Claire Voisin
Quick Info
Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, Île-de-France, France
Claire Voisin was the daughter of Michel Voisin (1917-2011) and Nicole Bregeault (1922-2020). Michel Voisin was born 31 March 1917 at Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France, and studied at the École polytechnique. He became an engineer and married Nicole Bregeault on 26 October 1945. She was born on 18 February 1922 in Paris and had stopped her education during World War II. Michel and Nicole Voisin had twelve children with seven girls and two boys older than Claire; Anne-Marie Voisin (1946-2020), Béatrice Voisin (1947-1996), Dominique Voisin (1948-), Marie-Laure Voisin (1949-2000), Bénédicte Voisin (1951-2021), Paul Voisin, Nicolette Voisin, Marion Voisin and Jean-Baptiste Voisin. Claire has two younger siblings, Françoise Voisin and Martin Voisin. Claire Voisin wrote about her parents in the autobiography [2]:-My father was an engineer who liked science and taught me a lot of classical geometry (circle and triangle) and my mother, who had stopped studying during the Second World War, was very fond of art. She was extremely enthusiastic about Impressionist painting and the subsequent development of Modern Art. She began studying history of art at École du Louvres when she was in her 50's.Although Claire Voisin enjoyed mathematics when she was a child, there was an aspect of it that she disliked. She did not like games and being asked to find a proof of a result that the teacher knew how to solve simply looked like a game. Her father played a particularly important role when she was about ten years old [4]:-
When I was a child, around the age of ten, my father, who was already quite old, lost his job due to the economic crisis of the 1970s. At that time, he dedicated more time taking care of us, his children, and especially me, because I was good at math, unlike my brother who was just a year older than me and not interested in math. Ultimately, I benefited indirectly from his more marked presence in our life. ... He taught me traditional geometry, ellipse equations, and other math concepts. I learned a lot from him, even if it wasn't necessarily up to date.Perhaps her first move towards seeing more depth in mathematics came when she was about twelve years old. Marcel Condamine and Paul Vissio had published three volumes of mathematics aimed at the final year of study for the baccalaureate C. Claire's eldest brother Paul Voisin had studied these books and by 1974 he had left home, but the algebra volume was still in the house. Claire studied this book which let her see abstract mathematics and substantial mathematical proofs which she found much more satisfying than the mathematics she was being taught at high school, the Lycée de Taverny. She particularly like learning about congruences and found the concept of an ideal in a ring fascinating. This, however, was not enough to make her think that mathematics might become her profession. At this stage she thought philosophy was the subject for her and other things she loved were painting and poetry. Mathematics was not far away in the things she painted, for her paintings were usually figurative based on a geometrical pattern.
In 1979 Voisin graduated from the Lycée de Taverny with a baccalaureate and left home to spend two years taking preparatory classes for university at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand. She lived in the Latin Quarter of Paris while attending the Lycée. This area is where the Sorbonne is situated and it is student oriented with cafés and bookshops; Voisin loved the Latin Quarter. At this point she was awarded a scholarship and became financially independent. She said [37]:-
I think it was precisely [in the preparatory classes] that I saw that mathematics could be deep. For example, I loved general topology - that you can define a function to be continuous simply set-theoretically, because it preserves a certain kind of subset that you defined before - found it wonderful ...After two years at the at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Voisin entered the École Normale Supérieure de Sèvres. We need a word of explanation why she did not study at the École Normale Supérieure de d'Ulm. The École Normale Supérieure de d'Ulm was established in 1794 as an institution to train school teachers, but in 1936 it began to provide university level education. It was a male only institution and the École Normale Supérieure de Sèvres was funded in 1881 to train women school teachers but, in 1936 under the name École Normale Supérieure de jeunes filles, it provided university level education. The École Normale Supérieure de Sèvres and the École Normale Supérieure de d'Ulm merged in 1985. Although Voisin stood out from the other students, she still was not entirely satisfied with studying mathematics. She still had the idea that she might move to philosophy [4]:-
For two or three more years, I wondered about the possibility of doing philosophy, because I was looking for something beyond mathematical ideas, perhaps even what generated these ideas.Her interest in philosophy and mathematics continued and in fact she published the interesting book Faire des mathématiques Ⓣ in 2019 which asks questions such as "What is mathematical knowledge?" "What is a mathematical theory for?" and even more fundamental, "What is mathematics?". For more information about this book, see THIS LINK.
