British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Southampton: 10-14 April 1962.

The enrolment was 215.

Organisers were E T Davies

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Bott, R H On the cohomology of sphere bundles
Clark, R S Geometric structures on differentiable manifolds
Kendall, D G Extreme-point methods in stochastic analysis

The morning speakers were:

Atiyah, M F Riemann-Roch: the history and development of the theorem
Butler, M C R Extension theory in abelian categories
Clark, R S Geometric structures on differentiable manifolds
Davenport, H Diophantine approximation
Edwards, D A
Keogh, F R Riesz products
Preston, G B Congruences on semigroups
Robertson, S A Non-degenerate functions
Taylor, S J Properties of finite measures in Euclidean spaces
Wall, C T C Recent developments in differential topology