The international Royaumont seminar
The international seminar 'New thinking in school mathematics' was held 23 November to 4 December 1959 at the Cercle Culturel de Royaumont, Asnières-sur-Oise, France. We give below a list of participants and guest speakers at the Royaumont seminar. This list is taken from New thinking in school mathematics (OECE, Paris, 1961), 213-219:
Scheiwein, Erwin (Austria)
Studzinsky, Hermann (Austria)
Ballieu Robert (Belgium)
Van Hercke, Jean J (Belgium)
Burwell, James Hugh (Canada)
Rindung, Ole (Denmark)
Huisman, André (France)
Theron, Pierre (France)
Athen, Hermann (Germany)
Schoene, Heinz (Germany)
Georgontelis, Kanellos (Greece)
Sotirakis, Nicolaos (Greece)
Campbell, John (Ireland)
Forde, John Martin (Ireland)
Campedelli, Luigi (Italy)
Castelnuovo, Emma (Italy)
Kieffer, Lucien (Luxembourg)
Michels, Marcel (Luxembourg)
Leeman, Henri Theodoor Masie (The Netherlands)
Vredenduin, Pieter G J (The Netherlands)
Gjelsvik, Ingvald (Norway)
Johansson, Ingebrigt (Norway)
Piene, Kay (Norway)
Frostman, Otto (Sweden)
Sandgren, Carl Lennart (Sweden)
Pauli, Laurent (Switzerland)
Saxer, Walter (Switzerland)
Kodamanoglu, Nuri (Turkey)
Hope, Cyril (UK)
Land, Frank William (UK)
Stone, Marshall H., President of the seminar (USA)
Tucker, Albert W (USA)
Djerasimovic, Bozidar (Yugoslavia)
Guest speakers at the seminar:
Begle, Edward Griffith (USA)
Botsch, Otto (Germany)
Brunold, Charles (France)
Bundgaard, Svend (Denmark)
Bunt, Luke N H (The Netherlands)
Choquet, Gustave (France)
Dieudonné, Jean, chairman of Section I (France)
Fehr, Howard F (USA)
Félix, Lucienne (France)
Maxwell, Edwin Arthur (UK)
Rourke, Robert E K (USA)
Servais, Willy (Belgium)
Wall, William Douglas (UK)
Organization for the European Economic Co-operation:
Gass, James R
Metzger, Helmut
Vincent, Louis
Scheiwein, Erwin (Austria)
Studzinsky, Hermann (Austria)
Ballieu Robert (Belgium)
Van Hercke, Jean J (Belgium)
Burwell, James Hugh (Canada)
Rindung, Ole (Denmark)
Huisman, André (France)
Theron, Pierre (France)
Athen, Hermann (Germany)
Schoene, Heinz (Germany)
Georgontelis, Kanellos (Greece)
Sotirakis, Nicolaos (Greece)
Campbell, John (Ireland)
Forde, John Martin (Ireland)
Campedelli, Luigi (Italy)
Castelnuovo, Emma (Italy)
Kieffer, Lucien (Luxembourg)
Michels, Marcel (Luxembourg)
Leeman, Henri Theodoor Masie (The Netherlands)
Vredenduin, Pieter G J (The Netherlands)
Gjelsvik, Ingvald (Norway)
Johansson, Ingebrigt (Norway)
Piene, Kay (Norway)
Frostman, Otto (Sweden)
Sandgren, Carl Lennart (Sweden)
Pauli, Laurent (Switzerland)
Saxer, Walter (Switzerland)
Kodamanoglu, Nuri (Turkey)
Hope, Cyril (UK)
Land, Frank William (UK)
Stone, Marshall H., President of the seminar (USA)
Tucker, Albert W (USA)
Djerasimovic, Bozidar (Yugoslavia)
Guest speakers at the seminar:
Begle, Edward Griffith (USA)
Botsch, Otto (Germany)
Brunold, Charles (France)
Bundgaard, Svend (Denmark)
Bunt, Luke N H (The Netherlands)
Choquet, Gustave (France)
Dieudonné, Jean, chairman of Section I (France)
Fehr, Howard F (USA)
Félix, Lucienne (France)
Maxwell, Edwin Arthur (UK)
Rourke, Robert E K (USA)
Servais, Willy (Belgium)
Wall, William Douglas (UK)
Organization for the European Economic Co-operation:
Gass, James R
Metzger, Helmut
Vincent, Louis