Voisin graduated from the École Normale Supérieure in 1983 and began to undertake graduate studies at the Université Paris VI - Jussieu, returning to live in the Latin Quarter that she loved, before embarking on her doctorate at the Université Paris-Sud XI - Orsay. During her studies, in 1984, she married Jean-Michel Coron (born 8 August 1956 in Paris). Jean-Michel had been a student at the École Polytechnique (1975-78), studied engineering at the Corps des Mines (1978-81) and was awarded a doctorate in mathematics from the Université Paris VI in 1982 for his thesis Solutions périodiques non triviales d'une équation des ondes Ⓣ. His thesis advisor had been the functional analyst Haïm Brezis (born 1 June 1944). Coron was an assistant lecturer at the École Polytechnique (1983-1987) and then a professor at the Université Paris-Sud XI. Claire Voisin and Jean-Michel Coron had five children: Camille Coron (born 10 July 1987); Clotilde Coron (born 29 May 1990); Jennifer Coron (born 21 May 1992); Aliénor Coron (born 15 April 1996); and Basile Coron (born 28 March 1997). She was soon involved in deeper mathematics which was more pleasing to her [4]:-
I explored more specialised areas, such as algebraic topology during my Master's degree. Later, in graduate school, I was introduced to magnificent theories, such as Riemannian geometry, the theory of geodesics, curvature, and the calculus of variations, notably thanks to Marcel Berger's course. These theories were characterised by very relevant and extremely well developed definitions, which made them captivating.Other than Marcel Berger, she learnt more from books than from courses. She read many commutative algebra books, then Robin Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry, David Mumford's Algebraic Geometry and William Fulton's Algebraic Curves: An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. She attended a course by Arnaud Beauville on algebraic geometry but that time she knew all the material in his course. Olivier Debarre describes Voisin when she was undertaking research for her doctorate [3]:-
Although she has considerably mellowed over the years, she was very intense and demanding in her initial engagements in the world of mathematics. While preparing her PhD thesis, she was appointed teaching assistant for a course taught by Luc Illusie. The story goes that she quickly decided that the material given in class was not sufficiently challenging and she turned her exercise sessions into a parallel, much faster course, to the dismay of most of the students.Her thesis advisor was Arnaud Beauville and Voisin wrote the thesis Le théorème de Torelli pour les cubiques de Ⓣ. In the thesis she writes:-
I would like to thank Arnaud Beauville, who proposed the theme of this work to me, and whose judicious advice helped me to bring it to fruition.Voisin was awarded her doctorate in 1986 and in that year was appointed to the research position 'chargée de recherche' at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique. She published a paper containing material from her thesis, with the same title as the thesis, in 1986. Olivier Debarre writes about this first paper in [3]:-
Claire has always been a very quick thinker, and when it came to mathematics she had little patience with details and people whose thinking was slower than hers. Her first article, published in 'Inventiones' in 1986 and extracted from her PhD thesis, where she proved the Torelli theorem for cubic hypersurfaces of dimension 4, contains the following warning: "The symbol means: the proof is obvious or uninteresting" (and these boxes are liberally used in that article). This capacity to think more quickly than others impressed all those around her.Herbert Clemens Jr (born 15 June 1939) specialised in complex algebraic geometry and was a professor at the University of Utah at Salt Lake City. Voisin was appointed as a postdoctoral student to work with Clemens at the University of Utah and, immediately after the birth of her first child Camille Coron, born 10 July 1987, she set off for Utah leaving Camille in Paris. This, however, did not work out for her [2]:-
In 1987, I met Kollár who at that time was Professor at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City where I was supposed to stay as a postdoc with Herb Clemens but having left my baby in Paris, I found the separation too hard and after one month finally decided to return. Starting from that period, for many years I spent most of my time at home, except of course for attending seminars, and found it very convenient doing research there.We note at this point that János Kollár and Claire Voisin were joint winners of the Shaw Prize in 2017.
