The Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectures
The American Mathematical Society established the Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship in 1923.The Society chooses speakers with a known ability to deliver lectures which are understandable by non-mathematicians.The aim is to make people aware of the importance and the impact of mathematics on the world in which we live.The lectures are given annually, but there have been a few years since the series began when no lecture was given.Below is a complete list of the lecture.
Month and year | Venue | Lecturer | Title.
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1 | February 1924 | New York City, NY | Michael I Pupin | Coordination.
2 | December 1924 | Washington, DC | Robert Henderson | Life insurance as a social science and as a mathematical problem.
3 | December 1925 | Kansas City, MO | James Pierpont | Some modern views of space.
4 | December 1926 | Philadelphia, PA | Horatio B Williams | Mathematics and the biological sciences.
5 | December 1927 | Nashville, TN | Ernest W Brown | Resonance in the solar system.
6 | December 1928 | New York City, NY | G H Hardy | An introduction to the theory of numbers.
[G H Hardy was unable to give his lecture in person due to illness, so H W Brinkmann presented Hardy's lecture.]
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7 | December 1929 | Des Moines, IA | Irving Fisher | The applications of mathematics to the social sciences.
8 | December 1930 | Cleveland, OH | Edwin B Wilson | Reminiscences of Gibbs by a student and colleague.
9 | December 1931 | New Orleans, LA | Percy W Bridgman | Statistical mechanics and the second law of thermodynamics.
10 | December 1932 | Atlantic City, NJ | Richard C Tolman | Thermodynamics and relativity.
11 | December 1934 | Pittsburgh, PA | Albert Einstein | An elementary proof of the theorem concerning the equivalence of mass and energy.
12 | January 1935 | St Louis, MO | Vannevar Bush | Instrumental analysis.
13 | October 1936 | New York City, NY | Henry Norris Russell | Model stars.
14 | December 1937 | Indianapolis, IN | Charles August Kraus | The present status of the theory of electrolytes.
15 | December 1939 | Columbus, OH | Theodore von Kármán | The engineer grapples with nonlinear problems.
16 | September 1941 | Chicago, IL | Sewall Wright | Statistical genetics and evolution.
17 | November 1943 | Chicago, IL | Harry Bateman | The control of elastic fluids.
18 | November 1944 | Chicago, IL | John von Neumann | The ergodic theorem and statistical mechanics.
19 | November 1945 | Chicago, IL | John Clarke Slater | Physics and the wave equation.
20 | November 1946 | Swarthmore, PA | Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar | The transfer of radiation in stellar atmosphere.
21 | December 1947 | Athens, GA | Philip McCord Morse | Mathematical problems in operations research.
22 | December 1948 | Columbus, OH | Hermann Weyl | Ramifications, old and new, of the eigenvalue problem.
23 | December 1949 | New York City, NY | Norbert Wiener | Problems of sensory prosthesis.
24 | December 1950 | Gainesville, FL | George E Uhlenbeck | Some basic problems of statistical mechanics.
25 | December 1951 | Providence, RI | Kurt Gödel | Some basic theorems on the foundations of mathematics and their philosophical implications.
26 | December 1952 | St Louis, MO | Marston Morse | Topology and geometrical analysis.
27 | December 1953 | Baltimore, MD | Wassily Leontief | Mathematics in economics.
28 | December 1954 | Pittsburgh, PA | Kurt O Friedrichs | Asymptotic phenomena in mathematical physics.
29 | December 1955 | Houston, TX | Joseph E Meyer | The structure of simple fields.
30 | December 1956 | Rochester, NY | Marshall H Stone | Mathematics and the future of science.
31 | January 1958 | Cincinnati, OH | Hermann J Muller | Evolution by mutation.
32 | January 1959 | Philadelphia, PA | Johannes M Burgers | On the emergence of patterns of order.
33 | January 1960 | Chicago, IL | Julian Schwinger | Quantum field theory.
34 | January 1961 | Washington, DC | James J Stoker | Some nonlinear problems in elasticity.
35 | January 1962 | Cincinnati, OH | Chen Ning Yang | Symmetry principles in modern physics.
36 | January 1963 | Berkeley, CA | Claude E Shannon | Information theory.
37 | January 1964 | Miami, FA | Lars Onsager | Mathematical problems of cooperative phenomena.
38 | January 1965 | Denver, CO | Derrick H Lehmer | Mechanical mathematics.
39 | January 1966 | Chicago, IL | Martin Schwarzschild | Stellar evolution.
40 | January 1967 | Houston, TX | Mark Kac | Some mathematical problems in the theory of phase transitions.
41 | January 1968 | San Francisco, CA | Eugene P Wigner | Problems of symmetry in old and new physics.
42 | January 1969 | New Orleans, LA | Raymond L Wilder | Trends and social implications of research.
43 | January 1970 | San Antonio, TX | Walter H Munk | Tides and time.
44 | January 1971 | Atlantic City, NJ | Eberhard F F Hopf | Ergodic theory and the geodesic flow on surfaces of constant negative curvature.
45 | January 1972 | Las Vegas, ND | Freeman J Dyson | Missed opportunities.
46 | January 1973 | Dallas, TX | Jürgen Moser | The stability concept in dynamical systems.
47 | January 1974 | San Francisco, CA | Paul A Samuelson | Economics and mathematical analysis.
