Jeff Miller's postage stamps

This page was founded by Jeff Miller (details at THIS LINK) and has since been added to and integrated into MacTutor.

You can see thumbnails of ALL the mathematician stamps at THIS LINK
(Be patient -- there are nearly 1600 stamps!)

You can see these stamps ordered by their country of issue at THIS LINK.

A page of "early stamps" (up to 1970) of mathematicians is at THIS LINK.

Some stamps which have been classified as illegal are at THIS LINK.

We also have a page of more than 500 OTHER MATHEMATICAL STAMPS at THIS LINK.

We have a page of more than 300 PERSONALLY DESIGNED STAMPS of mathematicians at THIS LINK.
These stamps were not officially issued by the country's postal services, but could be used to send letters.

We have a page of stamps from the mythical country of MATHEMATICA at THIS LINK.

Click on to access the biography and on to see the thumbnails of that mathematician.

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B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       L      
M      N       O       P       R       S       T       U      W

ABBE, Ernst    
Issued by Germany in 1921 (an emergency banknote) abbe3
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1956 abbe1
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1989 abbe2

Issued by Azerbaijan in 2008 abdullayev2
Issued by Azerbaijan in 2018 abdullayev

ABEL, Niels Henrik    
Issued by Norway in 1929, upon the centenary of his death
Issued by Norway in 1966 (a banknote) abel11
Issued by Norway in 1978 (a banknote) abel12
Issued by Norway in 1983, showing the Abel monument by Gustav Vigeland abel10
Issued by Norway in 2002, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth
abel7 (a coin)

AGNESI, Maria Gaetana    
Issued by Italy in 2018, to celebrate International Women's Day agnesi
Issued by Vatican City in 2018 agnesi2

AIRY, George B    
Issued by Great Britain in 1984 airy2
Issued by Tonga in 1984 airy3
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994, as part of a series depicting astronomers airy

AL-BIRUNI, Abu Arrayhan Ibn Ahmad    
Issued by Afghanistan in 1973 al-biruni5
Issued by Iran in 1973 al-biruni6
Issued by Pakistan in 1973
Issued by Soviet Union in 1973 al-biruni7
Issued by Syria in 1973 al-biruni
Issued by Turkey in 1973 al-biruni8
Issued by Algeria in 1974, depicting silk thread writings by Al-Biruni al-biruni9
Issued by Egypt in 1975 al-biruni2
Issued by Iran in 1980, with al-Farabi (left) and Avicenna (right) al-biruni10
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008
Issued by Iran in 2011 al-biruni13
Issued by Uzbekistan in 2020 al-biruni14
Issued by Uzbekistan in 2023

Issued by Turkey in 1950
Issued by Iran in 1951, celebrating the 1000th anniversary of his death
Issued by Qatar in 1971 al-farabi11
Issued by Syria in 1974 al-farabi10
Issued by Egypt in 1975 al-farabi8
Issued by Soviet Union in 1975 al-farabi9
Issued by Iran in 1980, with al-Biruni (centre), and Avicenna (right) avicenna18
Issued by Kazakhstan in 1993 (a banknote) al-farabi12
Issued by Tadjikistan in 2017 al_farabi14
Issued by Kazakhstan in 2020 al-farabi7

Issued by Pakistan in 1969 al-haytham2
Issued by Jordan in 1971 al-haytham3
Issued by Qatar in 1971 al-haytham
Issued by Iraq in 1982 (a banknote) al_haytham7
Issued by Iraq in 2005 (a banknote) al_haytham6
Issued by Maldives in 2015 al_haytham5

AL-KASHI, Jamshid    
Issued by Iran in 1979 al-kashi

Issued by Soviet Union in 1983, to mark the 1200th birth anniversary khowar
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2008 khowarizmi4
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 khowarizmi5
Issued by Uzbekistan in 2012
Issued by Uzbekistan in 2013 khowarizmi9
Issued by Soviet Union (an air-letter) khowarizmi3

Issued by Iraq in 1962 al-kindi1
Issued by Yemen in 1962 al-kindi5
Issued by Mali in 1970 al-kindi4
Issued by Egypt in 1975 al-kindi3
Issued by Syria in 1987 al-kindi6
Issued by Syria in 1994 al-kindi2

AL-TUSI, Nasir al-Din Proper name: Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Tusi   
Issued by Iran in 1956 al-tusi
Issued by Iran in 1974
Issued by Dominica in 1985 al-tusi3
Issued by Iran in 1993 al-tusi5
Issued by Syria in 2000 al-tusi4
Issued by Azerbaijan in 2001 al-tusi2
Issued by Azerbaijan in 2009 al-tusi8

AL-ZARQALI or Ibn Zarqala   
Issued by Spain in 1986 al-zarqali

ALBERTI, Leon    
Issued by Italy in 1972 alberti1

Issued by Germany in 1961 albertus2
Issued by Belgium in 1969, depicting a wood sculpture by Artus Quellinus albertus3
Issued by Germany in 1980 albertus
Issued by Vatican City in 1980

ALLOTEY, Francis    
Issued by Ghana in 2005 allotey

Issued by Armenia in 1998 (a banknote) ambartsumian1
Issued by Armenia in 2000 ambartsumian2
Issued by Armenia in 2008 ambartsumian3

AMPÈRE, André-Marie    
Issued by France in 1927 (a banknote -- with Pasteur on the right) ampere15
Issued by France in 1936 ampere1
Issued by France in 1949 ampere2
Issued by Djibouti in 1975 (as French Territory of the Afars and the Issas) ampere14
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1975 ampere4
Issued by Monaco in 1975 ampere7
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 1975 ampere13
Issued by Albania in 1986
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 ampere3
Issued by Macedonia in 2020 ampere12

Issued by Armenia in 2005 anania1

Issued by Greece in 2024 anaxagoras1

Issued by Moldova in 2017 andrunachievici1

ARAGO, François    
Issued by France in 1939 arago2
Issued by France in 1949 arago3
Issued by France in 1986 arago

Issued by Spain in 1963 arch5
Issued by Nicaragua in 1971 , law of levers arch12
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1973, one of a series of 'Old Masters Paintings'. The painting 'Archimedes' is by Domenico Fetti arch1
Issued by San Marino in 1982 arch3
Issued by Greece in 1983 arch4
Issued by Italy in 1983 arch2
Issued by Turks and Caicos Islands in 1992 arch14
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008 1921 arch7
Issued by Gabon in 2010 arch9
Issued by Italy in 2013, calculation of π -- note the digits of π in the background. arch13
Issued by Chad in 2015 arch11
Issued by Romania (an air-letter) arch8

ARF, Cahit    
Issued by Turkey in 2009 (a banknote) arf1

Issued by Greece in 1980

Issued by Greece in 1941 (a banknote) aristotle22
Issued by Greece in 1947 (banknotes)
Issued by Greece in 1956 aristotle14
Issued by Cyprus in 1978 aristotle5
Issued by Greece in 1978
Issued by Mali in 1978 aristotle25
Issued by Mexico in 1978
Issued by Greece in 1992 aristotle24
Issued by Spain in 1992 aristotle8
Issued by Chad in 2009
Issued by Gibraltar in 2009 aristotle17
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2016 aristotle10
Issued by Greece in 2016
aristotle13 (with Plato)

Issued by India in 1983 (a banknote -- of a satellite) aryabhata1

AVICENNA (Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina)   
Issued by Lebanon in 1948
Issued by Afghanistan in 1951
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1952 avicenna13
Issued by Poland in 1952 avicenna9
Issued by Iran in 1954
Issued by Iran in 1962 avicenna24
Issued by Algeria in 1963 avicenna40
Issued by Syria in 1965 avicenna25
Issued by Pakistan in 1966 avicenna16
Issued by Yemen in 1966
Issued by Egypt in 1968 (and paired with a stamp depicting Imhotep) avicenna8
Issued by Kuwait in 1969
Issued by Dubai in 1971 avicenna1
Issued by Jordan in 1971 avicenna15
Issued by Qatar in 1971 avicenna33
Issued by Iran in 1974 avicenna32
Issued by Comoros in 1979 avicenna2
Issued by Algeria in 1980 avicenna6
Issued by Comoros in 1980 avicenna44
Issued by Iran in 1980, depicting al-Farabi, al-Biruni, and Avicenna avicenna18
Issued by Kuwait in 1980
Issued by Libya in 1980 avicenna10
Issued by Mali in 1980, on the 1000th anniversary of his birth
Issued by Soviet Union in 1980 avicenna7
Issued by Tunisia in 1980 avicenna5
Issued by Turkey in 1980
Issued by Syria in 1981 avicenna26
Issued by Austria in 1982 avicenna42
Issued by Iran in 1983 avicenna27
Issued by Hungary in 1987
Issued by Iran in 1989 (also showing Pasteur) avicenna38
Issued by Iran in 1992 avicenna28
Issued by Tadjikistan in 1999 (a banknote) avicenna46
Issued by Somalia in 2003 avicenna31
Issued by Iran in 2004 avicenna17
Issued by France in 2005 avicenna20
Issued by Tadjikistan in 2005
Issued by Portugal in 2013, to honour 1000 years of the Avicenna Canon avicenna43

BABBAGE, Charles    
Issued by Great Britain in 1991 babbage
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2007 babbage2
Issued by Great Britain in 2010 babbage4

BAKER, Alan    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 baker

Issued by Argentina in 2005 balseiro

BANACH, Stefan    
Issued by Poland in 1982, part of a series to celebrate the International Congress in Warsaw banach

Issued by Poland in 1983 banachiewicz

BANNEKER, Benjamin   
Issued by USA in 1980 banneker
Issued by Turks and Caicos Islands in 1982 banneker2