We mentioned above Voisin's first paper published in 1986. Her next four papers were all published in 1988: Une précision concernant le théorème de Noether Ⓣ; Courbes tétragonales et cohomologie de Koszul Ⓣ; Une remarque sur l'invariant infinitésimal des fonctions normales Ⓣ; and Sur la jacobienne intermédiaire du double solide d'indice deux Ⓣ. The quality of her work was quickly recognised and she was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal in 1988. This medal is awarded to encourage young mathematicians to continue to build on their early excellent work.
This was the first of fourteen awards made to Voisin (up to March 2024); we give more information about each of these at THIS LINK.
In 1989 Voisin was awarded her habilitation, a qualification which allowed her to direct research. From 1989 until 2012, Voisin and her large family lived at Bourg-la-Reine on the southern outskirts of Paris. We have to mention at this point that there was a time when another famous mathematician lived in Bourg-la-Reine, namely Évariste Galois. She continued to receive awards for her outstanding work, with the European Mathematical Society Prize in 1992 and delivering the Cours Peccot at Collège de France in the same year. In 1994 the International Congress of Mathematicians was held in Zurich and Voisin was invited to deliver a lecture in Section 6: Algebraic Geometry. Her lecture was Variations of Hodge structure and algebraic cycles.
Although Voisin spent much time at home when her children were young, finding it a good place to undertake research, she did often attend seminars. In [3] Daniel Huybrechts explains that this sometimes presented the speaker with problems since she was so sharp and knowledgeable:-
Whenever invited to speak at a conference with Claire Voisin in the audience, I am particularly nervous, and I like to think that I am not the only one. It is likely that at the end of a talk, especially on one of her numerous favourite topics, she understands the matter better than anyone else in the room, speaker included. She is likely to point out a crucial subtlety you have totally missed or may come up with a cleverer argument or a stronger result. At least, that is what happened to me. In any case, her questions are always dead-on target and likely to keep you thinking for some time. It seems almost impossible to discover a geometric construction involving Hodge theory that she has not thought of before or will not be able to enhance right away. Her technical prowess and her geometric intuition are mind-blowing and often, I find, a little intimidating.Let us give further details of Voisin's career. In 1995 she was appointed Research Director at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche. This Institute is affiliated to the CNRS, the Sorbonne University and the University of Paris. She spent 1996 as a Visiting Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome and delivered the lectures Variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau threefolds for the "Lagrange Chair" at the University 'La Sapienza' during the autumn of 1996. From 2012 to 2014 she was a Professor at the École Polytechnique at Palaiseau, then Professor at the Collège de France from 2015 to 2020 holding the Chair of Algebraic Geometry. The conference 'Algebraic Geometry' was held 16-20 May 2022 at the Henri Poincaré Institute in Paris to celebrate Voisin's 60th birthday.
