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1983 hertz_heinrich3

1985 halley12

1985 halley13

1985 halley14

1985 halley15

1986 halley25

1986 halley29

1986 newton36

1994 kepler29

1994 newton50

1998 herschel_william8

2000 brunelleschi2

2000 copernicus16

2000 copernicus22

2000 galileo45

2000 herschel_william15

2001 fermi4

2002 lorentz_hendrik3

2006 bethe1

2006 born1

2006 chandrasekhar1

2006 pauli2

2007 cassini3

2007 huygens10

2007 huygens9

2008 baker

2008 brahe8

2008 brahe9

2008 chandrasekhar4

2008 chandrasekhar5

2008 connes

2008 donaldson

2008 drinfeld

2008 eddington3

2008 fields1

2008 fields2

2008 hadamard

2008 herschel_william13

2008 hubble12

2008 kepler44

2008 kepler45

2008 kepler50

2008 landau_lev3

2008 laplace3

2008 lorenz

2008 lorenz2

2008 lorenz3

2008 mumford

2008 okounkov

2008 schwartz

2008 turing5

2008 turing6

2008 weil

2009 harriot

2009 pascal7a

2009 pascal7b

2009 pascal8

2009 zu_chongzhi2

2010 bradley1

2010 flamsteed2

2010 gauss8

2010 halley45

2010 halley46

2010 halley47

2010 hubble10

2010 hubble9

2010 kepler49

2010 laplace4

2010 penrose

2010 piazzi

2010 witten

2011 lomonosov13

2011 lomonosov23

2012 francesca2

2012 heisenberg9

2014 galileo47

2014 galileo59

2015 hubble6

2020 hubble6

2021 euwe5

2021 euwe6

2021 euwe7

2021 euwe8

2021 lomonosov19

2022 hawking10

2022 hawking11

2022 hawking14

2022 hawking6