Issued by Syria in 1996 banu_musa

BARKLA, Charles    
Issued by Sweden in 1977 barkla2
Issued by Togo in 1995 barkla4
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 barkla1

BERKELEY, George    
Issued by Ireland in 1985 berkeley1

BERNOULLI, Jacob    
Issued by Switzerland in 1994 (to celebrate the International Congress in Zürich) bernoulli
Issued by Soviet Union (an air-letter) bernoulli2

BESSEL, Friedrich Wilhelm    
Issued by Germany in 1921 (an emergency banknote) bessel4
Issued by Germany in 1984, on his 200th birthday bessel
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994, as part of a series depicting astronomers bessel2
Issued by Soviet Union (an air-letter) bessel3

BETHE, Hans    
Issued by Gabon in 1995 bethe2
Issued by Grenada in 1995 bethe3
Issued by Guinea in 2006 bethe1

BJERKNES, Vilhelm    
Issued by Norway in 1962, on his 100th birthday

BLAEU, Willem   
Issued by Netherlands in 1983 blaeu
Issued by Netherlands in 2020 blaue2

BOHR, Niels    
Issued by Denmark in 1963
Issued by Greenland in 1963
Issued by Denmark in 1985 bohr_niels4
Issued by Denmark in 1997 (a banknote) bohr_niels5
Issued by Portugal in 2000 (with Planck and Einstein) planck_einstein_bohr
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2005 bohr_niels2
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008 bohr_niels3
Issued by Guinea in 2012 (with Heisenberg) heisenberg9
Issued by Mozambique in 2013 bohr_niels13
Issued by Mongolia in 2014 bohr_niels11
Issued by Togo in 2020 bohr_niels12

BOLTZMANN, Ludwig    
Issued by Nicaragua in 1971 formula2
Issued by Austria in 1981 boltzmann1

BOLYAI, Farkas    
Issued by Hungary in 1932, part of a series 'Portraits of Famous Hungarians' bolyai2
Issued by Hungary in 1975, on his 200th birthday bolyai

BOLYAI, Janos    
Issued by Hungary in 1960, on the 100th anniversary of his death bolyai3 (See THIS NOTE )
Issued by Romania in 1960 bolyai4 (See THIS NOTE )
Issued by Hungary in 2002 bolyai5

BOLZANO, Bernard    
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1981, part of an eight-stamp series 'Famous Persons' bolzano

BORDA, Jean-Charles    
Issued by Germany in 1981 borda1

BORN, Max    
Issued by Germany in 1982 born3
Issued by Ghana in 1995 born2
Issued by Guinea in 2006 born1

BOSCOVICH, Ruggero    
Issued by Croatia in 1943
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1960 boscovich7
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1987 boscovich8
Issued by Croatia in 1991 (banknotes)
Issued by Croatia in 1993 (banknotes)
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2011 boscovich17
Issued by Croatia in 2011 boscovich13
Issued by Vatican City in 2011 boscovich12

BOSE, Satyendranath    
Issued by India in 1994 bose1

BOUGAINVILLE, Louis Antoine de    
Issued by New Caledonia in 1928
Issued by Martinique in 1947 (a banknote) bougainville31
Issued by St Pierre and Miquelon in 1950 (a banknote) bougainville2
Issued by French Polynesia in 1968 bougainville9
Issued by Samoa in 1968
Issued by Solomon Islands in 1968 (as British Solomon Islands) bougainville24
Issued by Vanuatu in 1968 (as New Hebrides) bougainville25
Issued by Wallis and Futuna in 1973 bougainville7
Issued by Tahiti in 1982 (a banknote) bougainville33
Issued by Wallis and Futuna in 1982 bougainville11
Issued by India in 1985
Issued by St Helena in 1986 bougainville22
Issued by France in 1988 bougainville
Issued by Samoa in 1988 bougainville10
Issued by Cambodia in 1992 bougainville4
Issued by Papua New Guinea in 1999 bougainville15
Issued by Vanuatu in 1999 bougainville16

BOYLE, Robert    
Issued by Ireland in 1981 boyle1
Issued by Granada in 1987 boyle5
Issued by Great Britain in 2010 boyle2
Issued by Ireland in 2012 boyle3
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 boyle4

BRADLEY, James    
Issued by Nicaragua in 1984 bradley2
Issued by Guinea in 2010 bradley1

BRAHE, Tycho    
Issued by Denmark in 1946 brahe1
Issued by Yemen in 1969 brahe17
Issued by Ajman in 1971 brahe18
Issued by Ascension in 1971 brahe14
Issued by Denmark in 1973 brahe15
Issued by Grenada in 1985 brahe3
Issued by Uganda in 1985 brahe2
Issued by Denmark in 1995
Issued by Sweden in 1995
Issued by Czech Republic in 1996 brahe10
Issued by Guinea in 2008
Issued by Denmark in 2012 brahe13

BROCH, Ole    
Issued by Norway in 1975 broch1

BROUWER, Luitzen Egbertus)    
Issued by Netherlands in 2007
brouwer2 (first day cover)

Issued by Italy in 1977 brunelleschi1
Issued by Guinea in 2000 brunelleschi2

BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de    
Issued by France in 1949 buffon
Issued by France in 2013 (Buffon Museum) buffon3

CARAÇA, Bento de Jesus    
Issued by Portugal in 2001 caraca

CARATHÉODORY, Constantin    
Issued by Greece in 1994

CARNOT, Lazare    
Issued by France in 1950 carnot1

CARNOT, Sadi    
Issued by France in 1954 carnot_sadi1

CASAMAYOR DE LA COMA, María Andresa    
Issued by Spain in 2020 casamayor

CASSINI, Giovanni Domenico    
Issued by St Pierre and Miquelon in 1968 cassini5 (See THIS NOTE)
Issued by Mozambique in 2001 cassini1
Issued by Guinea in 2007 cassini3
Issued by Chad in 2009 cassini4

CAUCHY, Augustin    
Issued by France in 1989, on his 200th birthday cauchy

CECH, Eduard    
Issued by Czech Republic in 1993, part of a two-stamp series 'Personalities' cech

CELSIUS, Anders    
Issued by Sweden in 1982 celsius1
Issued by Nevis in 2000 celsius2
Issued by Macedonia in 2019 celsius3

CHAMPOLLION, Jean François    
Issued by Egypt in 1972 champollion3
Issued by France in 1972, on the 150th anniversary of the deciphering of hieroglyphics champollion1
Issued by Monaco in 1990 champollion2
Issued by Egypt in 1999 champollion5
Issued by France in 1999 (his birthplace) champollion6
Issued by Central African Republic in 2002 champollion4

CHANDRASEKHAR. Subrahmanyan     
Issued by Sweden in 1987 chandrasekhar2
Issued by Guinea in 2006 chandrasekhar1
Issued by Guinea in 2008
Issued by Tuvalu in 2011 chandrasekhar6

CHAPLYGIN, Sergei    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1944, on the 75th anniversary of his birth

CHÂTELET, Émilie du    
Issued by France in 2019 chatelet1

CHEBYSHEV, Pafnuti Lvovich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1946, on the 125th anniversary of his birth
cheby1 (30 kopeck)
cheby2 (60 kopeck)
Issued by Russia in 2021, on his 200th birthday chebyshev3 (note the Chebyshev linkage)

Issued by China in 1999 chen1 (Text has 'the best result of Goldbach's conjecture Px(1,2)P_{x}(1,2)...' )
Issued by China in 2020 chen2

Issued by South Korea in 2019 magic9

CLAVIUS, Christopher    
Issued by Vatican City in 1982, showing the tomb of Pope Gregory XIII in St Peter's Basilica, which includes a relief showing Clavius kneeling before the Pope, presenting his work as the Pope promulgates the new calendar in 1582
Issued by Vatican City in 2012 clavius

COMTE, Auguste  
Issued by Brazil in 1957 comte3
Issued by Bulgaria in 1957 comte4
Issued by France in 1957, on the centenary of his death comte
Issued by Romania in 1957 comte2
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 compte5

CONDORCET, Marquis de    
Issued by France in 1989, one of a series of stamps issued on the bicentennial of the French Revolution condor

