Mathematician stamps up to 1970

Here are stamps featuring mathematicians which were issued up to 1970.

You can see thumbnails of these stamps at THIS LINK

Issued by USA in 1847 (the first stamps issued by the USA)
Issued by USA in 1855 franklin_benjamin1
Issued by USA in 1890 franklin_benjamin3
Issued by USA in 1902 franklin_benjamin2
Issued by USA in 1914 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin12
Issued by Germany in 1921 (an emergency banknote) abbe3
Issued by Germany in 1921 (an emergency banknote) bessel4
Issued by Poland in 1923
Issued by Danzig in 1923 (a banknote) hevelius5
Issued by Soviet Union in 1925
Issued by Germany in 1926 durer12
Issued by Germany in 1926, part of a series of famous Germans leibniz3
Issued by France in 1927 (a banknote -- with Pasteur on the right) ampere15
Issued by New Caledonia in 1928
Issued by Netherlands in 1928 huygens1
Issued by Netherlands in 1928 lorenz1
Issued by Norway in 1929, upon the centenary of his death
Issued by Hungary in 1932, part of a series 'Portraits of Famous Hungarians' bolyai2
Issued by Hungary in 1932 eotvos2
Issued by Italy in 1933 galileo12
Issued by USA in 1934 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin13
Issued by Austria in 1935 for Mothers' Day durer27
Issued by Netherlands in 1935 (designed by Escher) escher4
Issued by France in 1936 ampere1
Issued by Germany in 1936 guericke4
Issued by France in 1937, in commemoration of the third centenary of the publication of Discours de la Méthode
descart (shows 'Discours sur la Méthode')
descart2 (reissue, shows 'Discours de la Méthode')
Issued by Italy in 1938
Issued by France in 1939 arago2
Issued by Germany in 1939 durer26
Issued by Danzig in 1939 mendel8
Issued by Belgium in 1939 nightingale25
Issued by Greece in 1941 (a banknote) aristotle22
Issued by Soviet Union in 1941
Issued by Poland in 1942 (under German occupation) copernicus4
Issued by France in 1942 (a banknote) descartes12
Issued by Italy in 1942
Issued by Belgium in 1942 mercator1
Issued by Belgium in 1942 ortelius1
Issued by Belgium in 1942, to benefit the battle against tuberculosis, part of a series 'Famous Flanders scientists of the 16th century' stevin
Issued by Croatia in 1943
Issued by Poland in 1943 (under German occupation) copernicus9
Issued by Ireland in 1943, to commemorate the centenary of the discovery of quaternions
Issued by Soviet Union in 1944, on the 75th anniversary of his birth
Issued by France in 1944, part of a series honouring famous French persons pascal2
Issued by Denmark in 1944 romer1
Issued by Italy in 1945 galileo13
Issued by Soviet Union in 1945 lomonosov16
Issued by Denmark in 1946 brahe1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1946, on the 125th anniversary of his birth
cheby1 (30 kopeck)
cheby2 (60 kopeck)
Issued by France in 1946 (a banknote)
leverrier5 (The reverse, showing Neptune)
Issued by Greece in 1947 (banknotes)
Issued by Martinique in 1947 (a banknote) bougainville31
Issued by Romania in 1947 lomonsov8
Issued by Soviet Union in 1947
Issued by Colombia in 1947 mutis4
Issued by Belgium in 1947 plateau1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1947
Issued by Lebanon in 1948
Issued by Netherlands in 1948 dewitt1
Issued by Hungary in 1948 (100th anniversary of birth) eotvos3
Issued by France in 1949 ampere2
Issued by France in 1949 arago3
Issued by France in 1949 buffon
Issued by Netherlands in 1949 (Escher designed these stamps)
Issued by Colombia in 1949 garavito2
Issued by Costa Rica in 1949 nightingale24
Issued by Turkey in 1950
Issued by St Pierre and Miquelon in 1950 (a banknote) bougainville2
Issued by France in 1950 carnot1
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950, on the 250th anniversary of the Berlin Academy of Science euler7
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 helmholtz3
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 leibniz8
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 planck15
Issued by Iran in 1951, celebrating the 1000th anniversary of his death
Issued by Afghanistan in 1951
Issued by Poland in 1951 copernicus97
Issued by France in 1951 gaylussac1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1951, part of a series to honour famous Russian scientists kovalev1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1951, part of a series to honour famous Russian scientists lobach1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1951 ostrogradski1
Issued by Portugal in 1951, on the centennial of his birth
