. & C. Black, London, 1991.
MacHale, Desmond. George Boole, His Life and Work. Boole Press, Dublin, 1984.
Mackinnon, Nick. Mountaineering Mathematics. Mathematics in School 16:2 (1987) 20-21. Reprinted in: The Best of Mathematics in School; Longman, London, 1989, pp. 32-33.
Mackinnon, Nick (2). Homage to Babylonia. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 158-178.
Mackinnon, Nick (3). The portrait of Fra Luca Pacioli. Math. Gaz. (Jul 1993) - to appear.
Manley, Deborah. Alice and Lewis Carroll. Heritage Tours Publications, Oxford, 1991.
Marden, Morris. Some mathematical reminiscences. Math. Mag. 63 (1990) 244-248.
Marshall, Dorothy N. Carved stone balls. Proc. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland 108 (1976-7) 40-72.
Martin, Ged. A Visitor's Guide to Magdalene College Cambridge. The College, nd [1970s?]. (The author may be G. E. D. Martin, but the name is printed GED MARTIN, so how is one to know??)
Martini, Laura. The first lectures in Italy on Galois theory: Bologna, 1886-1887. Hist. math. 26:3 (Aug 1999) 201-223.
Masotti, Arnaldo, ed. Matematica e matematici nella storia di Milano. Severino Boezio & Francesco Brioschi, Pavia, 1963. = Estratto dal vol. XVI della "Storia di Milano" della Fondazione Treccani degli Alfieri per la Storia di Milano, Milano, 1962, pp. 713-814.
Masotti, Arnaldo, ed. (2). Convegno di storia delle matematiche, Brescia, 1959. Quarto centenario della morte di Niccolò Tartaglia. Supp. ai commentari dell'Ateneo di Brescia, 1960 (1962).
Masson, Georgina. The Companion Guide to Rome. Collins, London, (1965), 3rd ed., 1972.
Maxwell, Edwin A. Obituary: Clement Vavasour Durell. Math. Gaz. 53 (No. 385) (Oct 1969) 312-313.
Maxwell, James Clerk Foundation. James Clerk Maxwell Commemorative Booklet. Produced by the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation on the occasion of the Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics coming to Edinburgh in July 1999. Includes the following. Michael Atiyah: Foreword; Keith Moffat: Homage to James Clerk Maxwell; Freeman J. Dyson: Why is Maxwell's Theory so hard to understand?; Roger Penrose: Out of a job in Aberdeen [review of Harman's ed. of The Scientific Letters and Papers of ...; A. Pais: A hard day's night [review of Harman]; D. O. Forfar: Generations of genius [based on his BIMA article of 1992]; John S. Reid: James Clerk Maxwell's Scottish Chair; David O. Forfar & Chris Pritchard: The remarkable story of Maxwell and Tait; Chris Pritchard: Aspects of the life and work of Peter Guthrie Tait.
Mayr, Otto. Feedback Mechanisms in the Historical Collections of the National Museum of History and Technology. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, No. 12. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1971, page 64.
McConnell, A. J. The Dublin mathematical school in the first half of the nineteenth century. Proc. Royal Irish Academy 50A (1945) 75-88.
McCrea, William H. Arthur Stanley Eddington. Scientific American 264:6 (Jun 1991) 66-71.
McDowell, R. B. & Webb, D. A. Trinity College Dublin 1592-1952 An academic history. CUP, 1982.
McKean, Charles. Edinburgh. An Illustrated Architectural Guide. Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Edinburgh, 1992.
McPeak, William J. Tycho Brahe lights up the universe. Astronomy 18:12 (Dec 1990) 28-35.
Meade, Dorothy & Wolff, Tatiana. Lines on the Underground. An Anthology for London Travellers. Cassell, London, 1994.
Mehrtens, Herbert. Ludwig Bieberbach and "Deutsche Mathematik". IN: Esther R. Phillips, ed.; Studies in the History of Mathematics; Math. Assoc. of America, 1987, pp. 195-241.
Merton, R. K. Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth-Century England. Osiris 4 (1938) part two. Reprinted with new Preface: Harper Torchbooks, Harper & Row, NY, 1970.
Millinship, W. Timur's glory survives. The Observer (London) (29 Dec 1991) 47.