CONNES, Alain    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 connes

COPERNICUS, Nicolaus    
Issued by Poland in 1923
Issued by Poland in 1942 (under German occupation) copernicus4
Issued by Poland in 1943 (under German occupation) copernicus9
Issued by Poland in 1951 copernicus97
Issued by China in 1953 copernicus74
Issued by Poland in 1953
Issued by Poland in 1955 copernicus48
Issued by Soviet Union in 1955 copernicus39 (Inset is Jan Matejko: the painter of the Copernicus picture)
Issued by France in 1957 copernicus30
Issued by Poland in 1959 copernicus134
Issued by Poland in 1964 copernicus98
Issued by Poland in 1965 (a banknote)
copernicus42 (The reverse, showing the Zodiac)
Issued by Poland in 1969
copernicus38 ("The sun stops, the earth moves")
Issued by Yemen in 1969 copernicus132
Issued by Poland in 1970
Issued by Ajman in 1971 copernicus133
Issued by Poland in 1971
Issued by Poland in 1972
Issued by Albania in 1973
Issued by Bangladesh in 1973 copernicus18
Issued by Benin in 1973 (as Dahomey)
Issued by Brazil in 1973 copernicus67
Issued by Bulgaria in 1973 copernicus68
Issued by Burundi in 1973
Issued by Cameroon in 1973 copernicus70
Issued by Central African Republic in 1973 copernicus71
Issued by Chad in 1973 copernicus73
Issued by Colombia in 1973 copernicus75
Issued by Cuba in 1973
Issued by Djibouti in 1973 (as French Territory of the Afars and the Issas) copernicus12
Issued by Equatorial Guinea in 1973 copernicus20
Issued by French Polynesia in 1973 copernicus117
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1973 copernicus26
Issued by Germany in 1973 copernicus10
Issued by Haiti in 1973 copernicus84
Issued by Hungary in 1973 copernicus35
Issued by India in 1973 copernicus86
Issued by Liberia in 1973
Issued by Libya in 1973
Issued by Maldives in 1973
Issued by Mali in 1973 copernicus91
Issued by Mexico in 1973 copernicus17
Issued by Mongolia in 1973
Issued by Niger in 1973 copernicus93
Issued by Pakistan in 1973 copernicus29
Issued by Paraguay in 1973
Issued by Poland in 1973
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 1973 copernicus78
Issued by Romania in 1973 copernicus55
Issued by Rwanda in 1973
Issued by Soviet Union in 1973 copernicus122
Issued by Syria in 1973 copernicus123
Issued by Togo in 1973 copernicus124
Issued by Tunisia in 1973 copernicus125
Issued by Uruguay in 1973 copernicus126
Issued by USA in 1973 copernicus31
Issued by Vatican City in 1973
Issued by Venezuela in 1973 copernicus27
Issued by Vietnam in 1973
Issued by Bangladesh in 1974
Issued by France in 1974 copernicus46
Issued by Madagascar in 1974 copernicus89
Issued by Comoros in 1975
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1975 copernicus2
Issued by Comoros in 1979 copernicus77
Issued by Benin in 1980 copernicus65
Issued by Poland in 1982 (a banknote)
copernicus44 (The reverse, showing the planets)
Issued by Central African Republic in 1985 copernicus72
Issued by Grenada in 1985 copernicus83
Issued by Comoros in 1988 copernicus15
Issued by Bolivia in 1992 copernicus66
Issued by Poland in 1992 copernicus114
Issued by Gabon in 1993 copernicus23
Issued by Hungary in 1993 copernicus85
Issued by Mongolia in 1993 copernicus92
Issued by New Caledonia in 1993 copernicus94
Issued by Poland in 1993 copernicus115
Issued by Wallis and Futuna in 1993 copernicus131
Issued by Paraguay in 1994 copernicus21
Issued by Guinea in 2000
Issued by Poland in 2003 copernicus116
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 copernicus136

COULOMB, Charles de    
Issued by France in 1961 coulomb1

CSERE, János  
Issued by Hungary in 1954 csere1

CUSA, Nicolas of    
Issued by Germany in 1958 cusa1
Issued by Vatican City in 1964
Issued by Transkei in 1984 cusa2

D'ALEMBERT, Jean Baptiste le Rond    
Issued by France in 1824 (a medal by Depaulis) dalemb2
Issued by France in 1959, part of a series Famous Frenchmen, issued to benefit the Red Cross dalemb

DAVIDOGLU, Anton    
Issued by Romania in 1976, on his 200th birthday davidoglu

DE BROGLIE, Louis    
Issued by Sweden in 1982 broglie5
Issued by France in 1994 broglie3
Issued by Maldives in 1995 broglie4
Issued by Uganda in 1995 broglie2

DEDEKIND, Richard    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1981, one of a series of six stamps, 'Important Persons' dedekind

DELIGNE, Pierre    
Issued by Belgium in 2007
(Important note: images 1 and 2 are the specimens; 3 and 4 are the actual stamps. The specimens have the wrong denomination -- 0,60 rather than 0,70 -- but are included here because they have better quality than the actual stamps.)

Issued by Greece in 1955 (a banknote) democritus6
Issued by Greece in 1961, honouring the 'Democritus' National Center for Scientific Research
Issued by Greece in 1967 (a banknote) democritus4
Issued by Greece in 1982 (a coin) democritus5
Issued by Greece in 1983, to honour an International Conference on Democritus and his work democ1

Issued by France in 1846 (a medal by Rogat) descartes10
Issued by France in 1937, in commemoration of the third centenary of the publication of Discours de la Méthode
descart (shows 'Discours sur la Méthode')
descart2 (reissue, shows 'Discours de la Méthode')
Issued by France in 1942 (a banknote) descartes12
Issued by France in 1991, a 100-franc coin descartes9
Issued by Albania in 1996 descart4 (This stamp features a misspelling of the Latin form of Descartes, which should be Cartesius)
Issued by France in 1996, on the 400th anniversary of his birth
descartes8 (a medallion)
Issued by Monaco in 1996, on his 400th birth anniversary descart7
Issued by Grenada in 2000 descart5
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2000 descart6
Issued by Macedonia in 2021 descartes14

DE WITT, Johan    
Issued by Netherlands in 1948 dewitt1

DIRAC, Paul    
Issued by Sweden in 1982 dirac3
Issued by Guyana in 1995 dirac1
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2017 dirac6

DODGSON, Charles    
Issued by Mali in 1982 dodgson1
Issued by Mali in 1982
Issued by St Helena in 2001 dodgson2

DONALDSON, Simon    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 donaldson

DOPPLER, Christian    
Issued by Austria in 1992 doppler1

DRINFELD, Vladimir    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 drinfeld

DÜRER, Albrecht    
Issued by Germany in 1926 durer12
Issued by Austria in 1935 for Mothers' Day durer27
Issued by Germany in 1939 durer26
Issued by Saarland in 1954 durer42
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1955 durer28
Issued by Saarland in 1955
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1960 durer53
Issued by Germany in 1961 durer1
Issued by Panama in 1966 durer40
Issued by Niger in 1967 durer17
Issued by Panama in 1967 durer21
Issued by Saudi Arabia in 1967 durer41
Issued by Ajman in 1968
Issued by Ajman in 1968 durer50
Issued by United Arab Emirates in 1968 durer58
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1969 durer61
Issued by Ajman in 1970 durer51
Issued by Ajman in 1971 durer52
Issued by Albania in 1971 durer14
Issued by Austria in 1971 durer60
Issued by Benin in 1971 (as Dahomey)
Issued by Burundi in 1971 durer10
Issued by Dubai in 1971 durer2
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1971
Issued by Germany in 1971 durer6
Issued by Romania in 1971 durer18
Issued by Rwanda in 1971 durer54
Issued by United Arab Emirates in 1971
Issued by West Berlin in 1971 durer20
Issued by Ajman in 1972
Issued by Germany in 1972 durer38
Issued by United Arab Emirates in 1972 durer49
Issued by Germany in 1977 (a banknote) durer22
Issued by Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1978 durer19 (as Zaire)
Issued by Djibouti in 1978 durer63
Issued by Ghana in 1978 durer64
Issued by Hungary in 1978 durer8
Issued by Mongolia in 1978 durer3
Issued by Paraguay in 1978 durer65
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 1978 durer15
Issued by France in 1980 durer16
Issued by Germany in 1980 (a banknote) durer24 (from a Dürer portrait)
Issued by Cook Islands in 1986, engraving of Melancholia melancholia
Issued by Soviet Union in 1987 durer36
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1990 durer57
Issued by Germany in 1990 durer37
Issued by Sweden in 1992 durer35
Issued by Angola in 2000 melancholia2
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2003 durer13
Issued by Germany in 2006 durer7
Issued by Djibouti in 2007, engraving of Melancholia melancholia3
Issued by Germany in 2008 durer39
Issued by Niger in 2016 durer33
Issued by Austria in 2017 durer59

ECKERT, J Prosper    
Issued by Madagascar in 1990 mauchlyeckert1

EDDINGTON, Arthur    
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 1990 eddington_einstein
Issued by Guinea in 2008 eddington3
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2009

EINSTEIN, Albert    
Issued by Israel in 1956 einstein28
Issued by Poland in 1959 einstein35
Issued by USA in 1965 einstein36
Issued by Israel in 1968 (a banknote) einstein29
Issued by Argentina in 1971 einstein18
Issued by Switzerland in 1972 einstein14
Issued by Mali in 1975 einstein9
Issued by Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1979 einstein22 (as Zaire)
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1979 einstein38
Issued by Italy in 1979 einstein24
Issued by Monaco in 1979 einstein25
Issued by Soviet Union in 1979 einstein39
Issued by Togo in 1979 einstein26
Issued by USA in 1979 einstein17
Issued by Uganda in 1987 einstein37
Issued by Gibraltar in 1998 einstein23
Issued by Portugal in 2000 planck_einstein_bohr (with Planck and Bohr)
Issued by Tadjikistan in 2000 einstein21
Issued by Belgium in 2001 einstein19
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 2001 einstein1
Issued by Czech Republic in 2005 einstein2
Issued by Fiji in 2005
Issued by France in 2005 einstein3
Issued by Germany in 2005 einstein4
Issued by Israel in 2005
Issued by Lesotho in 2005 einstein8
Issued by Macedonia in 2005 einstein11
Issued by Mexico in 2005 einstein10
Issued by Spain in 2005 einstein13
Issued by Switzerland in 2005 einstein15
Issued by Tunisia in 2005 einstein16
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008 einstein20
Issued by Grenada in 2011 einstein5
Issued by Jersey in 2016

EÖTVÖS, Lóránd    
Issued by Hungary in 1932 eotvos2
Issued by Hungary in 1948 (100th anniversary of birth) eotvos3
Issued by Hungary in 1959 (Eötvös torsion balance) eotvos4
Issued by Hungary in 1991 eotvos1

ESCALANTE, Jaime    
Issued by Bolivia in 2011 escalante2
Issued by USA in 2016 escalante