We mentioned above some prizes Voisin has been awarded up to 1992. She continued to receive major awards for her outstanding work. She received the Servant Prize from the Academy of Sciences in 1996:-
... for her work in algebraic geometry, in particular on Torelli's theorem, on the Griffiths-Harris conjectures, on the Noether-Lefschetz locus and on algebraic cycles.The Academy of Sciences also awarded her their Sophie Germain Prize in 2003 and the CNRS awarded her their Silver Medal in 2006. The American Mathematical Society awarded her the Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics in 2007 [1]:-
... for her deep contributions to algebraic geometry, and in particular for her recent solutions to two long-standing open problems: the Kodaira problem and Green's Conjecture.Voisin had constructed a counterexample to the Kodaira Conjecture in her paper On the homotopy types of compact Kähler and complex projective manifolds (2004) and, in addition to the Satter Prize, she was awarded the Clay Research Award in 2008 [47]:-
... for her disproof of the Kodaira conjecture.These and other achievements led to further prizes such as the Heinz Hopf Prize from ETH Zurich in 2015 and the CNRS Gold medal in 2016.
János Kollár and Claire Voisin were jointly awarded the Shaw Prize in 2017 [49]:-
... for their remarkable results in many central areas of algebraic geometry, which have transformed the field and led to the solution of long-standing problems that had appeared out of reach.In 2019 she received the L'Oréal-UNESCO International Award For Women in Science [32]:-
... for her outstanding work in algebraic geometry. Her pioneering discoveries have allowed to resolve fundamental questions on the topology and Hodge structures of complex algebraic varieties.She received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences in 2023 [11]:-
... for work that has driven forward mathematical thought by breaking down barriers and bridging the space between two key areas of geometry.In 2024 she received the Crafoord Prize in Mathematics [51]:-
... for outstanding contributions to complex and algebraic geometry, including Hodge theory, algebraic cycles, and hyperkähler geometry.We note that she is the first woman to receive the Crafoord Prize in Mathematics.
In addition to these prizes and awards, Voisin has been honoured with being elected to various academies. In 2009 she became a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. She was elected an Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society in 2012. In 2014 she was elected as an Ordinary Member of the Academia Europaea. In May 2016 she was elected as an International Member of the National Academy of Sciences. She was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 2021 and elected as an International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022.
There is another important service that Voisin gives to mathematics, namely as an editor of journals. The list is quite amazing: Duke Mathematical Journal (1996-2009); Mathematische Zeitschrift (1997-2004); Compositio mathematica (1998-); Journal of the European Mathematical Society (1998-2014); Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (1999-2004); Journal of Algebraic Geometry (2004-2007); Journal of Differential Geometry (2004-2007); Publications des Laboratoires. École Normale Supérieure. Série Mathematiques (2007-2011); Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (2007-); Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2009-); Editor-in-Chief, Publications des Laboratoires. École Normale Supérieure. Série Mathematiques (2011-); Communications in Analysis and Geometry (2012-); Forum of Mathematics Sigma (2013-2014); Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique Mathématiques (2014-).
She has been an invited speaker at many conferences and invited to give important lecture series. For example, in addition to those mentioned above: plenary speaker at the 4th European congress of Mathematics in Stockholm, July 2004 giving the lecture Recent progresses in Kähler and complex algebraic geometry. She delivered the Takagi lectures Some aspects of the Hodge conjecture in Kyoto in November 2006; the Adrian Albert lectures on Hodge structures in Kähler and/or algebraic geometry at the University of Chicago in April 2007; the Alfred Brauer lectures on Curves and their Jacobians; from canonical syzygies to Hodge theory and algebraic cycles of Jacobians at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in February 2009. She was a plenary speaker at the International congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad in August 2010 giving the lecture On the cohomology of algebraic varieties. She gave the Rademacher lectures at the University of Pennsylvania in October 2011; the Hermann Weyl lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton in November 2011; the Abel lecture Mixed Hodge structures and the topology of algebraic varieties in Oslo in May 2013; the Coxeter lectures on Chow rings of Calabi-Yau manifolds at the Fields Institute in November 2013. She was a plenary speaker at the British Mathematical Colloquium held at Queen Mary University of London in April 2014 delivering the lecture Points, zero cycles, and rationality questions; she gave the Distinguished lectures at the University of Haifa in April 2016, the three lectures being Hodge structures and coniveau, Algebraic cycles and Hodge theory, and Decompositions of the diagonal; the Distinguished lectures at the University of California Los Angeles in May 2017 on Hyper-Kähler (or quaternionic) manifolds; five Ramanujan lectures on Complex Algebraic Geometry at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bangalore in October 2018; the Euler lecture on Some Aspects of Algebraic Geometry in Sansouci, Postdam in May 2019; the Terry Wall lecture Quadratic extensions: Algebra and Geometry at the University of Liverpool in May 2020. She was a plenary speaker at the British Mathematical Colloquium held at Kings College, London in June 2022 delivering the lecture On the complex cobordism classes of hyper-Kähler manifolds; a plenary speaker at the joint AMS-EMS-SMF meeting in Grenoble in July 2022. She gave the Elisha Netanyahu Memorial Lecture at the Technion Institute, Haifa in April 2023; and the Michael Erceg Public Lecture in Auckland in April 2023.