Mills, Stella, ed. The Collected Letters of Colin Maclaurin. Shiva, Nantwich, Cheshire, 1982, p. xix.
Miniati, M. et al. Museo di Storia della Scienza - Catalogo. Published by the Museo, Florence, 1991.
Minihane, D. [Photos of Boole's house and unveiling of plaque, with caption.] Evening Echo (Cork) (12 Nov 1984).
Mitton, G. E. Kensington (The Fascination of London series). Black, London, 1903.
Monk, Raymond. Wittgenstein. Cape, 1990.
Monna, A. F. Review of: Felix Hausdorff: Ein Mathematiker seiner Zeit. Hist. Math. 10 (1983) 483-484.
Montizambert, Elizabeth. London Adventure. London Transport, London, 1939.
Montizambert, Elizabeth (2). Unnoticed London. Dent, London, 1922.
Moore, Dorothy Langley. Ada, Countess of Lovelace. John Murray, London, 1977.
Moore, James & Dahl, Norman. Scientists and Inventors From Archimedes to Einstein. Ill. by Peter Dennis. Beaver, 1979.
Moore, Patrick. The Astronomy of Birr Castle. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1971.
Moore, Patrick (2). Caroline Herschel. Reflected Glory. William Herschel Society, Bath, 1988.
Moore, Patrick (3). To find the final planet [Obituary of Clyde Tombaugh]. The Guardian (21 Jan 1997) 16.
Moore, Patrick (4). Eyes on the Universe The Story of the Telescope. Springer, 1997.
Mordell, Louis Joel. Reflections of a Mathematician. Canadian Math. Congress, Montreal, 1959. P. 35.
Morley, Frank V. My One Contribution to Chess. Faber & Faber, London, 1947.
Morris, Christopher. King's College A Short History. King's College, Cambridge, 1989.
Morton, Alan Q. Science in the 18th Century. The King George III Collection. Science Museum, London, 1993.
Morton, Brian N. Americans in London. Queen Anne Press (Macdonald), London, 1988.
Mullinger, James Bass. St John's College. College Histories series. F. E. Robinson & Co., London, 1901.
Murray, H. J. R. A Short History of Chess. Oxford Univ. Press, London, 1963.
Museum Boerhaave, Leiden. Christiaan Huygens 1629-1695 A Question of Time. [Catalogue of an exhibition.] 1979, 60pp + covers.
Myers, Alan. Myers' Literary Guide The North East. Mid Northumberland Arts Group, Ashington, Northumberland and Carcanet Press, Manchester, 1995.
Neumann, Bernard H. Augustus De Morgan. Bull. London Math. Soc. 16 (1984) 575-589.
Neumann, Bernard H. (2). David Hilbert. Math. Spectrum 25:3 (1992/3) 70-73.
Newman, James R., ed. The World of Mathematics. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1956. Pp. 1416-1418.
Nicholas, Margaret. The World's Greatest Cranks and Crackpots. Octopus Books, 1982.
O'Donnell, Sean. William Rowan Hamilton. Portrait of a Prodigy. Boole Press, Dublin, 1983, p. 187.
Okey, Thomas. The Story of Paris. Dent, London, (1906), 2nd ed., (1911), 2nd ptg., 1919.
Ore, Oystein. Niels Henrik Abel - Mathematician Extraordinary. (1957); reprinted by Chelsea, NY, 1974.
Paine, Lois. Letter of 13 Mar 1993 describing their sabbatical tour of mathematical monuments in summer 1992. 3pp.
Parker, R. Stirling and Stirling's numbers. Mathematics Teaching 59 (1972) 21-23.
Pearson, Karl. The History of Statistics in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Griffin, London, 1978. P. 229.
Pedoe, Dan. Geometry and the Liberal Arts. Penguin, 1976, p. 193.
Pennick, Nigel. Mazes and Labyrinths. Robert Hale, London, 1990.