ESCHER, Maurits Cornelis Escher    
Issued by Netherlands in 1935 (designed by Escher) escher4
Issued by Netherlands in 1949 (Escher designed these stamps)
Issued by Netherlands in 1998 escher1

Issued by Poland in 1971 euclid2
Issued by Vatican City in 1986, from Raphael's School of Athens vatican1
Issued by Maldives in 1988 euclid1

EULER, Leonhard    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950, on the 250th anniversary of the Berlin Academy of Science euler7
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957, part of a series 'Famous Scientists' euler4
Issued by Soviet Union in 1957, to commemorate his 250th birthday euler1
Issued by Switzerland in 1957, to commemorate his 250th birthday euler2
Issued by Switzerland in 1979 (a banknote) euler5
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1983, on the 200th annniversary of his death euler3 (See THIS NOTE)
Issued by Russia in 2007 (an envelope) euler12
Issued by Switzerland in 2007, on his 300th birthday
euler8 (a pre-release image which has slightly better quality than the stamp itelf)
euler11 (a first day cancel)
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 euler13
Issued by South Korea in 2014 euler15
Issued by Russia in 2020 (a coin) euler19

EUWE, Max    
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1995
Issued by Netherlands in 2002 euwe3
Issued by Central African Republic in 2021
Issued by Guinea in 2021
Issued by Mozambique in 2021 euwe9

FARADAY, Michael    
Issued by Madagascar in 1990 faraday6
Issued by Great Britain in 1991 faraday1
Issued by Great Britain in 1993 (a banknote) faraday5
Issued by Madagascar in 1993 faraday9
Issued by Cuba in 1994 faraday2
Issued by Palau in 2000 faraday4
Issued by Cambodia in 2001 faraday3
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 faraday11
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 faraday7
Issued by Macedonia in 2017 faraday10
Issued by Great Britain in 2021 faraday8

Issued by Croatia in 2021 feller1

FERMAT, Pierre de    
Issued by Czech Republic in 2000 fermat2
Issued by France in 2001, on the 400th anniversary of his birth fermat1

FERMI, Enrico    
Issued by Italy in 1967 celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first nuclear reaction. fermi2
Issued by Tanzania in 1996 fermi8
Issued by Romania in 2000 fermi3
Issued by Cambodia in 2001 fermi5
Issued by Guinea in 2001 fermi4
Issued by Italy in 2001 fermi1
Issued by Monaco in 2001 fermi9
Issued by USA in 2001 fermi6

FESSENDEN, Reginald  
Issued by Canada in 1987 fessenden1
Issued by Granada in 2013 fessenden2

FEYNMAN, Richard    
Issued by USA in 2005 feynman2
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 feynman1
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2009 feynman4
Issued by Czech Republic in 2016 feynman3 (Feynman diagram of double-beta decay)

Issued by Dominica in 1999 fibonacci
Issued by Italy in 2020, on the 850th anniversary of his birth fibonacci3

Issued by Guinea in 2010 flamsteed2

FIELDS, John Charles    
Issued by Guinea in 2008, stamps showing Fields Medal winners:

FOUCAULT, Léon    
Issued by France in 1958 foucault1
Issued by France in 1994 (showing a Foucault pendulum) foucault2

FONTENELLE, Bernard de    
Issued by France in 1966 fontenelle1

FRANCESCA, Piero della    
Issued by San Marino in 1992 francesca1
Issued by Guinea in 2012 francesca2

FRANKLIN, Benjamin    
Issued by USA in 1847 (the first stamps issued by the USA)
Issued by USA in 1855 franklin_benjamin1
Issued by USA in 1890 franklin_benjamin3
Issued by USA in 1902 franklin_benjamin2
Issued by USA in 1914 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin12
Issued by USA in 1934 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin13
Issued by USA in 1955 franklin_benjamin4
Issued by Bulgaria in 1956 franklin_benjamin5
Issued by France in 1956 franklin_benjamin6
Issued by USA in 1956 franklin_benjamin8
Issued by Liberia in 1976 franklin_benjamin7
Issued by USA in 2006 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin14
Issued by USA in 2006
Issued by USA in 2009 (a banknote) franklin_benjamin11

FRAUNHOFER, Joseph von   
Issued by Germany in 2012 fraunhofer1

FRESNEL, Augustin    
Issued by France in 2019 fresnel

GALILEI, Galileo    
Issued by Italy in 1933 galileo12
Issued by Italy in 1942
Issued by Italy in 1945 galileo13
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1964 galileo24
Issued by Hungary in 1964 galileo20
Issued by Italy in 1964
Issued by Romania in 1964 galileo14
Issued by Soviet Union in 1964 galileo25
Issued by Panama in 1965 galileo31
Issued by Paraguay in 1965 galileo3
Issued by Ecuador in 1966 galileo9
Issued by Yemen in 1969 galileo19
Issued by Niger in 1970 galileo33
Issued by Ajman in 1971 galileo23
Issued by Ascension in 1971 galileo11
Issued by Mexico in 1971 galileo54
Issued by Sharjah in 1972 galileo52
Issued by Italy in 1976 (a banknote) galileo10
Issued by Comoros in 1979 galileo17
Issued by San Marino in 1982 galileo36
Issued by Italy in 1983 galileo7
Issued by Djibouti in 1984 galileo34
Issued by Central African Republic in 1985 galileo16
Issued by Comoros in 1988 galileo18
Issued by Grenada in 1991 galileo57
Issued by Grenada in 1999 galileo42
Issued by Guinea in 2000 galileo45
Issued by Ireland in 2000 galileo8
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2006 galileo44
Issued by Argentina in 2009 galileo58
Issued by Gibraltar in 2009 galileo61
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 galileo55
Issued by Indonesia in 2009 galileo51
Issued by Lithuania in 2009 galileo62
Issued by Luxembourg in 2009 galileo60
Issued by Netherland Antilles in 2009 galileo41
Issued by Ukraine in 2009 galileo35
Issued by Uruguay in 2009 galileo37
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2010 galileo43
Issued by Grenada in 2011 galileo46
Issued by Bolivia in 2014 galileo50
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovia in 2014 galileo39
Issued by Cyprus in 2014 galileo21
Issued by Guinea in 2014
Issued by Macedonia in 2014 galileo30
Issued by Maldives in 2014
Issued by Mongola in 2014 galileo38
Issued by Montserrat in 2014 galileo32
Issued by Nicaragua in 2014 galileo40
Issued by San Marino in 2014 galileo48

GALOIS, Evariste    
Issued by France in 1984 galois

GARAVITO, Julio    
Issued by Colombia in 1949 garavito2
Issued by Colombia in 1996
garavito1 (a banknote)
garavito1a (the reverse showing the lunar crater named after him)
Issued by Colombia in 2020
garavito4 (First day cover)

GAUSS, Carl Friedrich    
Issued by Germany in 1955, to commemorate the centenary of his death gauss1
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1977 gauss3 (constuctibity of the 17-gon)
Issued by Germany in 1977, to commemorate his 200th birthday gauss2 (the Gaussian integers)
Issued by Germany in 1977 (a coin) gauss13
Issued by Germany in 1991(a banknote)
gauss12 (The reverse, showing Gauss's triangulation work)
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994 as part of a series depicting astronomers gauss7
Issued by Guinea in 2010 gauss8
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 gauss10

GAY-LUSSAC, Joseph   
Issued by France in 1951 gaylussac1

GERBERT of Aurillac    
Issued by France in 1964 gerbert1

GERMAIN, Sophie    
Issued by France in 2016 germain

GERSTNER, František    
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1957, one of a set published for the 250th anniversary of the Prague Engineering School gerstner1
Issued by Czech Republic in 2006 gerstner2

GHETALDI, Marino    
Issued by Croatia in 2018 ghetaldi

GIBBS, Josiah Willard    
Issued by USA in 2005 gibbs1

GÖDEL, Kurt    
Issued by Portugal in 2000 kolmogorov_godel_poincare

GRIMALDI, Francesco    
Issued by Monaco in 2009 grimaldi1

GUERICKE, Otto von   
Issued by Germany in 1936 guericke4
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1977 guericke2
Issued by Germany in 2002 guericke1

Issued by China in 1962
Issued by Denmark in 2012 guo4
Issued by Hong Kong China in 2015 guo

HADAMARD, Jacques    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 hadamard

HALLERSTEIN, Ferdinand    
Issued by Slovenia in 2003 hallerstein1

HALLEY, Edmund    
Issued by St Helena in 1977
Issued by Antigua and Barbuda in 1985
Issued by British Antarctic Territory in 1985
Issued by Central African Republic in 1985 (with Newton) halley24
Issued by Dominica in 1985 halley10
Issued by Grenada in 1985 halley11
Issued by Guinea in 1985
Issued by Lesotho in 1985
Issued by Montserrat in 1985
Issued by Nicaragua in 1985
Issued by Uganda in 1985
Issued by Vietnam in 1985 halley54
Issued by Bhutan in 1986
Issued by Guinea in 1986
Issued by Laos in 1986 halley26
Issued by Mauritius in 1986 halley27
Issued by Romania in 1986 halley31
Issued by Seychelles in 1986 halley32
Issued by Sri Lanka in 1986 halley33
Issued by St Helena in 1986 halley28
Issued by St Vincent in 1986 halley34
Issued by Togo in 1986 (with Newton) halley30
Issued by Vanuatu in 1986 halley35
Issued by Comoros in 1988 halley55
Issued by Mexico in 1988 halley36
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994 halley37
Issued by Nevis in 2000 halley38
Issued by Monaco in 2005 halley39
Issued by Ascension in 2006 halley42
Issued by Nauru in 2006 halley43
Issued by Solomon Islands in 2006 halley41
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2008 halley44
Issued by Guinea in 2010

