Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Prizewinners

The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications awards the following prizes: The Catherine Richards Prize; The Christopher Zeeman Medal; The David Crighton Medal; The IMA Gold Medal: The IMA Information and Inference Best Paper Prize; The IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis; and The IMA Lighthill-Thwaites Prize. Below we give a brief description of these prizes and, for some of the prizes, we give a list of the prizewinners.

The Catherine Richards Prize.  
This prize, created to preserve the memory of Catherine Richards who served as the Executive Secretart of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications from 1987 to 1993, is awarded for the best article in the preceeding years Mathematics Today, a general interest publication of the Institute.
Winners of the Catherine Richards Prize.  
1999   Kenneth Morgan, Oubay Hassan and Nigel Weatherill: Why Didn't the Supersonic Car Fly?
2000   Lloyd N Trefethen: Predictions for Scientific Computing Fifty Years from Now
2001   Sir Michael Atiyah: Mathematics in the 20th Century
2002   Rose D Baker: Probability Paradoxes: an improbable journey to the End of the World
2003   Paul Holland: Coupling Plankton Population Models to Hydrodynamical Studies
2003   Terry Fairclough: Pensions by Dickens
2004   Ben Veith: Music of the Primes; a talk by Marcus du Sautoy
2004   Joyce Aitchison: The Mathematics of Proportional Representation
2004   Matt Horsham: Fermat's Last Theorem; a talk by Simon Singh
2005   David Percy: The Power of Bayes
2006   Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw: Constructing pandiagonal magic squares of arbitrarily large size
2007   Ahmer Wadee: Nonlinear Mathematics in Structural Engineering
2007   Michael Powell: A view of algorithms for optimization without derivatives
2008   Paul Glendinning: Ballistic Penetration
2009   Paul Glendinning: Box Models of the Oceanic Conveyor Belt
2010   Rose D Baker: The Problem of Obesity: can mathematics help?
2011   Ken T D Eames and Ellen Brooks-Pollock: Pigs didn't Fly, but Swine Flu
2012   Christopher Hollings: The Case of Evgenii Sergeevich Lyapin
2012   Edmund Chadwick, Thurai Rahulan and Yu Wang: Reverse Swerve -- A New Phenomenon in Football
2013   Matt Keeling, Michael Tildesley, Thomas House and Leon Danon -- The Mathematics of Vaccination
2014   Malcolm Savage: Beautiful Music -- A Mathematical Fluke?
2015   David J T Sumpter: How to Model Honeybee Colonies
2016   Philip Pearce and Tom Shearer: Maths in Medicine
2017   Alan Champneys: Westward Ho! Musing on Mathematics and Mechanics -- Boardmasters
2018   Alan Champneys: Westward Ho! Musing on Mathematics and Mechanics -- Permutation poetry and chaotic collaboration
The Christopher Zeeman Medal.  
This is a joint award by the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications and the London Mathematical Society. The medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the public understanding of mathematics. It is currently awarded every two years, the first award being made in 2008. The award of the Christopher Zeeman Medal to the first recipient, Ian Stewart, was made by Christopher Zeeman himself.
Winners of the Christopher Zeeman Medal.  
2008   Ian Stewart
2011   John Barrow
2014   Marcus du Sautoy
2016   Rob Eastaway
2018   Hannah Fry
2020   Matt Parker
2022   Simon Singh
The David Crighton Medal.  
This is a joint award by the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications and the London Mathematical Society. The medal is awarded for outstanding services both to mathematics and to the mathematical community. It was established in 2002 and is currently awarded every three years, the first award being made in 2003.
Winners of the David Crighton Medal.  
2003   Sir John Ball
2006   Sir Christopher Zeeman
2009   Professor Keith Moffatt
2012   Professor Arieh Iserles and Dr Peter Neumann
2015   Professor Frank Kelly
2017   Professor I David Abrahams
2019   Professor Ken Brown
2021   Professor Caroline Series
Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Gold Medal.  
This medal is awarded in recognition to outstanding contribution to mathematics and its applications over a number of years. It is awarded every two years, the first award being in 1982.
Winners of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Gold Medal.  
1982      James Lighthill and Alan Breach Tayler
1984      John Michael Hammersley and Alan Wilson
1986      George Alfred Barnard and Sam Edwards
1988      Hermann Bondi
1990      No award
1992      Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz
1994      Fritz Joseph Ursell
1996      Michael James David Powell
1998      No award
2000      Ian Nicholas Stewart
2002      Keith William Morton and Fred C Piper
2004      John Michael Tutill Thompson
2006      John Richard Ockendon
2008      James Dickson Murray and Timothy John Pedley
2010      Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen
2012      Malcolm Sabin
2014      Clifford Cocks
2016      Anthony C Croft and Duncan A Lawson
2018      R Twarock
2020      N J Higham
Information and Inference Best Paper Prize.  
This Prize, made to an eary career researcher, is awarded every two years for the best paper in Information and Inference, one of the journals of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications.
Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis.  
This Prize, established in 1985, is to preserve the memory of Leslie Fox, a world-leading researcher in numerical analysis and a founder member of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications. The Prize is awarded to researchers in numerical analysis under the age of 31 on the 1st january in the year of the award. It is awarded every two years.
The Lighthill-Thwaites Prize.  
This Prize is in memory of the first two Presidents of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, namely James Lighthill and Bryan Thwaites. It is awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications in cooperation with the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium. The Prize was established in 2010 and is awarded for a submitted piece of work which is suitable for presentation to the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium.
Winners of the Lighthill-Thwaites Prize.  
2011      Raphael Assier: for the paper On the diffraction of acoustic waves by a quarter-plane.
2013      Laura Kimpton: for the paper The effect of membrane-regulated actin polymerization on a two-phase flow mode for cell motility.
2015      John Craske: for the paper A robust mathematical model for unsteady turbulent jets: development and analysis.
2017      Doireann O'Kiely: for the paper Edge behaviour in the glass sheet redraw process.
2019      Matthew Butler: for the paper Sticking with droplets: Insect-inspired modelling of capillary adhesion.
2021      Matthew Colbrook: for the paper Diagonalising the infinite: How to compute spectra with error control