Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath


The conference ran over two weeks, with a break on the middle weekend. The
arrival days for the two weeks were Saturday 1 August and
Sunday 9 August. There were NO lectures on these arrival days. Similarly, Saturday 15 August was departure day with NO lectures.

Principal Speakers:

Gerhard Hiss (RWTH, Aachen, Germany)Finite groups of Lie type and their representations
Volodymyr Nekrashevych (Texas A&M, USA)Iterated monodromy groups
Dan Segal (All Souls College, Oxford)Words and groups
Eamonn O'Brien (Auckland, New Zealand)Effective algorithmic approaches for linear groups
Mark Sapir (Vanderbilt, Nashville, USA)Residually finite groups, random walks and dynamics of polynomial maps over p-adics

The speakers above kindly agreed to give short courses of lectures in the first week of the conference.

Talk slides

To obtain copies of talk slides or notes (where available) go to the Slides as PDFs section.


You may wish to view the Timetable which includes details of social events as well as main talks and sessions.

There is also a Timetable of Short Talks.

Theme days:

In the second week of the conference there were three theme days:
An Engel groups day
A day to celebrate the birthdays of John Cannon and Derek Holt
A B.H. Neumann day
See the timetable for details.

Plenary lectures and contributed talks:

In addition there was a programme of one hour invited lectures and short research presentations.

Conference Banquets

The conference banquets were held on the Tuesdays of each week.

Conference Outings

There were conference outings on the Wednesdays, for which the fees were included in full registration.

We also offered two or three optional "pay as you go" outings, as follows.

  1. Horse Race Meeting in Bath. Thursday evening of Week 1.
  2. Day trip to London on the middle Sunday for sight seeing (Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Trafalgar Square etc). Included 5 hours of free time to walk around London.
  3. On the middle Saturday, there was a day trip to Cardiff, the capital of Wales, with lots of time to explore on foot.

Other Social Events

There were opportunities for music making in the evenings. At the 1997 conference, barn dances were very popular. There was also be an opportunity for classical or popular music recitals.

We had access to social space on campus in the evenings (music making and dancing encouraged).
There was a bar open until 11pm every evening.
There was an associated skittles alley.

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