HAMILTON, William Rowan    
Issued by Ireland in 1943, to commemorate the centenary of the discovery of quaternions
Issued by Ireland in 1983 quaternions (the multiplication of quaternions)
Issued by Ireland in 2005, to commemorate the World Year of Physics and his 200th birthday hamilton3

HARET, Spiru    
Issued by Romania in 1976, on the 125th anniversary of his birth haret
Issued by Romania in 2018 haret2

HARRIOT, Thomas    
Issued by Guinea in 2009 harriot

Issued by Ascension in 1971 harrison6 (See THIS NOTE)
Issued by Ascension in 1979 harrison4
Issued by Great Britain in 1990
Issued by Great Britain in 1993 harrison5

HAWKING, Stephen    
Issued by Zambia in 1974 hawking3
Issued by Palau in 2000 hawking1
Issued by Isle of Man in 2016 hawking4
Issued by Chad in 2017 hawking8
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2017 hawking7
Issued by Djibouti in 2022
Issued by Guinea in 2022

HEISENBERG, Werner    
Issued by Uruguay in 1977 heisenberg3
Issued by Sweden in 1982 heisenberg6
Issued by Nevis in 1995 heisenberg5
Issued by Nicaragua in 1996 heisenberg8
Issued by Micronesia in 2000 heisenberg4
Issued by Germany in 2001 heisenberg1
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 heisenberg2
Issued by Guinea in 2012 heisenberg9

HELMHOLTZ, Hermann von    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 helmholtz3
Issued by West Berlin in 1971, on the 150th birth anniversary helmholtz2
Issued by Germany in 1994 helmholt

HERON of Alexandria    
Issued by Greece in 2006
heron1 (automatic temple gates)
heron2 (a hodometer)

HERSCHEL, Caroline    
Issued by Redonda in 1985 herschel_c2
Issued by Guyana in 1991 herschel_c1

HERSCHEL, John    
Issued by Great Britain in 1970 (W Herschel, Baily, J Herschel) herschel7

HERSCHEL, William    
Issued by Comoros in 1979 herschel_william1
Issued by Gabon in 1981 herschel_william6
Issued by Mali in 1981 herschel_william7
Issued by Paraguay in 1984 herschel_william14
Issued by Nicaragua in 1985 (telescope) herschel_william14
Issued by Ivory Coast in 1986 herschel_william12
Issued by Central African Republic in 1987 herschel_william16
Issued by Grenada in 1991 herschel_william3
Issued by Sierra Leone in 1991 herschel_william9
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994 herschel_william5
Issued by Guinea in 1998 herschel_william8
Issued by Guinea in 2000 (telescope) herschel_william15
Issued by Nevis in 2000 herschel_william2
Issued by Guinea in 2008 herschel_william13

HERTZ, Gustav    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1977 hertz_gustav3
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1987 hertz_gustav2
Issued by Grenada in 1995 hertz_gustav5
Issued by St Vincent in 1995 hertz_gustav4

HERTZ, Heinrich    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957 hertz_heinrich5
Issued by Germany in 1957 hertz_heinrich1
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1959 hertz_heinrich7
Issued by Mexico in 1967 hertz_heinrich4
Issued by Guinea in 1983 hertz_heinrich3
Issued by San Marino in 1992 hertz_heinrich2
Issued by Germany in 1994 hertz_heinrich6
Issued by Germany in 2013 hertz_heinrich8
Issued by Grenada in 2013 hertz_heinrich12

HEVELIUS, Johannes    
Issued by Danzig in 1923 (a banknote) hevelius5
Issued by Anguilla in 1986 hevelius4
Issued by Poland in 1987
Issued by Poland in 2011 hevelius3

HILBERT, David    
Issued by Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2001 hilbert1
Issued by Macau China in 2005 fractal6

Issued by Greece in 1965 hipparchus1

HOLLERITH, Herman    
Issued by Romania in 2004, a postcard

HOOKE, Robert    
Issued by Grenada in 2000 hooke1

HRONEC, Jur    
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1963, for the centenary of the Czech Mathematics and Physics Union. hronec2
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1981, part of an eight-stamp series 'Famous Persons' hronec
Issued by Slovakia in 2000 hronec_schwarz_stefan

HUA Loo-Keng    
Issued by China in 1988 hua

HUBBLE, Edwin    
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994 hubble2
Issued by Palau in 1998 hubble5
Issued by St Vincent in 2000 hubble1
Issued by Guinea in 2008 hubble12
Issued by USA in 2008 hubble4
Issued by Guinea in 2010
Issued by Guinea in 2015 hubble6
Issued by Guinea in 2020 hubble6
Issued by Djibouti in 2023

HUYGENS, Christiaan    
Issued by Netherlands in 1928 huygens1
Issued by Netherlands in 1955 (a banknote) huygens13
Issued by Netherlands in 1962, showing Huygen's pendulum clock clock
Issued by Comoros in 1975 huygens3
Issued by Netherlands in 1987 huygens14
Issued by Netherlands in 1988 huygens15
Issued by Grenada in 2000 huygens2
Issued by Guinea in 2007
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2008 huygens7
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 huygens8
Issued by Netherlands in 2015 huygens18

Issued by Romania in 1995 ionescu

JANISZEWSKI, Zygmunt    
Issued by Poland in 1982, part of a series to celebrate the International Congress in Warsaw janisz

JUAN, Jorge    
Issued by Spain in 1974 juan1
Issued by Sovereign Military Order of Malta in 2023 juan2

JUNGIUS, Joachim    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1957 jungius

KARAMATA, Jovan    
Issued by Yugoslavia in 2002, on the hundredth anniversary of his birth karamata

KARMAN, Theodore von    
Issued by Central African Republic in 1985 karman9
Issued by Hungary in 1992 karman1
Issued by USA in 1992 karman3
Issued by Micronesia in 1993 karman2
Issued by Central African Republic in 1994 karman7
Issued by Chad in 1997 karman8
Issued by Mali in 1999 karman6

KELDYSH, Mstislav Vsevolodovich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1980 keldysh3
Issued by Soviet Union in 1981, on his 70th birthday keldysh
Issued by Russia in 2011 keldysh4
Issued by Soviet Union (an air-letter) keldysh5

KEPLER, Johannes    
Issued by Austria in 1953 kepler04
Issued by Ecuador in 1966 kepler07
Issued by Yemen in 1969
Issued by Ajman in 1971
Issued by Benin in 1971 (as Dahomey)
Issued by Fujeira in 1971
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1971 kepler03
Issued by Germany in 1971 kepler33
Issued by Mexico in 1971 kepler01
Issued by Romania in 1971 kepler05
Issued by Benin in 1975 (overwritten Dahomey stamps)
Issued by Comoros in 1975 kepler58
Issued by Benin in 1980
Issued by Burundi in 1980 kepler38
Issued by Comoros in 1980 kepler30
Issued by Cook Islands in 1980 kepler10
Issued by Hungary in 1980 kepler12
Issued by Mali in 1980
Issued by Mongolia in 1980 kepler13
Issued by North Korea in 1980 kepler35
Issued by Romania in 1983 kepler34
Issued by Sierra Leone in 1985 kepler40
Issued by Comoros in 1988
Issued by Grenada in 1991 kepler28
Issued by Sierra Leone in 1991 kepler32
Issued by Guinea in 1994 kepler29
Issued by Paraguay in 1994 kepler37
Issued by North Korea in 1999 kepler31
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2000 kepler27
Issued by Mozambique in 2001 kepler36
Issued by Guinea in 2008
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008 kepler42
Issued by Chad in 2009 kepler46
Issued by Czech Republic in 2009 kepler41
Issued by Germany in 2009 kepler43
Issued by Mozambique in 2009
Issued by Guinea in 2010 kepler49
Issued by Ivory Coast in 2012
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 kepler53

KIRCHHOFF, Gustav    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1974, on the 150th birth anniversary kirchhoff2
Issued by West Berlin in 1974, on the 150th birth anniversary kirchhoff1

KOLMOGOROV, Andrey    
Issued by Portugal in 2010 kolmogorov_godel_poincare

KOSAMBI, Damodar Dharmananda    
Issued by India in 2008 kosambi

Issued by Soviet Union in 1951, part of a series to honour famous Russian scientists kovalev1
Issued by Russia in 1996 kovalev2
Issued by Russia in 2020 (a coin) kovalevskaya4
Issued by Soviet Union (an air-letter) kovalev3

KRYLOV, Aleksei N    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956, on the 10th anniversary of his death krylov1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1963, one of a series of stamps honouring members of the Russian Academy of Science krylov2

LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie    
Issued by France in 1986 mission5
Issued by Ecuador in 1993 (with Pedro Maldonado)

LAGRANGE, Joseph-Louis    
Issued by France in 1958, part of a series 'French scientists' lagrange

LANDAU, Lev    
Issued by St Vincent in 1991 landau_lev6
Issued by Uganda in 1995 landau_lev10
Issued by Israel in 1998 landau_lev8
Issued by Azerbaijan in 2008 landau_lev1
Issued by Gabon in 2008 landau_lev2
Issued by Guinea in 2008 landau_lev3
Issued by Russia in 2008 landau_lev7
Issued by Ukraine in 2010 landau_lev4
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 2018 landau_lev9
Issued by St Vincent landau_lev5

LAPLACE, Pierre Simon    
Issued by France in 1955, part of a series Famous Frenchmen, issued to benefit the Red Cross laplace
Issued by Mozambique in 2001 laplace2
Issued by Guinea in 2008 laplace3
Issued by Guinea in 2010 laplace4