48 | January 1975 | Washington, DC | Fritz John | A priori estimates, geometric effects, and asymptotic behavior.
49 | January 1976 | San Antonio, TX | Arthur S Wightman | Nonlinear functional analysis and some of its applications in quantum field theory.
50 | January 1977 | St Louis, MO | Joseph B Keller | Rays, waves, and asymptotics.
51 | January 1978 | Atlanta, GA | Donald E Knuth | Mathematical typography.
52 | January 1979 | Biloxi, MS | Martin Kruskal | "What are solitons and inverse scattering anyway, and why should I care?"
53 | January 1980 | San Antonio, TX | Kenneth Wilson | The statistical continuum limit.
54 | January 1981 | San Francisco, CA | Cathleen S Morawetz | The mathematical approach to the sound barrier.
55 | January 1982 | Cincinnati, OH | Elliott W Montroll | The dynamics and evolution of some sociotechnical systems.
56 | January 1983 | Denver, CO | Samuel Karlin | Mathematical models and controversies of evolutionary theory.
57 | January 1984 | Louisville, KY | Herbert A Simon | Computer modeling of the processes of scientific and mathematical discovery.
58 | January 1985 | Anaheim, CA | Michael O Rabin | Randomization in mathematics and computer science.
59 | January 1986 | New Orleans, LA | Laurence E Scriven | The third leg: Mathematics and computation in applicable science and high technology.
60 | January 1987 | San Antonio, TX | Thomas C Spencer | Schrödinger operators and dynamical systems.
61 | January 1988 | Atlanta, GA | David P Ruelle | How natural is our mathematics? The example of equilibrium statistical mechanics.
62 | January 1989 | Phoenix, AZ | Elliott H Lieb | The stability of matter: from atoms to stars.
63 | January 1990 | Louisville, KY | George B Dantzig | The wide wide world of pure mathematics that goes by other names.
64 | January 1991 | San Francisco, CA | Michael Atiyah | Physics and the mysteries of space.
65 | January 1992 | Baltimore, MD | Michael E Fisher | Approaching the limit: Mathematics and myth in statistical physics.
66 | January 1993 | San Antonio, TX | Charles S Peskin | Fluid dynamics and fiber architecture of the heart and its valves.
67 | January 1994 | Cincinnati, OH | Robert M May | Necessity and chance: Deterministic chaos in ecology and evolution.
68 | January 1995 | San Francisco, CA | Andrew J Majda | Turbulence, turbulent diffusion, and modern applied mathematics.
69 | January 1996 | Orlando, FL | Steven Weinberg | Is field theory the answer? Is string theory the answer? What was the question?
70 | January 1997 | San Diego, CA | Persi Diaconis | Patterns in eigenvalues.
71 | January 1998 | Baltimore, MD | Edward Witten | M-Theory.
72 | January 1999 | San Antonio, TX | Nancy J Kopell | We got rhythm: Dynamical systems of the nervous system.
73 | January 2000 | Washington, DC | Roger Penrose | Physics, computability, and mentality.
74 | January 2001 | New Orleans, LA | Ronald L Graham | The Steiner problem.
75 | January 2002 | San Diego, CA | Michael V Berry | Making light of mathematics.
76 | January 2003 | Baltimore, MD | David B Mumford | The shape of objects in two and three dimensions: Mathematics meets computer vision.
77 | January 2004 | Phoenix, AZ | Eric S Lander | Biology as information.
78 | January 2005 | Atlanta, GA | Ingrid Daubechies | The interplay between analysis and algorithms.
79 | January 2006 | San Antonio, TX | Michael Savageau | Function, Design and Evolution of Gene Circuitry.
80 | January 2007 | New Orleans, LA | Peter D Lax | Mathematics and Physics.
81 | January 2008 | San Diego, CA | Avi Wigderson | Randomness - A computational complexity view.
82 | January 2009 | Washington, DC | Percy Deift | Integrable systems: a modern view.
83 | January 2010 | San Francisco, CA | Peter W Shor | Quantum channels and their capacities.
84 | January 2011 | New Orleans, LA | George Papanicolaou | Mathematical Problems in Systematic Risk.
85 | January 2012 | Boston, MA | Bradley Efron | A 250-year argument: Belief, behavior, and the bootstrap.
86 | January 2013 | San Diego, CA | Cédric Villani | On Disorder, Mixing and Equilibration.
87 | January 2014 | Baltimore, MD | Andrew Blake | Machines that see, powered by probability.
88 | January 2015 | San Antonio, TX | Ronald Graham | Mathematics and computers: problems and prospects.
89 | January 2016 | Seattle, WA | Daniel A Spielman | Graphs, Vectors, and Matrices .
90 | January 2017 | Atlanta, GA | John Preskill | Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier.
91 | January 2018 | San Diego, CA | Cynthia Dwork | Privacy in the Land of Plenty.
92 | January 2019 | Baltimore, MD | Alan S Perelson | Immunology for Mathematicians.
93 | January 2020 | Denver, CO | Nancy Reid | In praise of small data: statistical and data science .
94 | January 2021 | Virtual | Lenka Zdeborová | What Physics Teaches us about Computation in High Dimensions.
95 | April 2022 | Virtual | Eitan Tadmor | Emergent Behavior in Collective Dynamics
96 | January 2023 | Boston, MA | Richard Baraniuk | The Mathematics of Deep Learning. |