In many of the interviews Voisin has given, she has been asked how she managed to balance her work and her family life. [As a little aside: why aren't male mathematicians asked such a question in an interview?] Here is one of Voisin's replies [13]:-
I had five children, I was very passionate about educating them, about spending time with them and I think that family life helped me a lot. This job can be hard psychologically, with a lot of uncertainties related to research, the work sometimes goes very slowly. For me having to spend a lot of time with my children, having family duties, made me better balanced and that was in some sense very helpful. You know, it's hard to convince yourself that you are doing something very useful, if you do pure mathematics. I don't ask myself a lot of these questions anymore but sometimes it is not clear if you are doing something very important. With a family, you don't have to ask yourself this question. I think I would have had much more psychological difficulty in my research if I had not had my family.Most of Voisin's mathematics is pure mathematics but she did do some work on mirror symmetry which was motivated by quantum field theory. Her results in this area were published in her book Symétrie miroir Ⓣ (1996) which was translated into English and published as Mirror Symmetry (1999). She did not, however, find working on theoretical physics ideas very satisfactory [6]:-
I worked on mirror symmetry maybe for three or four years. Then I left, because I didn't feel I was doing my best. I was trying to understand what these people had in mind, but I gave up quickly. The problem is, physicists have extraordinary ideas - sort of like magic. But they don't work at the same scale of time as us. We mathematicians need a lot of time to produce the right definitions and to prove theorems. And we are not happy if the statements are not proved rigorously. When you start doing that, and you come back three years later, and tell the physicists, "now I have proved your formula rigorously", they already went in another direction. Some mathematicians have stayed in contact with physics and have done extraordinary things. But for me it was not good, because I like to work alone and to ask my own questions.For more information about the book Mirror Symmetry, see THIS LINK.
Let us end by giving a number of quotes by mathematicians who have worked with her. Olivier Debarre writes [3]:-
Over the years, as she has gone from success to success, she has become a little less driven and more helpful when addressing others. She is now an excellent speaker. Her courses, although still relatively fast-paced, are very successful with students, and she has written a very popular reference book on Hodge theory based on these courses. She is very generous with her time (with students as well as with colleagues), and I believe that her students are no longer terrified of meeting with her. But her enthusiasm for mathematics is intact, and she is still remarkably intense.Phillip Griffiths writes [3]:-
Over the past quarter century, Claire Voisin has been the leader in the field of complex algebraic geometry. In her work she has both solved many deep, long-standing geometric problems and established a number of results that delineate the field. Of particular personal interest is the extraordinary depth and ingenuity of her use of Hodge theory blended with the panoply of modern algebro-geometric methods. Although Claire has complete mastery of Hodge theory and of the more formal algebraic and homological techniques in algebraic geometry, rather than add to these theories for their own sake her work enriches them by their use in solving difficult questions; she is a problem solver in the best sense of the word rather than a theory builder.Daniel Huybrechts writes [3]:-
Despite being somewhat awe-inspiring, Voisin has become extremely popular among young algebraic geometers. She has supervised a number of excellent PhD theses and is known for her generosity towards her students and to young mathematicians in general. Her advanced courses on complex geometry and Hodge theory were crucial in the formation of a new generation of French complex geometers, and the English two-volume edition of her book on the subject has become the ultimate source for everyone wishing to learn about the modern theory of complex manifolds. Among my students, it has become an unspoken requirement and a good tradition to work through her book methodically. Voisin's deep love for algebraic geometry and her dedication to advance mathematics in general will continue to be an inspiration. The challenge is to keep up with her.