LASKER, Emanuel    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1968 lasker3
Issued by Cuba in 1976 lasker4
Issued by Cambodia in 1986 lasker2
Issued by Mongolia in 1986 lasker6
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 1988 lasker5
Issued by Laos in 1988 lasker10
Issued by Cambodia in 1994 lasker9
Issued by Vietnam in 1994 lasker11
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1995, as part of a series honouring world chess champions lasker13
Issued by Benin in 1999 lasker8
Issued by Tadjikistan in 2000 lasker1
Issued by Myanmar in 2001 lasker7
Issued by Equatorial Guinea in 2005 lasker12

LATYSHEVA, Klavdiya  
Issued by Ukraine in 1981 latysheva1

LAVRENTEV, Mikhail Alekseevich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1981 lavrentev

LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm    
Issued by Germany in 1926, part of a series of famous Germans leibniz3
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 leibniz8
Issued by Germany in 1966, on the 250th anniversary of his death leibniz1
Issued by Romania in 1966, part of the culture series 'Famous Men 1966' leibniz4
Issued by Germany in 1980, part of the Europa series leibniz2
Issued by St Vincent in 1991 leibniz10
Issued by Albania in 1996 leibniz7
Issued by Germany in 1996, on the 350th anniversary of his birth leibniz5
Issued by Romania in 2004
leibniz12 (a postcard)

LEMÂITRE, Georges    
Issued by Belgium in 1994 lemaitre

LEONARDO da Vinci    
Issued by Italy in 1938
Issued by France in 1952 leonardo19
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1952 leonardo17
Issued by Hungary in 1952 leonardo24
Issued by Italy in 1952
Issued by Poland in 1952 leonardo40
Issued by Romania in 1952 leonardo42
Issued by Italy in 1967 (a banknote) leonardo54
Issued by Albania in 1969 leonardo5
Issued by Monaco in 1969 leonardo36
Issued by Cuba in 1970 leonardo13
Issued by Niger in 1970 leonardo39
Issued by Ajman in 1971 leonardo53
Issued by Mexico in 1977 leonardo34
Issued by Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1978 leonardo52 (as Zaire)
Issued by Japan in 1979 leonardo30
Issued by Cyprus in 1981
Issued by San Marino in 1983 leonardo45
Issued by Spain in 1984 leonardo51
Issued by Luxembourg in 1986 leonardo31
Issued by Italy in 1992 (with Columbus) leonardo12
Issued by Cuba in 1996 leonardo14
Issued by Poland in 1999 leonardo41
Issued by Bulgaria in 2001 leonardo11
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2002 leonardo6
Issued by Macedonia in 2002 leonardo32
Issued by Moldova in 2002 leonardo35
Issued by Monaco in 2002 leonardo37
Issued by Romania in 2002 leonardo43
Issued by Somalia in 2003
Issued by Russia in 2005 leonardo44
Issued by San Marino in 2006 leonardo46
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2007
Issued by Chad in 2009 leonardo4
Issued by Mongolia in 2014 leonardo38
Issued by Great Britain in 2019 (Leonardo prints from the Royal collection)

LE VERRIER, Urbain    
Issued by France in 1946 (a banknote)
leverrier5 (The reverse, showing Neptune)
Issued by France in 1958 leverrier
Issued by Comoros in 1975 leverrier2
Issued by Mozambique in 2001 leverrier3

Issued by Micronesia in 1999 and showing his method of approximating π liu_hui2
Issued by China in 2002 liu_hui

LLULL, Ramon    
Issued by Spain in 1963 llull
Issued by Andorra in 1987 (Doctrina pueril de nativitat) llull3
Issued by Spain in 2016 llull2

LOBACHEVSKY, Nicolai Ivanovitch    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1951, part of a series to honour famous Russian scientists lobach1
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956, on the 100th anniversary of his death lobach2
Issued by Russia in 1992, on the 200th anniversary of his birth lobachevsky3 (a one rouble coin)
Issued by Russia in 2017 (a postcard) lobachevsky4

LOMONOSOV, Michael   
Issued by Soviet Union in 1925
Issued by Soviet Union in 1945 lomonosov16
Issued by Romania in 1947 lomonsov8
Issued by Soviet Union in 1947
Issued by Soviet Union in 1956 lomonosov17
Issued by Romania in 1961 lomonosov15
Issued by Soviet Union in 1961 lomonosov12
Issued by Soviet Union in 1986 lomonosov11
Issued by Cuba in 1996 lomonsov10
Issued by Guinea in 2011
Issued by Russia in 2011 lomonosov14
Issued by Togo in 2011 lomonosov29
Issued by Vietnam in 2011 lomonosov18
Issued by Central African Republic in 2021 lomonsov9
Issued by Djibouti in 2021
Issued by Guinea in 2021 lomonosov19
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2021

LORENTZ, Hendrik    
Issued by Netherlands in 1928 lorenz1
Issued by Grenada in 2002 (Carriacou and Petite Martinique) lorenz_hendrik4
Issued by Guinea in 2002 lorentz_hendrik3
Issued by Tuvalu in 2005 lorentz_einstein
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 lorenz4

LORENZ, Edward    
Issued by Guinea in 2008

Issued by France in 2022 lovelace1

LOZANO, Francisco   
Issued by Peru in 2007 lozano1

LUZIN, Nikolai Nikolaevich    
Issued by Russia in 2000 luzin

LYAPUNOV, Aleksandr Mikhailovich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1957, on the 100th anniversary of his birth lyapunov
Issued by Ukraine in 2010 lyapunov2

Issued by Serbia in 2018 maric_einstein1

MAUCHLY, John    
Issued by Madagascar in 1990 mauchlyeckert1

MAUPERTUIS, Pierre    
Issued by Finland in 1986 mission6
Issued by France in 1986 mission5

MAXWELL, James Clerk    
Issued by Mexico in 1967 maxwell1
Issued by Nicaragua in 1971 (Maxwell's equations) formula1
Issued by San Marino in 1991 maxwell3
Issued by Maldives in 2015 maxwell4

MAZUR, Stanislaw    
Issued by Poland in 1989 mazur1

MENDEL, Gregor   
Issued by Danzig in 1939 mendel8
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1965 mendel9
Issued by Transkei in 1983 mendel7
Issued by Austria in 1984 mendel4
Issued by Germany in 1984 mendel5
Issued by Vatican City in 1984
Issued by Brazil in 1988 mendel3
Issued by Czech Republic in 2012 mendel11
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 mendel1
Issued by Germany in 2022 mendel10

MERCATOR, Gerardus    
Issued by Belgium in 1942 mercator1
Issued by Belgium in 1962 mercator2
Issued by Cyprus in 1969 (a map) mercator3
Issued by Belgium in 1973 (a banknote)
mercator11 (The reverse, showing Atlas with the globe)
Issued by Belgium in 1994 mercator4
Issued by Romania in 2004 (with Hondius) mercator5
Issued by Belgium in 2012 (with Hondius)
Issued by Germany in 2012 mercator8
Issued by Netherlands in 2020 mercator9

MOALLA, Fatma    
Issued by Tunisia in 2023 moalla1

MOISIL, Grigore    
Issued by Romania in 2005 moisil

MONGE, Gaspard    
Issued by France in 1953 monge2
Issued by San Marino in 1982, depicting Napoleon but the smaller image is supposed to be Monge monge3
Issued by France in 1990, on the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution

MUMFORD, David    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 mumford

MUTIS, José    
Issued by Colombia in 1947 mutis4
Issued by Colombia in 1984 (a banknote) mutis2
Issued by Spain in 1992 (a banknote) mutis1
Issued by Spain in 1993 mutis3

NAPIER, John    
Issued by Nicaragua in 1971 napier1

NEWTON, Isaac    
Issued by France in 1957, part of a series 'Famous Persons' newton2
Issued by Poland in 1959, part of a series to honour famous scientists newton5
Issued by Paraguay in 1965
Issued by Yemen in 1969
Issued by Niger in 1970 newton41
Issued by Ajman in 1971 newton40
Issued by Ascension in 1971 newton27
Issued by Dubai in 1971 newton3
Issued by Benin in 1977, on the 250th anniversary of his death newton39
Issued by Hungary in 1977 newton96
Issued by Mali in 1977 newton30
Issued by Mongolia in 1977 newton45
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 1977 newton29
Issued by Great Britain in 1978 (a banknote) newton91 (See THIS NOTE)
Issued by San Marino in 1982 newton14
Issued by Chad in 1983 newton46
Issued by Laos in 1984 newton47
Issued by Central African Republic in 1985 newton35
Issued by Vietnam in 1985 newton6
Issued by Guinea in 1986 newton36
Issued by Togo in 1986 newton38
Issued by Ghana in 1987 newton52
Issued by Great Britain in 1987
Issued by Grenada in 1987, as one of four stamps honouring scientists newton34
Issued by Lesotho in 1987 newton44
Issued by Monaco in 1987 newton97
Issued by Redonda in 1987 newton55
Issued by Soviet Union in 1987, part of a series 'Important Persons' (A translation of the text attached to the stamp is: 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, the greatest work of I. Newton. For the first time a unified system of terrestrial and celestial mechanics was constructed, which became a basis of classical physics.')
Issued by Uganda in 1987 newton48
Issued by Maldives in 1988 newton12
Issued by Bulgaria in 1993 newton13
Issued by Germany in 1993, on his 350th birthday newton1
Issued by North Korea in 1993
Issued by Guinea in 1994 newton50
Issued by Nicaragua in 1994, as part of a series depicting astronomers newton25
Issued by Uruguay in 1996 newton33
Issued by Hungary in 1997, on the 250th anniversary of his death newton11
Issued by St Vincent in 1999 newton42
Issued by Burundi in 2000 newton26
Issued by Grenada in 2000
Issued by Nevis in 2000 newton32
Issued by Republic of the Congo in 2000 newton28
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2000 newton17
Issued by Mongolia in 2001 newton51
Issued by Mozambique in 2001 newton49
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2008 newton60
Issued by Comoros in 2009 newton62
Issued by Gibraltar in 2009 newton57
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009
Issued by Great Britain in 2010 newton65
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2010 newton67
Issued by Tristan da Cunha in 2010 newton66
Issued by Gabon in 2011 newton68
Issued by Grenada in 2011 newton69
Issued by Togo in 2011
Issued by Ivory Coast in 2012
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 newton80
Issued by Mozambique in 2012
Issued by Ivory Coast in 2013
Issued by Gabon in 2014 newton88
Issued by Mongolia in 2014 newton89
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018
Issued by France in 2022(Referencing the 1957 stamp)

