Sci Hi blog links

The Sci Hi blog is a daily blog on science, technology and art in history. It has a good coverage of mathematics and astronomy.

We have linked more than 250 of our biographies to articles in this blog as you can see below.

Click on the name for the MacTutor biography and on the SH to see the Sci Hi blog entry.

Abel, NielsSH
Adams, John CouchSH
Aiken, HowardSH
Airy, GeorgeSH
Ampère, André MarieSH
Arago, FrançoisSH
Arbuthnot, JohnSH
Artin, EmilSH
Babbage, CharlesSH
Backus, JohnSH
Banach, StefanSH
Banneker, BenjaminSH
Bayes, ThomasSH
Beltrami, EugenioSH
Bernays, PaulSH
Bernoulli, DanielSH
Bernoulli, JacobSH
Bernoulli, JohannSH
Bessel, WilhelmSH
Birkhoff, GeorgeSH
Bohr, NielsSH
Boltzmann, LudwigSH
Bolyai, JánosSH
Bolzano, BernardSH
Boole, GeorgeSH
Borda, Jean-Charles deSH
Borel, ÉmileSH
Borelli, Giovanni AlfonsoSH
Born, MaxSH
Bose, SatyendanathSH
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine deSH
Bouguer, PierreSH
Brahe, TychoSH
Brauer, RichardSH
Briggs, HenrySH
Broglie, Louis deSH
Brouncker, WilliamSH
Brunelleschi, FilippoSH
Bruno, GiordanoSH
Cannon, Annie JumpSH
Cantor, GeorgSH
Cardano, GirolamoSH
Carnot, SadiSH
Cassini, GiovanniSH
Cauchy, Augustin-LouisSH
Cavalieri, BonaventuraSH
Cayley, ArthurSH
Champollion, Jean-FrançoisSH
Chandrasekhar, SubrahmanyanSH
Châtelet, Émilie duSH
Chebyshev, PafnutySH
Church, AlonzoSH
Clairaut, AlexisSH
Clausius, RudolphSH
Condorcet, Marquis deSH
Copernicus, NicolausSH
Cotes, RogerSH
Coulomb, AugustinSH
Cournot, AntoineSH
Crelle, AugustSH
Curry, HaskellSH
d'Alembert, JeanSH
De l'Hôpital, Guillaume SH
De Moivre, AbrahamSH
De Morgan, AugustusSH
De Prony, GaspardSH
Dedekind, RichardSH
Dee, JohnSH
Desargues, GirardSH
Descartes, RenéSH
Dirac, PaulSH
Dirichlet, LejeuneSH
Dodgson, Charles LutwidgeSH
Dürer, AlbrechtSH
Eddington, ArthurSH
Ehrenfest, PaulSH
Einstein, AlbertSH     SH2
Erdős, PaulSH
Erlang, AgnerSH
Escher, MauritsSH
Euler, LeonhardSH
Faraday, MichaelSH
Fermat, PierreSH
Ferrari, LodovicoSH
Fields, John CharlesSH
Fizeau, HippolyteSH
Fizeau, HippolyteSH     SH2
Flamsteed, JohnSH
Fleming, MinaSH
Foucault, LéonSH     SH2
Fourier, JosephSH
Francesca, Piero dellaSH
Fréchet, MauriceSH
Frege, GottlobSH
Fresnel, AugustinSH
Frobenius, GeorgSH
Galilei, GalileoSH     SH2     SH3
Galois, ÉvaristeSH
Gassendi, PierreSH
Gauss, Carl FriedrichSH
Gerbert of AurillacSH
Germain, SophieSH
Gödel, KurtSH
Goldbach, ChristianSH
Gregory, JamesSH
Gunter, EdmundSH
Hadamard, JacquesSH
Halley, EdmondSH     SH2
Hamilton, William RowanSH
Hamming, RichardSH
Hardy, G HSH
Hausdorff, FelixSH
Heisenberg, WernerSH
Helmholtz, Hermann vonSH
Hermite, CharlesSH
Hero of AlexandriaSH
Herschel, JohnSH
Herschel, CarolineSH
Herschel, WilliamSH
