British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Kent: 30 March-1 April 1971.

The enrolment was 531.

Organisers were M E Noble

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Carleson, L Recent results in harmonic analysis
Dade, E C What is or isn't happening in the theory of representations of finite groups
Kuiper, N H A generalisation of convexity

The morning speakers were:

Allan, G R Analytic functions and Banach algebras
Birch, B J Elliptic curves parametrised by modular functions
Cassels, J W S Old and new conjectures and theorems on trigonometric sums
Edge, W L Some special curves of small genus
Edmunds, D E Quasi-linear partial differential equations
Halberstam, H Prime number theory: Hypothesis H
Higgins, P J Equational theories in universal algebra
Horrocks, G Cohomology of algebraic varieties
Hubbuck, J Finite dimensional H-spaces
Kegel, O H Locally finite groups
Kovari, T Faber expansions and the order of polynomial approximation
Kuran, U Some problems in potential theory
Neumann, P M Homage to Burnside: permutation groups of prime degree
Rose, J S The Frattini subgroup in finite group theory
Sanderson, B J A geometric view of algebraic topology
Segal, G B Homotopy everything H-spaces
Slater, M Alternative rings
West, T T Locally compact semi-algebras, compact semigroups and spectral theory