NIGHTINGALE, Florence    
Issued by Belgium in 1939 nightingale25
Issued by Costa Rica in 1949 nightingale24
Issued by Turkey in 1954 nightingale27
Issued by Australia in 1955 nightingale12
Issued by Germany in 1955 nightingale31
Issued by Dominica in 1968 nightingale8
Issued by Surinam in 1973 nightingale20
Issued by Seychelles in 1975 nightingale13
Issued by Great Britain in 1978 (a banknote) nightingale3
Issued by Antigua and Barbuda in 1981 nightingale16
Issued by Dominica in 1982 nightingale30
Issued by British Virgin Islands in 1983 nightingale1
Issued by Transkei in 1983 nightingale2
Issued by Hungary in 1989 nightingal10
Issued by Niger in 1998 nightingale5
Issued by Uganda in 2000 nightingale26
Issued by Alderney in 2010 nightingale29
Issued by Liberia in 2010 nightingale17
Issued by Jersey in 2011 nightingale9
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020 nightingale15
Issued by Cyprus in 2020 nightingale28
Issued by Gibraltar in 2020 nightingale22
Issued by Macedonia in 2020 nightingale21
Issued by Moldova in 2020 nightingale14
Issued by Portugal in 2020 nightingale19
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2020 nightingale11
Issued by United Nations Organisation in 2020 nightingale23
Issued by Uruguay in 2020 nightingale18
Issued by Italy in 2021 nightingale6
Issued by Spain in 2023 nightingale7

NUNES, Pedro    
Issued by Portugal in 1957 (a banknote) nunes7
Issued by Portugal in 1978
nunes (showing 'Nonio' navigational instrument and diagram from Tratado da Rumaçao do Globo)
Issued by Portugal in 2002, on the 500th anniversary of his birth
nunes3 (the commemorative sheet)
Issued by Portugal in 2018

Issued by Bulgaria in 2021 obreshkov1

OHM, Georg    
Issued by Germany in 1994 ohm1
Issued by Ivory Coast in 2016

OKOUNKOV, Andrei    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 okounkov

Issued by Dubai in 1967 omar5
Issued by Dubai in 1976
Issued by Albania in 1996
Issued by Micronesia in 1999 omar7
Issued by Guyana in 2000 omar6
Issued by Iran in 2018 omar9
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2022 omar11
Issued by Krygyzstan in 2023 omar10
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2023 omar11

ONICESCU, Octav    
Issued by Romania in 1992 onicescu

ORTELIUS, Abraham   
Issued by Belgium in 1942 ortelius1
Issued by Netherlands in 2020 ortelius2

Issued by Soviet Union in 1951 ostrogradski1

PACIOLI, Fra Luca    
Issued by Sri Lanka in 1984 pacioli2a
Issued by Italy in 1994 pacioli1 (See THIS NOTE)

Issued by India in 2004 panini

PAPIN, Denis    
Issued by France in 1962 papin1
Issued by France in 2023 papin2

PASCAL, Blaise    
Issued by France in 1944, part of a series honouring famous French persons pascal2
Issued by France in 1962, on the 300th anniversary of his death pascal
Issued by Monaco in 1973, on the 350th anniversary of his birth pascal3
Issued by France in 1990 (a banknote)
pascal10 (showing the Tour St Jacques)
pascal11 (showing the Abbey of Port Royale)
Issued by Central African Republic in 2000 pascal4 (Pascal is not named on the stamp but it appears to be him)
Issued by Cambodia in 2001 pascal5
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2008 pascal6
Issued by Guinea in 2009
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 pascal14
Issued by Czech Republic in 2023 pascal13
Issued by France in 2023 pascal12
Issued by Macedonia in 2023 pascal17
Issued by Monaco in 2023 pascal16
Issued by Portugal in 2023 pascal15

PAULI, Wolfgang    
Issued by Austria in 1983 pauli1
Issued by Grenada in 1995 pauli3
Issued by Guinea in 2006 pauli2

PENROSE, Roger    
Issued by Guinea in 2010 penrose
Issued by Djibouti in 2020 penrose2

PETROVIC, Mihailo    
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1993, on the 50th anniversary of his death petrovic
Issued by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018 petrovic2
Issued by Serbia in 2018 petrovic3

PETROVSKY, Ivan Georgievich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1973, one of a series of four stamps honouring scientists and academicians petrovsky

PIAZZI, Guiseppe    
Issued by Guinea in 2010 piazzi

PLANCK, Max    
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1950 planck15
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1958 planck13
Issued by German Democratic Republic in 1958 planck18
Issued by West Berlin in 1963 planck4
Issued by Uruguay in 1977 planck9
Issued by Ivory Coast in 1978 planck11
Issued by Sweden in 1978 planck8
Issued by Cuba in 1994 planck7
Issued by Ghana in 1995 planck6
Issued by Germany in 1998 planck19
Issued by Gambia in 2000 planck10
Issued by Portugal in 2000 planck_einstein_bohr (with Einstein and Bohr)
Issued by Costa Rica in 2005 planck12
Issued by Gabon in 2008 planck1
Issued by Germany in 2008 planck2
Issued by Germany in 2008 planck16
Issued by Comoros in 2009 planck5
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 planck3
Issued by Maldives in 2018 planck14
Issued by Maldives in 2018 planck17

PLATEAU, Joseph    
Issued by Belgium in 1947 plateau1

Issued by Greece in 1998 plato3
Issued by Spain in 2010 plato2
Issued by Greece in 2013 plato (One stamp has the phrase "Let no one untrained in geometry enter", said to have been written above the entrance to Plato's Academy.)
Issued by Greece in 2016 aristotle13 (with Aristotle)

POINCARÉ, Henri    
Issued by France in 1952, as part of a series honouring famous French persons of the second half of the 19th century poincare
Issued by Portugal in 2000 (with Gödel and Kolmogorov) kolmogorov_godel_poincare

PTOLEMY, Claudius    
Issued by Yemen in 1969 ptolemy2
Issued by Burundi in 1973 ptolemy

Issued by Greece in 1955, to commemorate Pythagoras's Congress and the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the first school of philosophy by Pythagoras
Issued by Nicaragua in 1971 formula5
Issued by Suriname in 1972 theorem2
Issued by San Marino in 1982 pythag3
Issued by Switzerland in 1983 pythagoras9
Issued by Japan in 1984 pythagoras7
Issued by Sierra Leone in 1984 pythagoras8
Issued by Vatican City in 1986, from Raphael's School of Athens vatican2
Issued by Macedonia in 1998, to commemorate the 2500th anniversary of the death of Pythagoras pythagoras6
Issued by Philippines in 2001 pythagoras10
Issued by South Korea in 2014 theorem3

QUETELET, Adolphe    
Issued by Belgium in 1974, on the centenary of his death quetelet
Issued by Belgium in 2017 (BMI) quetelet2

QUSHJI Ala al-Din Ali ibn Muhammed, known as Ali Qushji, Latin: Ali Kushgii   
Issued by Turkey in 2009 qushji

RAMANUJAN, Srinivasa    
Issued by India in 2010, on the 100th anniversary of his birth
Issued by India in 2011 ramanujan2
Issued by India in 2016 ramanujan4

RAYLEIGH (Lord) also known as John Strutt   
Issued by Sweden in 1964 rayleigh3
Issued by Grenada in 1995 rayleigh2
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 rayleigh1

Issued by Hungary in 2017 regiomontanus1

REJEWSKI, Marian    
Issued by Poland in 2009 rozycki_rejewski_zygalski

REY Pastor, Julio    
Issued by Spain in 2000 rey_pastor1

RIBEIRO, Maria Pilar    
Issued by Portugal in 2011 ribeiro

RICCI, Matteo    
Issued by Taiwan in 1983 ricci6
Issued by Italy in 2002 ricci3
Issued by Macau China in 2006
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2010
Issued by Sovereign Military Order of Malta in 2010 ricci9
Issued by Vatican City in 2010

RIESE, Adam    
Issued by Germany in 1959, on the 400th death anniversary riese
Issued by Germany in 1992, on the 500th birth anniversary riese2

RIEMANN, Bernhard    
Issued by Romania in 1966 (a postcard) riemann1

ROBERVAL, Gilles de   
Issued by France in 2017 roberval1 (showing Roberval's balance)

RØMER, Ole  
Issued by Denmark in 1944 romer1

ROZYCKI, Jerzy    
Issued by Poland in 2009 rozycki_rejewski_zygalski

RUFFINI, Paolo    
Issued by Italy in 2022 ruffini1

RUSSELL, Bertrand    
Issued by Grenada in 1971 russell6
Issued by India in 1972, on his birth centennial russell1
Issued by Comoros in 1977, showing Russell among other winners of the Nobel prize for literature russell4
Issued by Upper Volta in 1977 russell5
Issued by St Lucia in 1982 russell7
Issued by Grenada in 1986 russell8
Issued by Palau in 2001 russell2