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1952 avicenna13
Issued by Poland in 1952 avicenna9
Issued by France in 1952 leonardo19
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1952 leonardo17
Issued by Hungary in 1952 leonardo24
Issued by Italy in 1952
Issued by Poland in 1952 leonardo40
Issued by Romania in 1952 leonardo42
Issued by France in 1952, as part of a series honouring famous French persons of the second half of the 19th century poincare
Issued by China in 1953 copernicus74
Issued by Poland in 1953
Issued by Austria in 1953 kepler04
Issued by France in 1953 monge2
Issued by Iran in 1954
Issued by France in 1954 carnot_sadi1
Issued by Hungary in 1954 csere1
Issued by Saarland in 1954 durer42
Issued by Turkey in 1954 nightingale27
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1954 vega3
Issued by Poland in 1955 copernicus48
Issued by Soviet Union in 1955 copernicus39 (Inset is Jan Matejko: the painter of the Copernicus picture)
Issued by Greece in 1955 (a banknote) democritus6
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1955 durer28
Issued by Saarland in 1955
Issued by USA in 1955 franklin_benjamin4
Issued by Germany in 1955, to commemorate the centenary of his death gauss1
Issued by Netherlands in 1955 (a banknote) huygens13
Issued by France in 1955, part of a series Famous Frenchmen, issued to benefit the Red Cross laplace
Issued by Australia in 1955 nightingale12
Issued by Germany in 1955 nightingale31
Issued by Greece in 1955, to commemorate Pythagoras's Congress and the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the first school of philosophy by Pythagoras
Issued by China in 1955 zhang_heng
Issued by China in 1955 zu_chongzhi
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1956 abbe1
Issued by Iran in 1956 al-tusi
Issued by Greece in 1956 aristotle14
Issued by Israel in 1956 einstein28
Issued by Bulgaria in 1956 franklin_benjamin5
Issued by France in 1956 franklin_benjamin6
Issued by USA in 1956 franklin_benjamin8
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956, on the 10th anniversary of his death krylov1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956, on the 100th anniversary of his death lobach2
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956 lomonosov17
Issued by Brazil in 1957 comte3
Issued by Bulgaria in 1957 comte4
Issued by France in 1957, on the centenary of his death comte
Issued by Romania in 1957 comte2
Issued by France in 1957 copernicus30
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957, part of a series 'Famous Scientists' euler4
Issued by Soviet Union in 1957, to commemorate his 250th birthday euler1
Issued by Switzerland in 1957, to commemorate his 250th birthday euler2
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1957, one of a set published for the 250th anniversary of the Prague Engineering School gerstner1
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957 hertz_heinrich5
Issued by Germany in 1957 hertz_heinrich1
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957 jungius
Issued by Soviet Union in 1957, on the 100th anniversary of his birth lyapunov
Issued by France in 1957, part of a series 'Famous Persons' newton2
Issued by Portugal in 1957 (a banknote) nunes7
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1957, one of a set published for the 250th anniversary of the Prague Engineering School skuhersky
Issued by Germany in 1958 cusa1
Issued by France in 1958 foucault1
Issued by France in 1958, part of a series 'French scientists' lagrange
Issued by France in 1958 leverrier
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1958 planck13
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1958 planck18
Issued by Italy in 1958, to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the birth of Torricelli torric
Issued by Poland in 1959 copernicus134
Issued by France in 1959, part of a series Famous Frenchmen, issued to benefit the Red Cross dalemb
Issued by Poland in 1959 einstein35
Issued by Hungary in 1959 (Eötvös torsion balance) eotvos4
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1959 hertz_heinrich7
Issued by Poland in 1959, part of a series to honour famous scientists newton5
Issued by Germany in 1959, on the 400th death anniversary riese
Issued by Soviet Union in 1959, on the 350th anniversary of his birth torric2
Issued by Hungary in 1960, on the 100th anniversary of his death bolyai3 (See THIS NOTE )
Issued by Romania in 1960 bolyai4 (See THIS NOTE )
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1960 boscovich7
