Life spans

Here is a plot of the 2891 mathematicians for whom we have birth and death dates.
Average= 72.03 median= 74

Galois is the only one who died at 20 and Vietoris is the only one who lived until he was 110.

Others with either very short of very long lives are:
23: Herbrand, Horrocks
25: Audin, Doeblin, Gateaux, Sanderson, Suslin
26: Abel, Heuraet, Paley, Ramsey, Roch, Urysohn

101: Haupt, Katherine Johnson, Ollerenshaw
102: Rao      103: Bukreev, Fiorentini
104: Henri Cartan, Johanna Weber
105: Garin     106: Struik
107: Lazzerini, Nikolskii