Hertz, HeinrichSH
Hevelius, JohannesSH
Hilbert, DavidSH
Hollerith, HermanSH
Hooke, RobertSH
Hopper, GraceSH     SH2
Horrocks, JeremiahSH
Hubble, EdwinSH
Huygens, ChristiaanSH     SH2
Jacobi, CarlSH
Jeans, JamesSH
Jordan, CamilleSH
Jordan, PascualSH
Kantorovich, Leonid Vital'evichSH
Kasner, EdwardSH
Kepler, JohannesSH     SH2
Khayyam, OmarSH
Kirchhoff, GustavSH
Klein, FelixSH
Knuth, DonaldSH
Kolmogorov, AndreySH
Kovalevskaya, SofiaSH
Kronecker, LeopoldSH
Kummer, EduardSH
La Hire, Philippe deSH
Lagrange, Joseph-LouisSH
Lalande, JérômeSH
Lambert, Johann HeinrichSH
Landau, LevSH
Laplace, Pierre-SimonSH
Le Verrier, UrbainSH
Leavitt, Henrietta SwanSH
Lebesgue, HenriSH
Legendre, Adrien-MarieSH
Leibniz, GottfriedSH      SH2
Leonardo da VinciSH
Lexell, AndersSH
Lie, SophusSH
Llull, RamonSH
Lobachevsky, Nikolai IvanovichSH
Lovelace, AdaSH
Łukasiewicz, JanSH
Mahalanobis, Prasanta ChandraSH
Mandelbrot, BenoitSH
Markov, Andrei AndreyevichSH
Mauchly, JohnSH
Maunder, Annie Scott DillSH
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau deSH
Maxwell, James ClerkSH
Méchain, PierreSH
Mercator, GerardSH
Mersenne, MarinSH
Minkowski, HermannSH
Mitchell, MariaSH
Mittag-Leffler, GöstaSH
Möbius, AugustSH
Monge, GaspardSH
Morgenstern, OskarSH
Napier, JohnSH
Nash, John FSH
Newton, IsaacSH
Neyman, JerzySH
Nicollet, JosephSH
Nightingale, FlorenceSH
Noether, EmmySH
Ohm, SimonSH
Oresme, NicholasSH
Oughtred, WilliamSH
Pascal, BlaiseSH
Pauli, WolfgangSH
Payne-Gaposchkin, CeciliaSH
Peano, GiuseppeSH
Pearson, KarlSH
Peirce, Charles SSH
Pell, JohnSH
Penney, BillSH
Peurbach, GeorgSH
Piazzi, GiuseppeSH
Picard, JeanSH
Planck, MaxSH
Poincaré, HenriSH
Poisson, Siméon-DenisSH
Poncelet, Jean-VictorSH
Porta, Giambattista dellaSH
Ramanujan, SrinivasaSH
Ramsey, FrankSH
Rheticus, Georg JoachimSH
Riccioli, Giovanni BattistaSH
Richardson, Lewis FrySH
Riemann, BernhardSH
Runge, CarlSH
Russell, BertrandSH
Saccheri, GiovanniSH
Schickard, WilhelmSH
Schrödinger, ErwinSH
Schwarzchild, KarlSH
Schwinger, JulianSH
Selten, ReinhardSH
Shannon, Claude ESH
Shapley, HarlowSH
Sierpiński, WacławSH
Somerville, MarySH
Sommerfeld, ArnoldSH
Steiner, JakobSH
Stokes, GeorgeSH
Størmer, CarlSH
Sylvester, James JosephSH
Tarski, AlfredSH
Taylor, BrookSH
Thales of MiletusSH
Thompson, WilliamSH
Torricelli, EvangelistaSH
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried vonSH
Turing, AlanSH
Uhlenbeck, GeorgeSH
Ulam, StanSH
Ulugh BegSH
Veblen, OswaldSH
Venn, JohnSH
Vernier, PierreSH
Viète, FrançoisSH
Vinogradov, Ivan MatveevichSH
Volterra, VitoSH
Von Neumann, JohnSH
Weaver, WarrenSH
Weierstrass, KarlSH
Weyl, HermannSH
Wiener, NorbertSH
Wigner, EugeneSH
Wolf, RudolfSH
Wren, ChristopherSH     SH2
Young, ThomasSH
Zermelo, ErnstSH