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1960 durer53
Issued by Germany in 1961 albertus2
Issued by France in 1961 coulomb1
Issued by Greece in 1961, honouring the 'Democritus' National Center for Scientific Research
Issued by Germany in 1961 durer1
Issued by Romania in 1961 lomonosov15
Issued by Soviet Union in 1961 lomonosov12
Issued by Romania in 1961, part of a series to honour Romanian scientists titeica
Issued by Iraq in 1962 al-kindi1
Issued by Yemen in 1962 al-kindi5
Issued by Iran in 1962 avicenna24
Issued by Norway in 1962, on his 100th birthday
Issued by China in 1962
Issued by Netherlands in 1962, showing Huygen's pendulum clock clock
Issued by Belgium in 1962 mercator2
Issued by France in 1962 papin1
Issued by France in 1962, on the 300th anniversary of his death pascal
Issued by Spain in 1963 arch5
Issued by Algeria in 1963 avicenna40
Issued by Denmark in 1963
Issued by Greenland in 1963
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1963, for the centenary of the Czech Mathematics and Physics Union. hronec2
Issued by Soviet Union in 1963, one of a series of stamps honouring members of the Russian Academy of Science krylov2
Issued by Spain in 1963 llull
Issued by West Berlin in 1963 planck4
Issued by Soviet Union in 1963 zhukovsky1
Issued by Poland in 1964 copernicus98
Issued by Vatican City in 1964
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1964 galileo24
Issued by Hungary in 1964 galileo20
Issued by Italy in 1964
Issued by Romania in 1964 galileo14
Issued by Soviet Union in 1964 galileo25
Issued by France in 1964 gerbert1
Issued by Sweden in 1964 rayleigh3
Issued by Taiwan in 1964 xuguangqi
Issued by Syria in 1965 avicenna25
Issued by Poland in 1965 (a banknote)
copernicus42 (The reverse, showing the Zodiac)
Issued by USA in 1965 einstein36
Issued by Panama in 1965 galileo31
Issued by Paraguay in 1965 galileo3
Issued by Greece in 1965 hipparchus1
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1965 mendel9
Issued by Paraguay in 1965
Issued by Norway in 1966 (a banknote) abel11
Issued by Pakistan in 1966 avicenna16
Issued by Yemen in 1966
Issued by Panama in 1966 durer40
Issued by France in 1966 fontenelle1
Issued by Ecuador in 1966 galileo9
Issued by Ecuador in 1966 kepler07
Issued by Germany in 1966, on the 250th anniversary of his death leibniz1
Issued by Romania in 1966, part of the culture series 'Famous Men 1966' leibniz4
Issued by Romania in 1966 (a postcard) riemann1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1966, one of a series of stamps honouring Soviet scientists schmidt
Issued by Greece in 1967 (a banknote) democritus4
Issued by Niger in 1967 durer17
Issued by Panama in 1967 durer21
Issued by Saudi Arabia in 1967 durer41
Issued by Italy in 1967 celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first nuclear reaction. fermi2
Issued by Mexico in 1967 hertz_heinrich4
Issued by Italy in 1967 (a banknote) leonardo54
Issued by Mexico in 1967 maxwell1
Issued by Dubai in 1967 omar5
Issued by Egypt in 1968 (and paired with a stamp depicting Imhotep) avicenna8
Issued by French Polynesia in 1968 bougainville9
Issued by Samoa in 1968
Issued by Solomon Islands in 1968 (as British Solomon Islands) bougainville24
Issued by Vanuatu in 1968 (as New Hebrides) bougainville25
Issued by St Pierre and Miquelon in 1968 cassini5 (See THIS NOTE)
Issued by Ajman in 1968
Issued by Ajman in 1968 durer50
Issued by United Arab Emirates in 1968 durer58
Issued by Israel in 1968 (a banknote) einstein29
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1968 lasker3
Issued by Dominica in 1968 nightingale8
Issued by Pakistan in 1969 al-haytham2
Issued by Belgium in 1969, depicting a wood sculpture by Artus Quellinus albertus3
Issued by Kuwait in 1969
Issued by Yemen in 1969 brahe17
Issued by Poland in 1969
copernicus38 ("The sun stops, the earth moves")
Issued by Yemen in 1969 copernicus132
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1969 durer61
Issued by Yemen in 1969 galileo19
Issued by Yemen in 1969
Issued by Albania in 1969 leonardo5
Issued by Monaco in 1969 leonardo36
Issued by Cyprus in 1969 (a map) mercator3
Issued by Yemen in 1969
Issued by Yemen in 1969 ptolemy2
Issued by Mali in 1970 al-kindi4
Issued by Poland in 1970
Issued by Ajman in 1970 durer51
Issued by Niger in 1970 galileo33
Issued by Great Britain in 1970 (W Herschel, Baily, J Herschel) herschel7
Issued by Cuba in 1970 leonardo13
Issued by Niger in 1970 leonardo39
Issued by Niger in 1970 newton41