Pepys, Samuel. The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A., F.R.S; Clerk of the Acts and Secretary to the Admiralty Transcribed by the late Rev. Mynors Bright, M.A. from the shorthand manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Edited with Additions by Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. (This has a complex printing history as various partial editions appeared. 2 vols, 1825; 5 vols, 1828; 5 vols, 1848-1849; 4 vols, 1854; these all from Henry Colburn, London, or his successors, Hurst & Blackett. 6 vols, Bickers & Son, London, 1875-1879.) Bell, London, (10 vols, 1893-1899; 8 vols, 1904; India Paper ed, 1923), Thin Paper ed, 8 vols & Index in 3 vols, (1946), 4th ptg, 1962. Because of the multiplicity of available editions, I will refer to material by date rather than page.
Perfect, Hazel. Leopold Kronecker: A great gentleman in science. Math. Spectrum 24 (1991/92) 1-7.
Perl, Teri. Math Equals. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1978.
Petrovsky, I. G. Moscow University. "Soviet News" Booklet No. 18, London, 1955. Pp. 11, 15, 16, 36, 37.
Phillips, Robert, ed. Aspects of Alice. (1971; Gollancz, London, 1972); Penguin, 1974.
Picard, Emile. Introduction, pp. v-x. IN: Oeuvres Mathématiques d'Évariste Galois. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1897 (and reprinted several times).
Pieper, H. Ein historische Mathematikaufgabe. [Originally in the magazine Alpha.] IN: J. Lehmann, ed.; Rechnen und Raten; Volk und Wissen, Berlin (DDR), 1987. P. 93.
Pinder, J. St George the Martyr Church, Southwark. Corrected edition, published by the Church, 1980.
Piper, David. The Treasures of Oxford. Paddington Press, London, 1977.
Poole, Mrs. Reginald Lane. Catalogue of Portraits Exhibited in the Reading Room & Gallery of the Bodleian Library. OUP, 1920 (but the main text was printed in 1912 as part of the Complete Catalogue of Oxford Portraits). (Possibly the family name is Lane Poole.)
Polya, George. Ed. by G. L. Alexanderson. The Polya Picture Album. Birkhäuser, 1987.
Pritchard, Chris. The contributions of four Scots to the early development of statistics. Math. Gaz. 76 (No. 475) (Mar 1992) 61-68.
Proctor, Richard A. Weighing the earth. Knowledge 11 (Apr 1888) 123-125 & (May 1888) 151-153.
Pullin, V. E. Sir Isaac Newton - A Biographical Sketch. Benn, London, 1927.
Purver, M. & Bowen, E. J. The Beginning of the Royal Society. Oxford Univ. Press, 1960.
Raikes, Alice. Letter. The Times (London) (22 Jan 1932). Not yet seen. Cited in: Michael Barsley; The Left Handed Book; (Souvenir, London, 1966), Pan, 1989, pp. 199-200. Quoted in: Green, pp. 52-53.
Ramsauer, R. Nicolaus Coppernicus - Wandler des Weltbildes. Dr. Georg Lüttke Verlag, Berlin, 1943.
Rankin, Robert A. Ramanujan's manuscripts and notebooks. Bull. London Math. Soc. 14 (1982) 81-97. See p. 96.
Rankin, Robert A. (2). Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 23 (1987) 145-152.
Reeve, F. A. Cambridge College Walks. Oleander Press, Cambridge, 1978.
Regis, Ed. Who Got Einstein's Office? (Addison-Wesley, 1987); Penguin, 1989.
Reichardt, Jascha. Robots: Fact, Fiction and Prediction. Thames & Hudson, London, 1978.
Rhyn, J. van. Holland A Pocket Guide. J. M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, nd [c1954].
Richmond (London Borough of). Notes on Local History. A series of some 40 leaflets, each of a few pages, once available from the Library on Richmond Green.
Riddle, Edward, ed. Recreations in Science and Natural Philosophy - Dr. Hutton's Translation of Montucla's Edition of Ozanam. New ed., William Tegg, London, 1851. P. viii.
Rivett, Leonard & Matthew, Jim. "A Yorkshire Genius" A brief Study of the Life, Work and Achievements of Sir George Cayley. Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, Yorkshire, (1991), 2nd ed, 1996.
Robb, Douglas. Henry George Forder. IN: A Spectrum of Mathematics Essays presented to H. G. Forder; ed. by J. C. Butcher; Auckland Univ. Press & OUP, 1971, pp. 11-15.]