SCHMIDT, Otto Yulevich    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1966, one of a series of stamps honouring Soviet scientists schmidt
Issued by Soviet Union in 1980 schmidt2
Issued by Russia in 1996 schmidt3
Issued by Belarus in 2001 schmidt_otto4

Issued by Sweden in 1982 schrodinger2
Issued by Austria in 1983 (a banknote) schrodinger4
Issued by Austria in 1987 schrodinger1

SCHWARTZ, Laurent    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 schwartz

SCHWARZ, Stefan    
Issued by Slovakia in 2000 hronec_schwarz_stefan

SECCHI, Angelo  
Issued by Vatican City in 1978
Issued by Vatican City in 2018 secchi1
Issued by Italy in 2018 secchi6

SEGNER, Johann Andreas    
Issued by Hungary in 1974 segner3
Issued by Slovakia in 1994 segner2
Issued by Hungary in 2004 segner1

Issued by Japan in 1992, on the 350th birthday seki

SEVERI, Francesco    
Issued by Italy in 1979, on the 100th birth anniversary severi

SHANNON, Claude Elwood    
Issued by Macedonia in 2016 shannon

SIERPINSKI, Waclaw    
Issued by Poland in 1982, part of a series to celebrate the International Congress in Warsaw sierpin

SIGUENZA, Carlos de    
Issued by Mexico in 1973 siguenza1

SILVA, Sebastião e  
Issued by Portugal in 2004 silva1

SKUHERSKÝ, Rudolf    
Issued by Czechoslovakia in 1957, one of a set published for the 250th anniversary of the Prague Engineering School skuhersky

Issued by Great Britain in 2017 (Royal Bank of Scotland banknote) somerville1

STEFAN, Josef    
Issued by Austria in 1985 stefan_josef1
Issued by Slovenia in 1993 stefan_josef2

STEKLOV, Vladimir Andreevich    
Issued by Ukraine in 2010 steklov
Issued by Russia in 2014 steklov2

STEVIN, Simon    
Issued by Belgium in 1942, to benefit the battle against tuberculosis, part of a series 'Famous Flanders scientists of the 16th century' stevin

SULTANGAZIN, Umirzak    
Issued by Kazakhstan in 2011 sultangazin

TEIXEIRA, Francisco Gomes    
Issued by Portugal in 1951, on the centennial of his birth
Issued by Portugal in 1980 gomes_teixeira3

TERRADAS, Estaban    
Issued by Spain in 1985 terradas1

Issued by Greece in 1994 thales
Issued by Mozambique in 2010 thales2
Issued by Greece in 2017, one of a set of stamps, "Seven Sages of Ancient Greece" thales3

THOMSON, James (Lord Kelvin)   
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 1983 thomson1
Issued by Great Britain in 1996 (Clydesdale Bank banknote) thomson4
Issued by Serbia in 2007 thomson2

TIMOSHENKO, Stephen   
Issued by Ukraine in 1998 timoshenko1

Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 1977 tinbergen2
Issued by Netherlands in 1995 tinbergen1
Issued by Dominica in 2002 tinbergen4

TITEICA, Gheorghe    
Issued by Romania in 1961, part of a series to honour Romanian scientists titeica

TORRICELLI, Evangelista    
Issued by Italy in 1958, to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the birth of Torricelli torric
Issued by Soviet Union in 1959, on the 350th anniversary of his birth torric2
Issued by San Marino in 1983 torric3

TURING, Alan    
Issued by Great Britain in 1999 turing2
Issued by Portugal in 2000 turing_von_neumann
Issued by St Vincent in 2000 turing1
Issued by St Helena in 2005 turing4
Issued by Tatarstan in 2006 turing3
Issued by Guinea in 2008
Issued by Great Britain in 2012 turing7
Issued by Great Britain in 2020 (a banknote) turing8

Issued by Turkey in 1983 ulugh5
Issued by Soviet Union in 1987, part of a series 'Important Persons' ulugh
Issued by Uzbekistan in 1994, on the 600th anniversary of his birth
Issued by Uzbekistan in 2009 ulugh6

VEGA, Jurij    
Issued by Yugoslavia in 1954 vega3
Issued by Slovenia in 1992 (a banknote) vega1
Issued by Slovenia in 1994 vega
Issued by Slovenia in 2001, commemorating the centennial of the first Slovene technical high school, now known as Jurij Vega Grammar School in Idrija vega5
Issued by Slovenia in 2004 (a coin) vega6
Issued by Slovenia in 2005 vega4
Issued by Serbia in 2024 vega7

VERBIEST, Ferdinand    
Issued by Belgium in 1988 verbiest1
Issued by China in 1989 verbiest2

VIDAV, Ivan    
Issued by Slovenia in 2018 vidav

Issued by Hungary in 1992 neumann
Issued by Guyana in 1993 von_neumann6
Issued by Portugal in 2000 turing_von_neumann
Issued by Hungary in 2003, on the centennnial of his birth neumann2
Issued by USA in 2005 neumann3
Issued by Tatarstan in 2006 neumann4

WATT, James  
Issued by Albania in 1986 watt1
Issued by Mali in 1986 watt10
Issued by Wallis and Futuna in 1986 watt8
Issued by Grenada in 1987 watt3
Issued by Grenada in 1987 watt9
Issued by Antigua and Barbuda in 1993 watt12
Issued by Cuba in 1996 watt2
Issued by Maldives in 2000 watt4
Issued by Sierra Leone in 2001 watt5
Issued by Sao Tome and Principe in 2008 watt6
Issued by Marshall Islands in 2012 watt7
Issued by Mozambique in 2019 watt11
Issued by Togo in 2019 watt13
Issued by Great Britain in 2021 watt14

WEBER, Wilhelm    
Issued by Germany in 2012, showing the "Göttingen seven" weber1

WEIL, Andrei    
Issued by Guinea in 2008 weil

WIENER, Norbert    
Issued by Israel in 1999, part of a series of stamps to honour the Jewish contribution to world culture in the modern era wiener
Issued by Moldova in 2000 wiener2
Issued by Tatarstan in 2006 wiener3

WIGNER, Eugene    
Issued by Hungary in 1999 wigner1

WITTEN, Edward    
Issued by Guinea in 2010 witten

Issued by Austria in 1989, the hundredth anniversary of his birth wittgenstein
Issued by Portugal in 2000 wittgenstein2
Issued by Belgium in 2001 wittgenstein3
Issued by Austria in 2022 wittgenstein4

WREN, Christopher    
Issued by Great Britain in 1981 (a banknote) wren1
Issued by Great Britain in 2008 St Paul's wren2

Issued by China in 2022 wu_wentsun1

Issued by China in 1994 xiong

XU GUANGQI (Also known as Xu Guang-qi or Hsu Kuang-ch'i)   
Issued by Taiwan in 1964 xuguangqi
Issued by China in 1980 xuguangqi2
Issued by Vatican City in 2009 xu_guangqi4
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2010 xuguangqi3

ZADEH, Lütfi    
Issued by Azerbaijan in 2021 zadeh1

ZAREMBA, Stanislaw    
Issued by Poland in 1982, part of a series to celebrate the International Congress in Warsaw zaremba

ZHANG HENG Also spelled Chang Heng   
Issued by China in 1955 zhang_heng
Issued by Hong Kong China in 2015 zhang_heng4

ZHAUTYKOV, Orymbek    
Issued by Kazakhstan in 2011 zhautykov

ZHUKOVSKY, Nicolai    
Issued by Soviet Union in 1941
Issued by Soviet Union in 1947
Issued by Soviet Union in 1963 zhukovsky1

ZU CHONGZHI Also spelled Tsu Ch'ung-Chih or Hsu Kuang Chi.   
Issued by China in 1955 zu_chongzhi
Issued by Guinea in 2009 zu_chongzhi2
Issued by Hong Kong China in 2015 zu_chongzhi4

ZUSE, Konrad    
Issued by Guinea-Bissau in 2009 zuse3
Issued by Germany in 2010 zuse1

ZYGALSKI, Henryk    
Issued by Poland in 2009 rozycki_rejewski_zygalski

Links to Other Sites

This page was created by Jeff Miller, a recently-retired mathematics teacher at Gulf High School in New Port Richey, Florida. Extra stamps have been added from the collection of Heinz Klaus Strick.

Miller also created these history of mathematics web pages:
Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols
Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics.

Thanks to the following people who assisted with this page:
Toni Baeza, Manfred Börgens, Francis Boulot, Rachel Braun, Hung M Bui, Tim Carr, Krzysztof Ciesielski, Didier Cuidet, John W Dawson, Dieter Egelriede, Eli Eyal, Luis Filipe Faria, Oliver Faulhaber, Rudo Hajossy, Maike Den Houting, Bert Jagers, Vojtech Jankovic, Herbert Jarszick, Alain Juhel, Roland Klinger, Ivan Kosinar, Marcel Lajus, Gunnar Løvås, Roberto Lardelli, Gerald Leibowitz, Jean-Pierre Malmedy, Bernard Meyer, José Pablo Sánchez Mielgo, Markku Männikkö, Maiken Naylor, Joze Nemec, Guy Noel, John O'Connor, Jose Pablo, Arnaud Pascal, John G Peebles, Shannon L Ritter, Craig Smorynski, David Stone, Heinz Klaus Strick, Michael Tanoff, Alexander Tiunchick, Brigitte Vallee, Ioannis Varlamis, Gyorgy Visontay, Magnus Waller, David Wolfersberger and Shuki Zakai.