References (show)
- 2007 Satter Prize, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 54 (4) (2007), 523-524. - Autobiography of Claire Voisin, The Shaw Foundation (26 September 2017). - A Beauville, Ad Honorem Claire Voisin, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 65 (4) (2018), 390-399.
- N Braun, Rencontre avec Claire Voisin, mathématicienne française émérite et spécialiste de géométrie algébrique, CultureMath (12 December 2023). - C Casagrande, 2019 L'Oréal-UNESCO International Award for Women in Science to Claire Voisin, European Women in Mathematics (6 January 2020). - D Castelvecchi, 'Geometry can be very simple, but totally deep': meet top maths prizewinner Claire Voisin, Nature 626 (2024), 702-703. - J Cepelewicz, 'The Rest of the World Disappears': Claire Voisin on Mathematical Creativity, Quanta Magazine (13 March 2024). - Claire Voisin awarded CNRS Gold Medal, London Mathematical Society (2016). - Claire Voisin awarded the Crafoord Prize in Mathematics 2024, Centre national de la recherche scientifique News (31 January 2024). - Claire Voisin: Women of Mathematics from around the World, (2024). - Claire Voisin: Frontiers of Knowledge Award, BBVA Foundation (14 February 2024). - Claire Voisin: Frontiers of Knowledge Interview, BBVA Foundation (14 February 2024). - Claire Voisin: Interview, European Women in Mathematics Newsletter 27 (2016). - Claire Voisin, National Academy of Sciences (2024). - Claire Voisin, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2024). - Claire Voisin, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2024). - Claire Voisin, Academia Europaea (2024). - Claire Voisin, webusers (2024). - Claire Voisin, Curriculum Vitae, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2024). - Claire Voisin is the laureate of the CNRS 2016 gold medal, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifique Université Paris-Savlay (22 September 2016). - Contribution of János Kollár & Claire Voisin, The Shaw Foundation (23 May 2017). - Coxeter Lecture Series: Claire Voisin, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto (November 2013). - Discover Prof Claire Voisin, Laureate of the 2019 For Women in Science Award, L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Laureate, Fondation L'Oréal (7 December 2021). - Distinguished Lecture Series: Claire Voisin, University of California Los Angeles (May 2017). - Editors, 2024 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award goes to Claire Voisin, CRNS News (14 February 2024). - Editors, Claire Voisin, 2016 CNRS Gold medal, Centre national de la recherche scientifique News (21 September 2016). - Editors, Claire Voisin, the CNRS gold medal winner in 2016, has been awarded two prestigious mathematics prizes, Centre national de la recherche scientifique News (22 February 2024). - Editors, Claire Voisin awarded the Crafoord Prize in Mathematics 2024, Centre national de la recherche scientifique News (31 January 2024). - R Elwes, Claire Voisin wins the 2024 Crafoord Prize in Mathematics, European Mathematical Society (1 February 2014). - ETH-ITS Senior Fellow Claire Voisin receives the Shaw prize 2017, ETH Zurich News (26 May 2017). - Former IAS Members Elected to the Royal Society, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton (6 May 2021). - International Awards for Women in Science 2019, Fondation L'Oréal (2019).
- A Khalatbari, Claire Voisin reçoit le "prix Nobel asiatique" en mathématiques, Sciences et Avenir (23 May 2017). - S Khan, Claire Voisin: The First Woman to Win the Crafoord Prize in Mathematics, BNN (16 February 2024). - Kollár and Voisin Awarded Shaw Prize, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 64 (8) (2017), 922-923.
