Mathematicians Of The Day

4th June

On this day in 1925 David Hilbert said
No one shall expel us from the paradise which Cantor created for us,
in an address to the Westphalian Mathematical Society in Munster in honour of Karl Weierstrass.

On this day in 2022 Google released a Bose doodle (commemorating the day in 1924 that he sent his quantum formulations to Albert Einstein).

Click on for a poster.

Quotation of the day

From Maurice Fréchet
... jai voulu sans doute éviter qu'on puisse appeler compact un noyau solide dense qui n'est agrémenté que d'un fil allant jusqu'à l'infini. C'est une supposition car j'ai complétement oubliè les raisons de mon choix!"

[Doubtless I wanted to avoid a solid dense core with a single thread going off to infinity being called compact. This is a hypothesis because I have completely forgotten the reasons for my choice!]
Writing about his invention of the term "compact" for a topological space.