British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Swansea: 4-8 April 1967.

The enrolment was 372.

Organisers were J D Weston

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Feit, W p-adic and modular representations of finite groups
Helson, H Vectorial function theory
Zeeman, E C Piecewise-linear topology

The morning speakers were:

Brown, R Groupoids in topology and algebra
Everitt, W N Deficiency indices of ordinary differential operators
Garling, D J H Topological sequence spaces
Ingleton, A W Flags
Lamperti, J Limits of random processes and a class of Markov semigroups
Ledermann, W Representation theory and statistics
Mackey, G W Some applications of induced representations of groups
Wall, G E A problem of D R Hughes for p-groups
Wallace, D A R Semi-simplicity of group rings