- M Krichel, Heinz Hopf Prize for Claire Voisin, ETH Zurich (3 November 2015). - R Lazarsfeld and O Debarre, Learning from a Master: A Conversation with Claire Voisin, Simons Center (15 December 2022). - Mathematician Claire Voisin awarded the CNRS 2016 gold medal, Centre national de la recherche scientifique Press Area (21 September 2016). - Médailles d'argent 2006, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (2006). - F Meyer, Heinz Hopf Prize for Claire Voisin, ETH Zurich News (30 October 2015). - L Mussat, Claire Voisin, Forms and Formulas, Centre national de la recherche scientifique News (13 December 2016). - L Mussat, Claire Voisin, la conquête de l'algébrique, CNRS Le Journal (13 December 2016). - Royal Society elects outstanding new Fellows and Foreign Members, The Royal Society (6 May 2021). - D Sergent, La mathématicienne Claire Voisin, entre formes et équations, La Croix (14 December 2016). - S Severini, Mathematics and life are intertwined: quotes from "How to Make a Portrait of a Bird", by Claire Voisin, Linkedin (30 June 2022). - Six Questions with: Professor Claire Voisin, The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (2011). - The 2008 Clay Research Award, Claire Voisin, Clay Mathematical Institute (2008). - The Kodaira Conjecture, Clay Mathematical Institute (2008). - The Shaw Prize in Mathematics 2017, The Shaw Foundation (23 May 2017). - The Terry Wall Lecture 2020: Professor Claire Voisin, University of Liverpool (17 November 2020). - This year's Crafoord Laureates can see inside stars and describe geometric shapes, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (30 January 2024). - V Thivent, Claire Voisin, une mathématicienne qui voulait être philosophe, The Good Life (30 May 2017). - Voisin Awarded 2024 Crafoord Prize in Mathematics, American Mathematical Society News (31 January 2024). - C Voisin, How to Make a Portrait of a Bird, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 69 (6) (2022), 950-952. - C Voisin, Chow Rings, Decomposition of the Diagonal, and the Topology of Families (Princeton University Press (23 February 2014). - M Walker, Claire Voisin: Groundbreaking Work in Algebraic Geometry and the Journey Towards the Hodge Conjecture, Medriva (9 February 2024). - C Zeitoun, Claire Voisin, artist of the abstract, Centre national de la recherche scientifique International Magazine (13 April 2009). - Honorary Membership 2012, London Mathematical Society Newsletter 417 (2012), 2-3. - N Michel, Review: Faire des mathématiques, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR4321539.
- C A M Peters, Review: Chow rings, decomposition of the diagonal, and the topology of families, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR3186044.
- J Fernández, Review: Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry. I, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR1967689.
- J Fernández, Review: Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry. II, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR1997577.
- B Hunt, Review: Mirror symmetry, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR1396787.
- B Hunt, Review: Variations of Hodge structure of Calabi-Yau threefolds, by Claire Voisin, Mathematical Reviews MR1658398.
- H Clemens, Review: Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry. I and II, by Claire Voisin, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 42 (4) (2005), 507-520.
- Elisha Netanyahu Memorial Lecture: Clare Voisin, Technion Institute, Haifa (3 April 2023). - Infosys-ICTS Ramanujan Lectures: Clare Voisin, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore (October 2018).
Additional Resources (show)
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Honours (show)
Honours awarded to Claire Voisin
- European Mathematical Society Prize 1992
- Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize of the AMS 2007
- Clay Research Award 2008
- International Congresses of Mathematicians speaker 2010
- Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society 2012
- BMC Plenary speaker 2014, 2022
- Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2017
- The Crafoord Prize 2024
Written by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
Last Update June 2024
Last Update June 2024