Robert, A. The Euler Busts. Math. Intell. 10:2 (1988) 36.
Roberts, R. M. Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science. Wiley, New York, 1989.
Rochester, J. B. & Gantz, J. The Naked Computer. Arlington Books, London, 1984. (There was a 1983 US edition.)
Rogers, C. Ambrose. Harold Davenport (1907-1969). Biog. Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 17 (1971) 159-192. Also issued as a separate item.
Rollett, A. P. Note 3,120: Newton's apple. Math. Gaz. 49 (No. 367) (Feb 1965) 86-87.
Ronan, Colin A. Edmond Halley - Genius in Eclipse. Macdonald, London, 1970.
Ross, J. & Erichsen, N. The Story of Pisa. The Mediæval Towns Series, Dent, London, 1909.
Rosse, The Earl of. Birr Castle. Irish Heritage Series, No. 37. Eason & Son, Dublin, 1982. (Unpaginated - the material of interest is on pp. 6-9.)
Rothman, Patricia. Grace Chisholm Young and the division of laurels. Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London 50:1 (1996) 89-100.
Rowe, D. E. Gauss, Dirichlet and the law of biquadratic reciprocity. Math. Intell. 10:2 (1988) 13-25.
Rucker, Rudolf v. B., ed. Speculations on the Fourth Dimension. Selected Writings of Charles H. Hinton. Dover, NY, 1980. [Hinton's life is outlined in Rucker's Introduction, pp. v-xix.]
Rudnicki, Józef. Nicholas Copernicus (Miko-aj Kopernik) 1473-1543. Translated by B. W. A. Massey. The Copernicus Quatercentenary Celebration Committee, London, 1943.
Rukeyser, M. The Traces of Thomas Hariot. Gollancz, London, 1972.
Russell, D. C. Obituary: Lancelot Stephen Bosanquet. Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986) 403-420.
Russell, Ronald. Cambridgeshire and Cambridge. Shire County Guide 23. Shire Publications, Aylesbury, 1988.
Sandon, F. Review of "Student's" Collected Papers. Math. Gaz. 27 (1943) 225-226.
Sarton, George. Six Wings - Men of Science in the Renaissance. Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1957.
Sarton, George (2). The tomb of Omar Khayyâm. Isis 29 (1939) 15-19 & plate opp. p. 15.
Savage, J. Science fiction monsters (Report of correspondence with Constance Reid). Crystal Palace Matters, No. 35 (1990) 15.
Scandone, F. Galileo and the Telescope. [Lecture delivered in America on 2 & 5 Nov 1965.] Officine Galileo, Florence, 1967. [This is a large format booklet with many excellent colour photos.]
Schlapp, R. The contribution of the Scots to mathematics. Math. Gaz. 57 (1973) 1-16.
Schmidt, W. Auf den Spuren von Mathematikern Lindenau, Bailly, Lalande. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 23 (1989) 109-110.
Schreiber, Peter. Mitstreiter gesucht! Alpha (Berlin) 25:1 (1991) 1.
Schroeter, J. Swiss Contributions to Science. American Society for Friendship with Switzerland, New York, 1960.
Schukowski, M. Die Rostocker Monumentaluhr. Alpha (Berlin, DDR) 24:2 (1990) ?? - no page number on the photocopy I received.
Scott, J. F. The Scientific Work of René Descartes. Taylor & Francis, London, nd [Preface dated 1952].
Scott-Giles, C. W. Sidney Sussex College A Brief History. (1950); 2nd ed., The College, 1975.
Seck, Friedrich. Das Kepler-Museum in Weil der Stadt. Führer. Kepler-Gesellschaft, Weil der Stadt, 1982. Thanks to A. E. L. Davis.
Segedin, M. G. Sir William Rowan Hamilton. New Zealand Math. Mag. 5 (1967-68) 128-131. (A rubbing of S. M. Hamilton's grave is on p. 131.)
Segre, Michael. Viviani's life of Galileo. Isis 80 (1989) 206-231.
Shields, A. Years ago: Carathéodory and conformal mapping. Math. Intell. 10:1 (1988) 18-22.
Shields, A. (2). Lejeune Dirichlet and the birth of analytic number theory: 1837-1839. Math. Intell. 11:4 (1989) 7-11.
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