ICIAM Pioneer Prize
This prize, funded by SIAM, is for pioneering work introducing applied mathematical methods and scientific computing techniques to an industrial problem area or a new scientific field of applications. Awarded every four years, it was awarded for the first time at the Opening Ceremony of ICIAM 99 in Edinburgh, Scotland, in July 1999.
1999 Ronald R Coifman
1999 Ronald R Coifman
... for his pioneering work in exploiting harmonic and, especially, wavelet analysis to provide new computational methods and algorithms in a wide variety of important contexts involving signal and image processing.2003 Stanley Osher
... in recognition of his outstanding contributions to applied mathematics and computational science - particularly his work on shock-capturing schemes, PDE-based image processing, and the level-set method.2007 Ingrid Daubechies
... for her pioneering work in applied mathematics and applications. Her work is a permanent contribution to mathematics, science and engineering and has found widespread use in image processing and time frequency analysis.2007 Heinz Engl
... for his work on the applications of theoretical work in inverse problems to the solution of a wide range of industrial problems; for his promotion worldwide of industrial/applied mathematics problem solving; for his initiative to include very active applied mathematics components in the Austrian Mathematical Community; and for the founding of the Austrian Academy of Sciences sponsored RICAM, the Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics.2011 James Albert Sethian
... for his fundamental methods and algorithms which have had a large impact in applications such as in imaging and shape recovery in medicine, geophysics and tomography and drop dynamics in inkjets.2015 Bjorn Engquist
... for fundamental contributions in the field of applied mathematics, numerical analysis and scientific computing which have had long lasting impact in the field as well as successful applications in science, engineering and industry.2019 Yvon Maday
... in recognition of his leading role in the introduction of powerful methods for numerical simulation, such as spectral methods, reduced order modeling, domain decomposition, models and simulation in medical sciences, fluid-structure interaction, and ab-initio chemistry. Several of his works helped inthe launching of start-ups and are intensively used in industry.2023 Leslie Greengard
... for his pioneering work on fast algorithms including the fast multipole method (one of the top-ten algorithms of the 20th century), fast Gauss transform, and fast direct solvers; and for the development of innovative high-order, automatically adaptive algorithms for differential and integral equations.